iris quilt pattern

Winnsboro, TX

I'm sending my prayers your way too D. Praying for your entire family and that your able to get everything done before your Regional meeting and the surgery.

Now I would dearly love to see some photos of your other quilts. They sound wonderful too.

Trina, I want to see a picture of the pattern with the 2 Peacocks with all the flowers. That sounds beautiful too. At least it sounds like another quilt I'd love to have. (grin)

Hang in there you can beat the habit, just put your mind to it.

Post them pictures ladies, I wanna see them!!!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

this is the best I can get of the peacock..sorry I didn't get the others done today with the change in my regular meds and adding the Chantix, I felt a little funny and off all day long

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Winnsboro, TX

Oh my goodness that is pretty. There is no way I could ever do a quilt like that. I may try to do one of those like D's with the irises. It may very well be more than I can do, but I think it would be easier than the Peacocks. It just looks like it's got too much going on for me to do. LOL It is pretty tho'.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

that's a cross stitch pattern Marian, however very easily converted to a postage stamp quilt..I have done that before...with a CS pattern for some pink roses converted it to a postage stamp quilt and made it for my mom

Winnsboro, TX

Dee where did you get your iris quilt pattern? I'm thinking I might want to play with one this winter. LOL It's not like I'll have alot of things to do outside in the gardens when it's cold. I can't remember if I told ya'll or not but if it's under 60 I'm freezing. LOL

I'd probably rather just go buy a finished iris quilt as beautiful as the one on the cover of that pattern. I'm certain that my pocket book couldn't handle the expense however. LOL

Happy Gardening, Marian

Cherryvale, KS

Happy Wed. BIF's!! Hope everyone is holding together! I was talking on a thread earlier today, but I don't see it anymore! It must have been deemed BAD! LOL.I was trying to explain that the s on my computer wouldn't work! Have you ever tried to write a review without any SSSS! I went to the perodontist yesterday and just happened to go into a greenhouse!!! You know, just one of those things that must be done! I now have a new lipstick plant (large) and a small goldfish plant. Love and Kisses from Kansas! pic Artistic Dream!!

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

That was on irises from an ebay auction, Nicky. With everything else that goes on at DG, Jerrys remark isn't quite enough to get the thread pulled. LOL.

Edited to delete an extra o. Maybe my computer and Nickys are related.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2009 11:45 PM

Lebanon, OR

my pattern was a gift, but if you go here you can buy it...

He has quite a few great patterns pieced, appliqued sewn

Good luck

Tonight I am getting the pattern pieces cut out and in envelopes, will get the threads as use only silk thread, and the needles and the needle threaders all together because Cass would never find it as he is a man and only sees what is right within 2" of him


Lebanon, OR

Well to be honest depending on the fabric and I use great fabric this quilt will cost about 400.00 or more in just in materials and quilting.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

They add up quickly don't they dee?

Lebanon, OR

Yes, they add up big time, and what kills me is when people want you to do one for them, they think it is just 100.00 just for the materials and now when people ask I tell them why don't they go and buy all the fabric from the pattern they want and then we will talk...after they see the price, no one wants to pay.

It is not cheap by far, it is something you want to do for yourself, a BF, or a gift for a special person.

I usually now do wall hanging for gifts.

My son, daughter, and both grandkids will get one someday.

More pictures Trina


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I hope you will post a photo of the quilt when you finish. It sounds as if the changes you make will make it even better than the one in the picture. I am totally impressed that you can do hand applique. I think it is beautiful, but am too clumsy with my fingers to do it. I can't get over all that you do!

Lebanon, OR

Thank you Pat, as I get the different sections done I will post pictures


Winnsboro, TX

I've clicked on the above for the quilt and it will not work for me. It's probably some kind of filter my kids have on my computer or something???? They try to protect me from myself destroying my computer. LOL The good Lord up above knows I need all the help I can get when it comes to the computer.

Sticking out bottom lip.

Raleigh, NC

Dee, last time we went to McLean VA (DH's company - he telecommutes from here - is just down the street from Tyson's Corners), I had to kill some time while he worked. so I hiked over to the nearest small shopping area, and blundered into both a very high end yarn store and a consignment type quilt shop. I about dropped my teeth when I saw handmade quilts with $700 price tags, and skeins of yarn for $21 each. but such gorgeous quilts, and incredibly awesome yarns!

had no idea quilts were running this much for materials now, or for purchase already made. then again, nice fabrics cost so much these days it hardly pays to make them anymore, and nice clothes cost so much I like to look at consignment (used) shops. I have not sewn in at least 10 years.

Lebanon, OR

Average price here for nice quilting fabric is 8.00 to 10.00 a yard unless you get on sale for 40% off which is when I buy.

I need to get more greens, as you will always use up green in quilting.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Sorry I haven't gotten mine out to get pics for you Dee...this chantix makes me very that how it gets you to quit....just make you sleep all the time so you're not awake to smoke?

Cherryvale, KS

I took chantix for less than a month, kept forgetting to take it! So I just quit! I didn't want to though! It was part of my routine. I sometimes buy one from a smoker and enjoy, but I don't buy a pack!

Lebanon, OR

I quit 19 years ago because of my first grandchild being born..I did it two ways first my insurance back then paid nothing, and I went to a hypnotis (sp) and with him and me knowing it would only work if I really wanted it to and I did.

Good luck and hang in there.


Spicer, MN

For me it was a mind set! "I am going to quit smoking Jan. 6, 1997!" For 6 months I told me this. LOL (I would have said Jan. 1st but NE football was playing in the Orange Bowl.) I also bought the patches and used them faithfully, and cutting them in half after a couple weeks. I look back and think, 'How did I do that?' Thank God it worked! What saddens me is now realizing what was I doing, putting my children through the 2nd hand smoke.

Believe in yourself! It's important for you and your family to do this!


Princess Caroline...

Thumbnail by husker11
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I can't use the patches cause I'm allergic to the adhesive on them. but on this chantix all I do is sleep and walk around with a constant upset stomach....however I am down to less than a pack a day from 3 packs a day....

Lebanon, OR

Trina, just image how much fabric you can buy with all the money you will be saving from stopping. I look at the price of cigs and I die...'


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

i'm torn between fabric, counted cross stitch and plants...all plants

Raleigh, NC

I'll say it again, maybe God was kind to me after all. Made me allergic to tobacco smoke. [age 4, dead faint, turned blue, when exposed to smokers smoking in a car, confirmed by allergy tests at age 13] living here in a tobacco state in the 70's, I almost couldn't find a job! just going to work made me ill. thought I was cursed.

of all things, both older kids to took up smoking! DD has quit. She hasn't said so, but a non-smoker can always tell by smell who smokes, that smell gets into your clothes, hair, skin and sweat. DS started age 14 and may never quit. he's sick all the time. because of residual smoke, I freeze up whenever I hug or get hugged by him, have to hold my breath.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

My DS started a year ago. With no job, I hope he can quit because he has no money. One can only hope. No one else in the family smokes.

Winnsboro, TX

Ahhh, no job means no money. No money means no funds for cigarettes unless some one in the family is an enabler. Hopefully they will be able to put this addiction behind them. However I have a son and daughter-in-law who are going to have cigarettes before they have food in the house to eat. I use to help them out and now we refuse to be enablers.

I pray for all of you who are trying to kick this awful habit!
Love Marian

Raleigh, NC

when my son was on hard times last year, I'd give him rides, or provide him groceries. made sure he had transport to work or medical treatment, and food to eat. I would not give him$. don't you know he had to cut back to like 4 cigs a day - but he always had a few. no enabler here.

South Hamilton, MA

But Dee, iris always grow from the ground up. Are you going to do fantasy flowers orpatterns of real ones?

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

DS has informed me he's quitting after the last pack he has. A friend owed him one. Hopefully he quits!

South Hamilton, MA

Don't trust all friends, especially those who smoke.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Dee, that is going to be absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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