(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

My list is updated if anyone wants to take a gander.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Have List for trade or postage

French marigold--3 trades
Tall canna apricot-1 trade
Butterfly bush-mixed--2 trades
Crepe Myrtle Tree--pink

Calamus Sweet Flag- acorus calamus
Cassia alata-Candletree
Datura Metel-Gordons Picotee
Datura inoxia
Datura-la Fleur Lilac
Cape Gooseberry
Jacobs Ladder
Money Plant-Lunaria
Pink Paeony Poppy

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Interested in trades - I will be posting my wants on the want list. Some seeds are in very small quantities.
Aster - Mixed
Celosia Spicata - Wine
Cornflower - Black Ball
Cypress Vine - Red
Datura Wrightie
Dolichos Lablab Ruby Moon
Hisbiscus - large Pink
Hisbiscus - Mallow
Hisbiscus - Mixed (tropical)
Hisbiscus - Pink
Hisbiscus - Texas Star
hisbiscus - white
Hisbiscus - Yellow
Larkspur - Blue
Love in a Mist
Malva Sylvestris
Petunias - White
Poppies - mixed
Poppy - Black Paeony
Poppy - Double Red
Poppy - Himalayan Blue
Poppy - Red & Pink Mix
Poppy - Shirley Mixed
Rose of Sharon - Pink
Scabiosa - Oxford Blue
Texas wildflowers
Achillea martina
Achillea moonshine
Columbine - various colors / Chocolate Soldier
Blue Lupine
Coreopsis - lanceleaf
Hibiscus Red Shield
Hollyhock - farmhouse yellow
blue hyssop
Lynchis - Bloody Mary
Poppy - orange - tiny flowers
Rose of Sharon - Red Heart
Tickseed - orange
Yellow pincushion

This message was edited Jan 19, 2010 2:55 PM

This message was edited Jan 19, 2010 8:55 PM

This message was edited Jan 20, 2010 3:40 PM

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 7:17 PM

This message was edited Jan 22, 2010 1:17 PM

This message was edited Jan 22, 2010 3:58 PM

This message was edited Jan 30, 2010 7:31 PM

Portland, OR

I am open to trading for just about anything.

Allium 'Christopher'
Arum italicum
Delphinium (Pacific hybrid mix from T & M)
Dianthus amurensis 'Siberian Blues'
Dianthus carthusianorum (about a dozen)
Eriophyllum lanatum
Knautia macedonica
Nicotiana sylvestris
Virginia creeper vine
Penstemon serrulatus
Chinese lanterns
Garden rue
Japanese snowbell tree

This message was edited Jan 22, 2010 12:00 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

.....................................................................Seeds Up for Trade
.....................................– A lot are extras from trades from Nov 09 until now 4-2010-
.....................................-Some are from my garden from this past year-
.....................................-PLEASE D-MAIL ME for more info & for trades/postage/ETC-


**********Most of the seed head mixes were once organized by what kind they were ... THe cats decided to have play time in the wrong room now the different ones have been mixed by the kitties*********

Liriope - Blue Giant

Black eyed susan & Rudbeckia mix - with little chafe

A Mystery mix of seeds - I have several of these =D
Zinnia Seed Heads
Marigold seed heads
Castor Bean mix - still in the pods
Kenaf Hibiscus still in the hauls - Mix

My Most WANTED Seed List is posted in the Forum …

I have more ... but this is all I had time to list ... :D


This message was edited Feb 27, 2010 10:11 AM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2010 12:19 PM

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Is anyone waiting for me to send seeds, I sent out so many but last week could do nothing so please let me know.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Dawn, you said to send seeds of Eriophorum Scheuchzeri to me. It might be you already sent them. In that case they will arrive here a bit later and you don't have to worry.


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I sent them before you sent mine to me. Oh Great. I sent you the whole pack that I had too. The lady at the post office was telling me how much postage to put on the envelope and said 1 or 2 normal stamps, in a pile I was just stamping and she was bagging them. But then an I made her pull the envelopes back up, and said, it's not different to send to Belgium and she said, OH Sorry, and we did it, so I am worried now.

Please dmail me if you have not received them in a few days, maybe I can find out something. Oh that sucks. I did not write the day down either, like I did with some of the other, but I sent it with a bunch of them and the ones I noted the date sent was several on the 22, and some on the 23 and the 25th so it was one of those days, for sure.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Dawn, don't worry. I'm sure they will arrive sooner or later. I had so many trades with people from the USA and everything arrived until now. I noticed it sometimes does take more time from the USA to Belgium than from Belgium to the USA. So I'll wait at least another week.
And if there were not enough stamps on it, they might return it to you. Don't know how that works in the USA.
In the Netherlands the receiver will be charged, here in Belgium the sender will get it returned.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

No she weighed it and looked at a sheet on the desk for postal rate which I paid, so that should not be an issue what so ever. With all the terrorist stuff going on, our government may check out seeds and stuff at the US Dept. of Agriculture more and may have some sort of other trip they needed to take first, but I don't see why, outgoing would be an issue so much. ????? Let me know please?

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Outgoing won't be an issue I think. You really don't have to worry, everything arrived here until now, sooner or later.
Tomorrow I have to leave to the Netherlands to attend the funeral of my uncle. I will be back on Sunday or Monday. So you will not hear from me until Monday.
As soon as your seeds arrive, I'll let you know

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

OK, sorry about your uncle. Take care.

Orangeburg, SC

Has anyone heard from Mekos lately? We were in the middle of a trade and I haven't heard from her. I haven't gotten any response to my d-mails.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Mekos is offline right now due to changing internet services. She's hoping to be back online soon. You can get an update on her at the Newbee Chat Thread

Seray just got a letter from her in response to one she sent her. You can always write her and ask if you need to know before she gets online.

Orangeburg, SC

Thank you.

St. Annaparochie, Netherlands

Anise Hyssop/Agastache foeniculum
Corn Cockle/Agrostemma githago
Roughfruit Amaranth/Amaranthus
Snowcup/Anoda cristata Seeds

Capsicum Ghana Round
Love Plant/Catananche caerulea Alba
Bachelor's Button/Centaurea cyanus 'Black boy'
Many-stemmed Spiderflower. Slender Spiderflower/Cleome Rose Queen
Common Cosmos/Cosmos bipinnatus (mix white, purple, pink)
Pink Hawk's Beard/Crepis rubra
Cigar Flower/Cuphea lanceolata
Dahlia mix pink and yellow
Hindu Datura/Datura inoxia
Foxglove/Digitalis purpurea
California Poppy/Eschscholzia californica 'Ivory Castle'
Flower Of An Hour/hibiscus trionum
Crimson Pea/Lathyrus clymenum
Sweet Pea/Lathyrus latifolius pink
Rose Mallow/Lavatera trimestris
Nicotiana lime green
Woodland Tobacco/Nicotiana sylvestris
Nicotiana Tinkerbell
Small-flowered Evening Primrose
Peony Poppy/papaver somniferum 'Black Paeony'
Tinantia erecta
Silverleaf sunray/Tithonia
Zinnia elegance Lilyput
Zinnia elegans 'Envy'

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