CLOSED: Don't want to make anyone mad but

Jonna, I got permission to do the auction from administration and they CONGRATULATED me for my creative way to TRADE seeds. Someone at that time( when I first started the auction) seemed to be trying to stop it. Why? Then when administration said go ahead with their blessings, I did, and now others are trying to get it moved. WHY? That is what I can't figure out. WHY? If anyone doesn't want to bid, they don't have to. If they do, their lists get shown for others to see and can help them show what they have to trade. SO why would anyone want to try to stop what we do? The only thing I could guess was jealous of what we were doing. Maybe because they didn't think of it first. Why spoil everything for everyone just because one or two didn't think of it first. The auction IS seed trading. The extra seeds I collect go the new members packages for arejay to send out. I do keep a few and give away a lot FREE for the asking and never asked for envelopes or postage in return, just that they enjoy the seeds. But some( not you) always want to find something wrong so they can complain. It just seems like if some don't have something to complain about, they aren't happy. Again, I appologize if I offended anyone. It wasn't ment that way, just trying to see what the fuss is REALLY about.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Jan for your input. You have done a great job with the action...You would not believe the seeds!! I and many are grateful. Changes cause stirs all over the world that is all. Always hacve always will. I think for now the auction should be held as it always has been until administrations give us direction to carry on differently. We cant just go posting anywhere for the sake moving in the end it will have to be approved or disapproved by the majority. Cue and Seray have moved a thread. I am sure it will help with the traffic at seed trading time which this is as someone earlier mentioned. Keep up the great work you do Jan.

Where is the seed junkie chit chat going Arejay?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ummm well good question Seray. We will talk to Cue about it . She has the lead thread.

I would like for ADMINISTRATION to jump in and tell us if there is a problem and how to fix it. I do not like fussing and honestly do not see the problem. What arejay does is send ALL newbies a seed package when they join up and WHERE is she supposed to get those seeds? Thus the auction, and now anyone who d-mails her with info can have the start of a new garden with pretty much their choice of seeds. Even these are seeds ,so the seed thread was where they were started. I don't mind moving but I think it should be Administration's decision and not anyone elses.
I can apologise out the ears, and hurting ANYone is not my intention, trying to see what is wrong, is. I may have used the wrong word when I said jealous, but it was for lack of another.

I dmailed Cue Arejay. Mekos we have fixed it ourselves. That's what so nice about Daves. As soon as Cue gets the Seed Junkie thread moved we'll all have a Sat. night Mojito and hash it out there. Everyone invited! :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm just a lurker here, but I do think it's important to focus on the question and not to make extraneous comments about why you think others are saying what they do. That's the kind of thing that changes the tone on the thread and is likely to incite anger.

I think the original post was clear - just a reminder that some things on this thread shouldn't be on this thread. And where clarification was needed, it was provided. Some things will stay; some won't.

It seems like there's agreement about that and so we can move on . . . ?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good idea Katie...Thank You. We will wait for any direction from administration. Before moving the newbie seed directions, and the Auction.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Mekos, I'm not offending you,and I don't feel offended. I was just wondering why. I think European people think different. Just wanted to understand the problems. I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm a 'outsider' because I'm not from the USA. Just wanted to give my point of view.
And ofcourse you are right to say the thread is trading seeds, it's just that the forum has changed and not everyone is happy with that. Let's just see how it develops.


Jonna, I'd be HAPPY with a forum for seed AUCTIONS. Maybe Administration will get one. If not,there is nothing I can do. NICE to meet you, sorry under these circumstances. And hopefully it will ALL work out. IF you are a part of DG, you are NOT an outsider. Your opinion is just as important as any other. Theirs is as well.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok.. one large round of Mojitos and margaritas for EVERYONE!

now.. I gotta get.. girlz nite out.. will fix the seed junkie thread later tonight... promise... or one of you can move it and ill close the original one.. is up to yall

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Newbie chatter thread
Thank You all for the discussions

I second the thanks! Good seed trading for all of us!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks to everybody for trying to keep this discussion on a constructive track!

I think it'll help to have the forum more focused when the fall/winter trading frenzy starts... threads will be less likely to get lost -- I think both the trading threads and the chat threads will benefit.

Somebody above mentioned "too many closed threads"... don't forget, you can click on "see only open threads" at the top of the forum and get rid of the "clutter" of closed threads. That's why it helps to close a thread you started when the trade is over, when seeds have been found or have been claimed.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Critterologist,

I didn't know that setting existing. Very helpful. I'm going to do that right now :)

Didn't know it was there either. Thanks a bunch.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Looks like you have to set it everytime you sign in to D.G. Doesn't seem to save the setting. It's a great tool though.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I am so down for newbie mojitos and margies, Cue..

I think what it is, is we are the most active members in this forum so that's why we are always on the radar. We have people replying and posting and being involved in our threads hence the reason that we are always at the top of the thread list when someone enters the seed trading forum. It really could be the same thing occurring for any other topic, relevant to the forum or not, if it were popular with involved members participating. It could say "WILL WORK FOR SEEDS" and if no one was active in the thread, it wouldn't show up at the top of the thread list each time someone came into the forum. I would hope that everyone creates new thread topics with hopes of it being a popular topic where many can benefit from it. We don't intend to annoy anybody, we invite everyone to join in on what we're doing. There are a whooolllee lot of threads out there that are personal enough that they need to be Dmailed instead of starting a new topic, but what do you do about it? I have much better things to do and enjoy on DG than policing what everybody else does and if it's right or wrong, or going by the "rules". I really hope Admin comes and closes this thread because I, and I think a lot of others are too, so over this thread! Click unwatch now everybody, lol

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Thank you all


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