CLOSED: Don't want to make anyone mad but

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

This used to be a trade/giveaway forum. Now I can't get in my brain whats happening on this.

Chats,auctions,how to etc. There are other correct forums for this.

Don't want to upset anyone you are just confussing this old lady. And I find I don't want to look for the have seed or SASE anymore.


JMHO I do love you new bees


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Have to say I agree, Lavina. I've looked in several times to see if anyone had seeds I was interested in, and quickly left because of the confusion. :-(

IF you READ the TOP of the thread, it tells you what is under there. If it's seed to trade, it will say...seeds for trade or postage. If it's an auction, it says... Auction # what ever. If it's newbie seeds... It says Newbie Seeds. Pretty straight forward to me. This IS the correct forum for the auction, I asked ADMINISTRATION before starting it. GOT their BLESSINGS. Keep looking and read the headings and I'm sure you will find just what you are looking for.
Seed Trading forum is for trading seeds anyway you want short of asking for money or gift cards.(Straight from the horses mouth). If there is something in particular you are looking for- Post it. Then people will find you.
In the mean time, read the threads and you might enjoy it. We get our seeds traded and have fun along the way. ANYONE is WELCOME and we'll trade with anyone wanting to trade. Jump in and share your seeds. Announce what you have or what you want, we'll help you find them. Always someone with seeds here. If I can help personally, send me a d-mail.

OH, thought I'd let anyone know that is interested, I saw a forum a while back that said>> Swaps, Trades and Giveaways. I think I saw some seeds for give away and stuff there as well. Hope this helps.

Greenwich, OH

I have unmarked crossed daylily seeds for sasbe.
I crossed my daylilies and have been busy with work and
had no time to mark my crosses.doubles,spiders,singles in this mix.
I have enough for 10 members.
The daylily seeds has been refrigerated for a week.
You will need to refrigerate the seeds until ready to plant.
There is 25 seeds for each person.
My addy is in the addy exchange if interested.
Send a small bubble mailer,3 postage stamps,return address label,empty seed envelope to put your seeds in.
Currently out of seed envelopes.Put a note for cross daylily seeds.
Thank You!

OH skimper, I'd love the trade. What would you like for some? I'll share anything I have extras on.

Greenwich, OH

Mekos,I am stocked up on seeds right now.
The crossed crossed daylily seeds are for sasbe.I have more crossed seeds to collect.
I will never be able to plant all these seeds.I will share these anyone who wants some.

I'm sending you mail and adding some baggies for you to use for your seeds. Thank you.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I am going to start a new thread for 'Most Wanted' seeds - if anyone has the listed seeds, I'd hope they would list them as 'For Trade', 'For SASBE' or 'For Trade Only' - let's see what happens!

Great idea, Kay

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I have to say I agree totally with Mekos on this topic. The first post in each thread talks about what is going on in the thread. Also the headline pretty much says it. We have all become friends and trading partners and are trying to help a good cause by trading seeds and collecting them for the new paid subscribers to help them get their gardens/want lists fulfilled. Sorry if we have confused anyone, and I agree at times it is a lot of reading.. however, I also can tell you that if you post on the thread at all, it automatically gets added to your list of watched threads and it will appear on your home page only when a new post has been made. That way you don't have to read the entire thing and you can scroll down to the bottom and see what was posted and add your own post. I would suggest only posting if it is a topic you are interested in. Not only are we trading seeds, we are helping each other with questions about the seeds we are trading. And the best part is we are having fun and being creative about our seed trading. We welcome anyone, new or long time members to join our threads at any time. We all have something to trade and/or learn from one another. Hope you come hang out with us sometime Lavina and Kaper. ((hugs)) Mechelle

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Sounds good Kay. I will join in on that!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love to have some to PLEASE..Skimper...You have dmail Trish

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

skimper - you have d-mail! I'd love some of your seeds as well.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Lavinia I've been thinking the same thing for weeks now .. I'm getting a bit tired of having to wade thru the auctions, lasagne beds, chats n other stuff .. there are other places where they are more appropriate .. I'm amazed Terry hasn't stepped in and moved stuff. I'd like to see only seed trading or giveaways here and not everything else.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone,
I am always open for suggestions for the seed for newbies thread. I would love any and all input as to where and how it should be posted. Please feel free to speak. I am grateful for the time you spend helping to make it a great thread.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I have no problems with free seeds for newbies. The newbie chitchat would be better served in Garden talk or Beginner thread as well as the brug sprout off & Lasagne bed threads since there are geared toward beginners. Auctions maybe in Seed Trading but perhaps Group Trades, Swaps and Round Robins would be better.

Great ideas, but in the wrong place.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I was curious, so scrolled down the more recent forum topics (hadn't cruised here in a while)...

I think a valid point has been made. The "Seeds for Newbies" and "auction" threads are fine, as they are about trading and sharing seeds. They'll take up less room on the page once the forum gets more active again, as probably only the current thread will be on the first page.

The "chat" threads and "how to" threads about lasagna gardening etc. should, I think, be moved elsewhere. Even how-to threads about seed collecting belong elsewhere... there's a whole forum for that ("Saving Seeds").

It's not such a big deal now, but as this forum becomes more active as we head into fall and winter (prime seed trading time for most of us), extraneous threads will be more confusing here.

I hope nobody who started the off-topic threads will be offended by the suggestion that there might be a better forum for them, as I think people are trying to keep this forum focused, not trying to come down on anybody.

Edited to add... As X said above, "great ideas, but in the wrong place." :-)

This message was edited Sep 12, 2009 4:12 PM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks X. We are always looking for ways for the newbies to be able to find us and not be intimidated. We would love to find a place to be planted and thrive as we obviously are thriving and growing so quickly. We seem to be getting noticed and that is great. I hope I speak for all of us when I say I in no way want to offend or make things hard for any. Just more simple and inviting.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, I really love the idea of putting the newbie chat thread in one of the Beginner forums... then you could put links to appropriate threads in the seed trading forum to encourage new subscribers to jump in over here. I think you might pull more people into the discussion that way. (Remember, the trading forums are subscribers-only, so unpaid members can only see the first post in each thread & can't respond.)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks Critter

We can move the Brug sprout contest to the Brug forum. No problem there. Next time we make a new thread we'll move everyone there. That will cut down on a lot of the traffic since there's a lot of chat on the weekend.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Great Idea Seray53 We can still link for the newbie chat thread to the brug thread? That would let us be sure the newbies get the added attention and direction that they ask for sometimes until they get their roots strong and can take off...

BUT the auction is not a group trade or swap, or round robin. It's trading seeds. It's an auction with seeds listed for others to post what they will give for them. Even if you don't win the auction, everyone gets to see what seeds you have to trade and can click on your name to see more. It gets people to looking and talking and trading. If you join in, it's more fun than just looking, but it's open to all and good way to show what you have, and see what others have as well to trade. There is a- post your own new thread at the top- so if you have something ,you can post what YOU have ,if you don't want to join in that one. I know I'm new here, but administration oked the auction. And quite honestly, the only problem I see is just maybe some jealousy, somewhere. Think about it. What is the problem? Chat threads are set up for a particular state, we are all in different states. So what state do we set it up for chats in? I personally think people should go about their business and let others do the same.Join in if ya want to and not if ya don't. Be happy with what DG stands for and was set up to be. ENJOYMENT, meeting new members, trading new seeds, plants and bulbs. APPRECIATE what we have and BE HAPPY for a change.Maybe stop complaining at everything we don't like, and stop trying to spoil things for everyone else.
NOW I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but this is how I feel.

Sounds good to me. I think it is crowded. Too many closed threads. I think the Beginner forums would be a good for Newbies. I'm a newbie and I have never been there. Been relying on the chat to get my answers. Or google. LOL

I think the auction is seed trading Mekos and should remain in the seed trading forum.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I hope I can explain it good enough, English is not my motherlanguage.
When I got a member of DG (about 18 months ago) it was a pleasure to visit the Seed trading forum. There were posts of people offering and asking seeds, post of swaps. I used it a lot. The last few months the Seed trading forum is dominated by a few things, such as your 'Seeds for Newbies'. I really want to say I find it a good thing to offer free seeds to newbies. I asked quite a few months ago (after a change of hosting it) if there was still interest, so I could send in seeds. The answer I got was something like: I don't know yet, will let you know. Never got an answer, and after following the thread for some time, I quit. Now I'm never reading it.
Is there a possiblity to have your (again: highly appreciated) thread in a new forum, like: NEWBIES, or maybe it's possible for DG to send each registered member a note about the possibility to get free seeds?
and maybe it's possible to have a Sticky in the Seed Trading forum asking for seeds for newbies.
There is a difference in the replies I got last year and the last months. When I posted a HAVE or WANT I almost always got a reaction last year, but the last months I hardly got any. Maybe there is no interest in my seeds, but I think fewer people visit the forum. Especially newbies will not know about the forum how it used to be.
Again, English is not my motherlanguage, so please let me know if I insulted you in my words.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I agree with the auction it is seed trading...Thank you Jan for speaking.

The Brug sprout, the lasagna gardening, are really newbie generated threads. I can chat in any forum.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

To keep the peace, 'The Lasagna Garden' has been moved to an 'appropriate' forum. You can find the link in the closed thread in the 'Seed Trading' forum

This message was edited Sep 12, 2009 4:29 PM

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Mekos, what do you mean by "And quite honestly, the only problem I see is just maybe some jealousy, somewhere."


The enthusiasm generated by Arejay's free seeds for Newbie program has sparked a firestorm of new gardeners willing and ready to plant, trade, cultivate anything. LOL Just give us a good home and we'll be happy there I'm sure. Sometimes you just have to rearrange things when you expand so quickly.

Well, I'm not mad or hurt, just confused why all to hoopla over what we do. I personally don't care WHERE it goes, Just happy to have found a place to meet new people, get help, trade seeds and stuff and enjoy life in general. I don't think it should bother other people WHERE we are. Can't people read the headers on the threads? REALLY, What is the problem? WHAT is it that is causing the complaining? People don't want to take time to LOOK around, just want INSTANT here and now. Sounds selfish to me. That is just my opinion. And we all have them.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Again I apologize if we , I have offended anyone. So not my intent. I agree changes have happen. Many of them good. I am sorry if you sent a request to one of us and did not get an answer that was helpful. We do hope you decide to get re-involved and please feel free to contact me with any questions about what we need. I try to answer all the letters I get. I do get many many and might lose one on occasion. We have certainly grown and changed in a year. Good for us. We appreciate you offering your take on this Jonna and I think I understood your language. Please if my language is confusing in anyway let me know.
We have looked in to a sticky thread. We have also looked into a more efficient way of greeting newbies as they arrive. We continue everyday with that challenge.

I'm apologizing as well, Jonna, I never intended that to hurt anyone. It just came out wrong. AND it wasn't aimed AT anyone, just trying to understand WHY what we do bothers anyone else. I have been a bad example here and am sorry. Mekos

Edited to say:
I apologise to DG Administrators the most for getting out of hand. Please forgive me for my part. I have enjoyed this garden site very much and have tried to go by all rules. It's a great place and I hope it continues to be.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2009 4:53 PM

Greenwich, OH

Replied to everyone, so far who sent me a DG email.
Thank You!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Robin, I do not feel offended. And I understand some posts get lost in the mass. I still will send free seeds for the newbies, but now I'm too busy with harvesting seeds, posting my seeds on my have list and the Market Place, making my website. Somewhere late autumn, early winter I will contact you to let you know what I have for the newbies.

Mekos, still don't understand what you mean by "And quite honestly, the only problem I see is just maybe some jealousy, somewhere." Maybe it's because I'm European and not having English as my motherlanguage


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Mekos, we applied at the same time, now I understand you

So now let's see if the seed trading thread is less crowded:

The Brug sprout thread is now on the Brug sprout forum here:

The Lasagna Bed Brigade is now here:

We appreciate your input!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Seray and Cue. Lets see if this helps. Thank You all for the dialogue.

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