Bromeliads for the novice and the serious addicts #4

tannum sands QLD, Australia

I'm back , Jean/moon Cajun steak with oysters now that's food ! very evocative part of the country you live in! I used to live in north Queensland (Tully) and hunted pigs around Paronella Park when it was abandoned and run down ! good to see it coming back to it's former self, Sue do you intent to keep your Fosperior perfection Novar ? I now consign mine to the compost, have never had one that throws a variegated pup. I have included a picky of another Aussie Dream .Neo Aussie Dream "Red Glow " just to show how unstable some Neo hyb's can be; all three plants came from the same mother(I don't believe any plant should be named and registered until they show some stability in their offspring leads to far to much confusion ) well my for the night, cheers.
PS background is a blue sheet this time not purple

Thumbnail by bromalong
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks for the link Jean/Moon. I'm definitely going there one day! When are you coming back? I think you should visit coffs harbour! he he
Mike, can you show me a pic of your Alvarez? Mine is about to flower, so pups should be on the way soon I'm guessing.
I'm not going to keep Neo. F P novar, but will sell it at the markets, labelled incase anyone likes it for just being a burgundy Neo. Itys still a nice plant.
I like the white plant from your Aussie dream 'Red Glow'. Has it thrown any pups yet? Is it slower to grwo, due to less chlorophyll in the leaves?
Tomorrow, I am taking off the first pup on my Neoregelia 'Shelldance'. How exciting! he he
Fosterella albicans

BTW yes Mike, lower light for the unidentified leaf! It is also a species cultivar.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi could it be Nidularium innocentii var innocentii variegated !!!

tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi bromnuts/ Sue the reason I asked about Neo F P novar was to inquire as to weather
you had intended to keep it in the hope that it would revert back, I had gone through a couple of generations of them with no success, and after making a few inquires from long time growers, I came to the conclusion that it probably will one day :but how long is a piece of string : so they went to the give away box,now I remove and compost them, to give the mother a chance to pup again and if they do it again I hit them with the screw driver, (I don't like to hit plants with the screw driver but it works) That neo A D Red Glow the light coloured one was close to being compost, I thought it was an albino then I noticed the slight trace of pink and red , it's still a bit young to have pups even though it's sister has two pups! there must be enough chlorophyll she is keeping pace with her other sister and there about the same age, will see what happens when she pups ( I only posted the picky to show lack of stability and if they don't settle down !!!! compost)
Till's did you say? here's one from Margrt Paterson . cheers mike

Thumbnail by bromalong
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

No immediate plans for return as yet, Sue. Jan & family are coming stateside Mar/Apr of next year, so probably not til 2011. Coffs Harbor is on the list...want to do the Old Coast Road and Melbourne, Canberra and Lakes Entrance, but will only have a month....grin thanks for the link...filed in my See Beautiful Australia data base. Jean/Moon

Brisbane, Australia

Grrr this is my 3rd attempt at a post this morning - stray fingers keep doing me in!!
Anyway asI was saying... A lot to catch up on above. But one thing at a time!
Mike, I'd suggest you first try adjusting your monitor. That way you're not altering your stored pics, for what could be a characterristic of the monitor. If the monitor dies in a few years then all your pics won't be adjusted relative to it. You can just re-adjust the new monitor rather than potentially having all your photos to that point stored with a cast relative to the old monitor. Bring your backing sheet & sample plants into your pc room but do it in good natural light - artificial light especially fluro can great affect the colours. the human eye corrects for this amazingly. If that's not possible, move your pc outside for a day. The other option is to try & adjust your camera - more complex cameras often have that functionality. Like film in the old days, each camera type typically has strengths & weaknesses. My hubby is currently lobbying the head of household finance (ie me) for a new camera body, as his mate's new Canon 50D seems to produce better colour. In our household the "never satisfied" theme is always present ;-) Anyway, also it might be well worth trying a combination of monitor & camera. So you get what you want for not spending a penny. And yes as Sue suggests if you use an editing program, you can typically adjust colours that way. I use ACDSee which is pretty straight forward. I use it mainly to crop, resize & straighten pics. It can adjust colour, but I rarely do. Hubby takes pics in raw format uses a Canon program first and then Photoshop to process his pics. He's much more concerned about fine detail, hues etc but rarely looks at his pics. He's still working on his pics from Xmas & our Aug holiday. Mine were up on facebook within a few days. I'm constantly sorting & searching my pics eg to solve mysteries, to see how a brom looked this time last year to see if it's in a good spot now or in flower etc. So figure that. And there are many other software products on the market.
But regardless, remember you take nice pics & grow exceptional broms, so you have a happy audience regardless :-)
Anyway I'm going to post this & start a seperate post for any further chat.

This message was edited Sep 18, 2009 7:44 AM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Mike, also nearly spot on again! Nidularium innocentii var linneatum.
I had thought of keeping the Neo F/P to see if it reverted, but I have had a variegated one from the same plant, and another two on the way, so no need to try really.
Yes, your white neo does seem to be compatible in size with its siblings. I still haven't taken off Shelldance, as my boss gave me a Cannistrum today, so that was my potting for this afternoon. I have yet to look it up and get a name for it.
I love your pic of the Tillandsia, and agree with Leisa that you take lovely photos!
Hey Leisa, yay its friday! Your tips on the photos and cameras/computers are good to read, maybe an artical on photographing broms is in the works eh?
I don't usually edit my pics other than to crop, as I am happy with the way the look on my PC. In saying that, I haven't had any printed in awhile, and am not sure that they would look so good on paper.
Hey Jean/Moon, let us know when you're over, as I can offer place to stoip for a leg stretch and a cuppa, at least!
Anyway, time is short, lots to do. i'll drop in to DG over the weekend no doubt.
Another leaf tip to be ID'd.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi everyone, Leisa thanks a heap for your imfo, it was most useful, I will take it on board !my camera is not too complex( olympus u 810 ,8 megapixels) I have tried pushing some of the functions but most are auto and don't allow much scope ' and without a view finder its a little harder to balance the shot . Something like canon 50D is sometime down the track (I used to like playing with my old SLRs,) but in today's world they can't compete with a digital for convenience!(I never though to use AC See ) thank's have included a shot of some of my red broms.cheers

Thumbnail by bromalong
barmera, Australia

Wow Bromalong. They are fantastic. Colleen

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Sue....I certainly will. Hope to get to at least meet some of the Brisbane area DGers next visit also....can't be soon enough for me.....grin These are my baby Aussimericans.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Sue you are making it hard ! I'm thinking a. Aec olandiana cultivar maybe a Pickaninny???

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Mike, this is very easy for you isn't it? It is a dark from of Orlandiana, but I haven't got a cultivar name. It is quite a large plant, and VERY SLOW!
Your red patch is amazing! How many varieties would you say were in that pic? My Fuji has the option of viewfinder or screen, and I find I use them both, equally. Your pics always look pretty good to me!
Jean/Mooon, your GC are very cute! I Lurve babies, especially someone elses! he he.
Ok, heres a species leaf. Some pretty good details toward ID!
(Mike will probably have it by tomorrow!)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi everyone, Leisa I believe I have found the name of that Neo (from post #7062131) it's called Neo "Blast" I was rereading an old copy of Bromeliaceae { JUL/AUG 2008 page 39} looks like it might be one of Olive Trevor's I will be down her way next month and will put it to her,Great looking kids Jean/moon have a few grand kids myself and their good value. "thanks for the coment Colleen" I should get Lesia up to arrange them for me I just put them in to fit he he.plant is Neo Red Panet. cheers mike

Thumbnail by bromalong
Brisbane, Australia

I had planned to post some more the other day, but somehow ended up doing other things.
Mike your Neo. Red Glow plants are just amazing. Incrededible variation from one plant. Yes I thought registered plants were meant to be stable. And the white one is looking good, despite it's lack of chlorophyll - it must have just enough. You certainly have the nak with them. Your red broms are spectacular. As is that Tillandsia. You must be strong to be able to compost such nice plants. I must admit I'm not a fan of the screwdriver technique - I think it's cruel. But I tried it on two aged Mum last weekend. I'll have to wait & see how to works.
Sue I went looking for the previous leaf on FCBS & got distracted duoh! I agree with Mike - would this one be Ae.Ensign maybe? Do you have full pics of the previous plants? I'd love to see them.
Hey I had some luck at the BSQ meeting on Thurs night. I took my Guzmania that is in flower & my neo Turnabout for the popular choice (novice) comp & won 1st & 2nd!!! I also managed to win one of the lucky door prizes & a raffle prize. here's pic of the raffle prize : Neo Down's Autumn.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
barmera, Australia

Wow Leisa you did well. Is that what they call "beginner's luck"? Well done. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Mike, I mentioned your problem with getting accurate colour on your monitor to my husband & he suggested you could buy a monitor calibration device, eg from eye-one, for about $200, which should allow you get accurate colour from your monitor. But if the issue is the camera, there still might not be much point. You don't need the expensive monitor apparently. Hmmm why did my hubby get one then ;-) Also thanks for that ID on the Neo. I find the old issues of Bromeliaceace handy that way too.
Sue here's me grasping at straws : is it Canistrum auratum? That green & purple/black combo is lovely. You get great colour with plants!
Jean someone brought in a plant for ID to the BSQ meeting on Thurs night & it was very similiar to my plant above. Maybe not as much pink/purple in the flower, but some, so I'm going the tentatively tag mine as Ae. Mary Brett.

Thanks Colleen, yes it'll probably never happen again. The comp plants were the two best plants in my whole garden. And I was so pleased with the raffle prize - I'd already taken a pic of the plant to add to my "wish list". Then I won it!!

This message was edited Sep 19, 2009 9:20 PM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Leisa, it was an orlandiana, but not ensign. I'll take some pics tomorrow if i get the chance, to show you the orlandiana collection, so far! he he.
Hi Colleen. I must remember to send you a Dmail! Done.
Wow Mike, Red Planet is truelly a red isn't it? How are you going with the next leaf ID.
Leisa, you did well with your winning streak and the door prize! Did you get an ID on your Guzzy? Pics please! The door prize is an unusual colour isn't it? Nice and different.
This is a pic of the second leaf tip.....Aechmea 'Alvarez'

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Here is part of the Aechmea orlandiana, with a frog who could not have found anywhere more contrasting to hide!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi Bromnuts .Lesia thank's again for the tips, congratulation on your first and second in the novice section of the comp, that Neo down's autumn looks like an interesting plant .Old copy's of Bromeliaceae are good value I learn something each time I revisit one . now Sue its not much to go on is it! I'm only a novice so here goes at first glance I thought Aec Nudicaulis (even though the leaf ends differ from mine a bit less obtuse could be a young leaf ?) If it's a Neo well still not much to go on how about a mini maybe something like Neo Desert Storm? probable missed by country mile!!as for how many reds in the photo ????? haven't counted them it's been full weekend Cheers Mike

Thumbnail by bromalong
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Aechmea is on the right track Mike. It is a largish plant, with an orange flower spike and yellow blooms. Does that help? I guess I'm going on how well I know my own plants, and think everyone else knows them too. I think this is fairly common in gardens, and has been around a long time, at least here in Coffs! The base of the leaves is blackish/blue too.

tannum sands QLD, Australia

Sue will have to think about it a bit more????????? Frogs did you say

Thumbnail by bromalong
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Yea mate you can hide in here

Thumbnail by bromalong
Coffs Harbour, Australia

that first pic is classic! Had me ROTFLMAO! The second one had me worried. Is that a gecko? Oh man, it had feet anyway. That must be quite a large cribbit!
heres one I found in the greenwaste bin, sleeping on an angel leaf!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Those are the most amazing froggy pics I have ever seen.. his smile says it all..Froggy grace 'for what I am about to recieve 'lol! Absolutely fantastic pics bromalong!

Yes ...what is he eating in the second pic?...

tannum sands QLD, Australia

What do you mean you cant find it

Thumbnail by bromalong
tannum sands QLD, Australia

sorry sent the wrong one

Thumbnail by bromalong
tannum sands QLD, Australia

having some trouble sending the image, it keeps sending the same one will try again

tannum sands QLD, Australia

this was ment to be the third one

Thumbnail by bromalong
Inland S.E QLD , Australia were right Sue it is a gecko yuk!..What happened to the cane beetle?Must be one BIG Froggy.. wow!...good capturing Bromalong!!

tannum sands QLD, Australia

and now for something truly brazer

Thumbnail by bromalong
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Gecko.....ecko........echo! I think you should use those pics to start another thread Mike, as I'm sure the other Aussies would appreciate them too. Unless they're lurking here, they won't see it. Eh Judy! he he.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

oh no! That frogs got to go on a diet or something! It must be part cane toad! Poor wee tyke! Just how big is that dude?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

OMG......yes yes another thread.....I'm just Gobsmacked LOL!!

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

And to think I was just lurking to learn a little more on broms...LOL!!

tannum sands QLD, Australia

I like my little mates they come to the back varanda the evening when we sit outside, in the cool ,to have a cuppa ,they take food from our hands and follow us around ! (hi brical1 if you look at the first photo you will see that the smile is because it's already swallowed beetle ! Sue the one thats eating the little bloke is only about 125mm long last one for now

Thumbnail by bromalong
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Sue love the shot of your little bloke do you know what type it is havent seen it up this way

Brisbane, Australia

Wow I was just digging around on eBay & saw these...
Vriesea Southern Cross:
Vriesea Machu Picchu:

Here's a nice pic from my mother-in-laws garden in Mackay. She grows great "pineapples", as where she lives used to be a pineapple farm.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Amazing...You should send them into Burkes Backyard you'd have to win a prize(free subscription) for sure. I love green froggies too!

Brisbane, Australia

OMG! That frog is a fatty! Looks like he eats anything! He's a cannibal!
Finally a response to the over population of geckos!! Mike can you send me a few of those frogs. We have a lot of exposed brick inside our house & the gecko happily get into the rooms through the gaps & we get gecko poo in all kinds of places! I'd rather have frogs!!
Sue your pic is great!

This message was edited Sep 20, 2009 9:55 PM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Leisa, I love your Mums plant! I think I have tyhe same one, but no flowers yet.
I'm watching Macu pichu on Ebay, and now Southern Cross too. Annisam is a good seller to buy from.
I'll put a pic of Nidularium innocentii Var. linneatum at the bottom. Thats one of the leaf tips I posted earlier
Mike, your frogs must be really tame. We only get one or two of the large green tree frogs, and they usually live in the downpipes, and visit the verandas at night. The one in the picture was some sort of tree frog, but I'm not sure which. I haven't seen one again.
We also get Perons tree frogs and lots of other brown ones.

This message was edited Sep 21, 2009 3:12 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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