Believe it or not...

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh that is funny Bit the Mayor

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

What sound do they make, Stormyla? I'll have to listen for it. It sounds like you have a lot of them. We only have a couple. Now raccoons, that's a different thing. I walked down to turn off the water one night after dark, about 600 feet from the house, and one walked out of the lilacs. He was standing on his hind legs, and he looked almost as tall as me.

Back when I was still a working outside of the home person, I went to do an interview at a womans house, who was a wildlife rehabber. She had a raccoon in the house that was absolutely huge. The raccoon kept backing up towards me, and lifting it's arms up in the air. I asked the lady what it was doing, and she said it wanted me to pick her up, and put her on my lap. So I did, and she sat there while I took a statement from the woman. And that was OK, albeit a little scary, with the claws on the raccoon. But the woman also had a pot bellied pig, and it kept nipping my ankle. And I'm trying not to jump and startle the raccoon.

I don't think the hot sauce would burn leaves. I'll have to try it, but I don't think so. Just mouths.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

chihuahua's seem to like the hot stuff!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Not just mouths, Polly, other body parts too! Be careful what you touch after handling them. LOL

Trina, and not just any mayor. Michael Bloomberg owns the Bloomberg TV Network and can sometimes be very impressed with himself. Sorry, don't want to offend any New Yorkers. You have an amazing dog.

Polly, that's a hilarious story and you are a much braver woman than I. Yes, there have been many families living in my den, but now I just have visitors from three of my neighbor's yards. One of them actually feeds them.

They are also called Whistle Pigs due to some of the strange whistling sounds they make. I used to have a link to a website that actually had their different sounds recorded and INTERPRETED. I've not been able to find the link again since changing computers. It's not a sharp whistle like a human makes, more like a cross between a human whistle and a telephone ringing.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Here's a site with groundhog sounds. I never thought to look it up on the internet. Of course everything is there.

I love hot peppers. Unless you can't eat them, like the habaneros, but as long as they're edible I love them. I have bottles and bottles of hot sauces. Texas Pete is my favorite.

Maybe that why Taco Bell uses chihuahuas in their commercials.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I have never seen anything like this dog! ever see a dog eat oleander leaves and not so much as belch!...Or eat 3 pups off a black magic elephant ear and not even mellow out That's why I call her the Chupacabra

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

OK, last night I took some B Complex and again this AM. I'll take some more tonight and tomorrow AM. In my first 2 minutes in the garden I got 2 bites and had 4 or 5 in the next 10 minutes. Into the house I went to get the OFF.

I'll keep taking the B-Complex and hoping that it will work. I hate having to use the OFF so much.

Trina, I thought you were talking about some breed of Dog that I'd never heard of...chupacabra.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok the word Chupacabra is from a myth in Texas/Mexico southwestern states...kinda like Big Foot...except the Chupacabra supposedly sucks the blood out of sheep and other cattle leaving the rest of the animal untouched, unless confronted or feels threatened then supposedly it tears whatever into shreds....or so I have heard...there may be more or less to this story but I don't know

Spicer, MN

Don't give up yet! It takes at least 2 weeks to immune yourself and a month is better.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Husker. By that time they'll probably be done for the year. But I'll try to remember to keep it up in the spring. I sure wish you'd started this thread in May. I must have gone through a dozen cans of OFF.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL Stormyla

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

My gosh Polly, That is the Groundhog recording site that I've been looking for. Thanks so much.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am aware of dogs who just aren't sensitive to hot peppers. I suspect none of them are. I have never tried feeding it to my dogs so I have no personal experience. I thought your method of driving away ground hogs should work like a charm. I have never heard of hot pepper harming a plant. It is often used in homemade organic repellents and though I see no reason not to conduct an experiment to see if it harms plants, I predict the result will be that the plant is fine.
The only thing I would worry about in the jalapeno juice is the salt which is not good for the soil. I would use this mixture only sparingly. You could do the same without salt by going to the dried chile section of your grocery store, if it sells such products, buying some dried peppers such as chile de arbol or chile pequin or any other really hot pepper, pureeing it in your blender and spraying it on with a hand sprayer. Those are very hot peppers and have not been salted.
If ground hogs are sensitive to peppers, that will do it!

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