The new iris bed

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

My sister and I put in a new iris bed this weekend (we had asked advice here Friday). Anyway here is what we did:

First we laid cardboard over the sod.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

Then we started pouring top soil which we mixed with sand. As we did a "row" we planted a few irises.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

Got it done!!! It is about 4-6" higher than the beds on either side of it. Next spring (as my garden funds replenish) I will add a decorative border.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I lightly watered it (didn't want to put on too much water and rot out my newly laid rhizomes) It was VERY hot out and we were working in direct sun. Although not a fashion statement, the wet towel on my head saved me from sun stroke I'm sure!!

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

My sister placed my first garden piece! I have several cherubs in the butterfly garden that borders the left edge.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

If you see anything we should change, let me know. We are both beginner iris peoples!!! ;)

The iris are all ones I got from our DG Midwest RU this spring or a few from last years RU that I had planted in a not so happy iris place.

Cherryvale, KS

Can' see well enough to criticize! LOL At least you have them in the ground! Hope it turns out beautifully! pic Celebration Song

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

What a pretty iris!! I can't wait to see just what I have. Since I got them all at the RU I am really not sure. It will be a surprise.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Very nice looking new Iris bed! I've found this method to work exceptionally well for bearded Iris- some other plants in beds done this way were too dry, but the Iris not only loved it, but beefed up quickly and most bloomed their first spring.

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

Good to hear!! We did the butterfly garden this way too but layered more materials in and it also sat 6 months or so before we planted in it.

I can't wait for blooms!!

South Hamilton, MA

Remember to 'chart' your bed. Labels can get lost.

Winnsboro, TX

All I can say is you girls did a GREAT job. Everything looks very nice and I'm sure your irises will just love it there. I love the fence in the background. Wish I had that all around my place. I can only imagine what that would cost to do to this old farm. LOL I guess I'll have to stick to my little picket fence pieces that I'm painting orange to stick between the trees for what I hope turns out to be a CUTE BACKDROP. I wish some of ya'll would come help me with all the projects I have lurking around EVERYWHERE.Note, the fence panels in the photo are the ones I'm going to be painting ORANGE.

Pat yourself and your sister on the back for doing such a wonderful job. I don't know how ya'll stood the heat. I worked out in it for about 30 minutes today and it nearly killed me. I can't take the heat nor can I take the cold. LOL

Happy Gardening and please do keep up the good work. You will be very pleased with your irises.


Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

IrisMa, Not sure how much ID I'll have on these. None right now LOL


Curious to see some of the orange fences. BTW The white fence is my neighbors.

Huntersville, NC

ok im second thinking my winter plans for my irises.

and your plans look Better!

is there an edging or border to keep cardboard and soil in "place"??

see pic #3??

eagerly awaiting your reply!

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks!! Wow, that makes me feel good :)

Currently there is not much of a border. We did put in some of that black plastic border stuff that comes in a roll and is about 4" (I am guessing here) deep. That is mostly into the ground though. I have found it keeps the creeping charlie (which consumes a large % of my yard) from creeping into my beds. We tapered down at the edges and in the spring I hope to have my gardening funds replenished so that I can do a stone border around the butterfly garden and the iris garden.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've done some beds like that without borders too. I just let the compost depth taper off toward the edges, and leave about a foot of heavily mulched, cardboard border around the bed. That gives a path for the lawn mower wheels so I can mow right up to the edge.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

How are the irises growing by now? I had seen that technique on H&G "Gardening
by the Yard" but have never tried it. Looks to be much easier and quicker than
solarizing--killing the grass with trapped sun heat, and creates the raised bed I
need in my clay area.

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I haven't really looked at them much other than to assure the squirrels haven't dug them out! LOL We used the same method on the neighboring butterfly garden and also our other sister used it on her butterfly garden. It's great!! If you have time, layer in as much as you can and add to it early spring then finalize your bed next fall or even the following spring. If you go that route, it takes longer to get it ready (you can use dead leaves and all sorts of biodegradable materials), but you can really build it up. It's pretty much like a compost pile but you layer it out. If you don't have time, just use ready to use materials such as top soil, potting soil, peat etc and plant right away. Either way, I swear by the method!!!

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I wasn't sure if I would have any iris bloom this year but I did! They ae just beautiful and I wanted to share them with you all.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

A shot of the full bed

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I think these are my favorite!

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)


Thumbnail by sjweld
Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

All that hard work was worth it!

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

It sure was! I couldn't have done it with out your wonderful help!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

All your hard sweaty work definitely paid off. Good job!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Very nice. Wait until next year and you will be out doing the Happy Dance LOL.

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks ladies!! And yeah, can't wait to see them all next year :+)

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