Help! Who am I...snake...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

This critter startled me the other day. I was out mowing and he was under a gate that I was opening and while he was only less than 15inches long, apparently a baby. I dont know what it is...someone thought mabe a copperhead.....YIKES! And I do not want to met its grandpappy! Especially if that is what it might be!

And well anyway, the environment here is prairie to woods to bog and could possibly be a baby copperhead or maybe a timber rattler?

I dont know and I am not vey good with snakes.

This fella here obviously has a full belly fat as it was.

Anyone got a clue as to what it REALLY is?

Saugerties, NY(Zone 5a)

My guess would be a timber rattler!!! I hope I'm wrong.....But I do know we have them in zone 5a NY

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, the vote is 3 that its a copperhead
1 that its a timber rattler.

Um, he did not have rattles on its tail tip but I am guessing he might a been too small yet? He also did not strike at me when I was opening the gate that he was under....I think we scared each other.. thank God for that! He mustaben sleeping! But he did slither off.

Um, it is dead now. I found him the next day in the lane. He freaked me out so fast I hopped on the lawn tractor and may have ran him over the day before! Either that or it does have a brother.

From what I do know of copperheads, they bear live young. E-YUK!

I think I am gonna add my vote on the timber rattler.. they are darker like him and the copperheads are more red from what I looked up on the net. But just still guessing

Soz, keep the votes coming... I have no clue and sofar sounds like we are all guessing!

I just dont need to find his brother or grandpappy in one of my containers!

New Waverly, TX(Zone 8b)

It doesn't look like a copperhead or a rattlesnake to me. The markings are wrong for a copperhead. Here's my copperhead from a couple of weeks ago. I know they are colored differently in other parts of the country, but are very similar in the markings. It's about 2 ft. long.

Thumbnail by Annette_M
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

not a Copperhead...I'd vote for timberr rattler. Don''t they also bear live young?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

See what I mean, you can see Annettes is more red. Hers is definitely a copperhead. Much larger than mine I am guessing..

I think all pit vipers bear live young.
Votes as standing.. yipes!

Copperhead 3
Timber rattler 4
Other - 0

Maple Heights, OH

It looks like a watersnake, but not a cottonmouth. They are harmless unless you are a fish or a frog.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I think this guy was shedding. So his color is a tad off the fresh color he would be if done. I think his head is weird for a viper. Its not as wedgy as that copperheads...

They say there are masoguas (sp) around, but I dont know what those look like either.

Copperhead 3
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Masogua - 0
Other - 0

Eeks, the poor frogs.. and it looks like this guy had something rather large to eat.

Link on frogs...

A few years back we found a nest of small viperish looking snakes, there were like 5 of them and their heads were wedgy and they were nasty looking. Derned things were in one of my nursery cans.... grrrrrr and now I am starting to bring plants in the house.... Im seriously thinging of repotting all that come in!

While I thoroughly love all animals.. hmmm I got my druthers on slithery snakes! Especially ones eating my frogs around here. Harnless or not, all of them give me cause to do laundry on seeign them. YUK!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

babu copp;erheads have bright green at the end of their tail...very easy to see and obvious.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well... dont know one way or the other. Yano I looked at is tail, but dont recall. Well I am pretty sure though its not a copperhead after seeing Annettes! Mine is to grey green through out. Hers is more red.

So ok, now the vote is leaning to timber rattler

Copperhead 3 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Masogua - 0
Other - 0

Saugerties, NY(Zone 5a)

BlossomBuddy,,OGM I never thought to check my pots before bringing them back in the house. Thank you for sharing that bit of info :>)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Your welcome. I know some snakes are harmless...and some are even beneficial and some are endangered.. but who needs them in the house! Same with the bugs....!

I jsut hope we can get a positive Id on this viper. Seems the snake population in my neck of the woods has increased quit a bit because a lotof farm land is in set aside and so the long grassess are giving them good cover and well, me, I live on a bog and have wooded ground and prairie so I am always on the lookout for the snakes...

Parts of my garden get 15 feet tall and we hand weed....dont need to get bite by ANY snake! And silly me, I am always running around in those CHEAP rubber garden shoes and crawling on my hands and knees when I aint mowing.

Maple Heights, OH

You should be very careful with potted plants that have been outdoors for the summer. Last year I move one that had been sitting all summer and found out that yellow jackets had been using one of the drainage holes in the side as a door and had managed to build a good sized nest inside. I just moved the pot and was instantly surrounded by a bunch of angry yellow jackets. I killed them that night with spray, but if I had just picked up that pot I would have probably been stung many times.

Looking at the head in the photo I can tell you that snake is not venomous. It may be a Prairie Kingsnake.

BTW I keep and breed reptiles, and the copperheads I kept for awhile came from an idiot that thought it would be cool to own them, until he came very close to being bitten. One of the snakes struck at him and caught a fang in his shirt sleeve, 15 minutes after it happened I was there picking them up. They were eventually given to a zoo. I am on call for 2 cities here to remove reptiles that are deemed too dangerous for the dog wardens.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh man, speaking of yellow jackets, we were out in our woods and there is this huge paper hornets nest up in a tree and it is just barely up there on a leafstem! I hope that thing does not come crashing down on us when we are hiking under that tree. I have not seen my photo of it come up yet so hopefully later I will have a pic of it!

I am however hoping the thing will come down and I can preserve it. It is gorgeous. But highly deadly if one was to get multiple stings from its occupants and if they were allergic. Fall is snake, bat and bee/hornet time no doubt about that.

I read up a little on appears that it is one of the few venoumous snakes that can actually bite but does not necessarily inject its poison on the first bite. It may just bite for a warning and then get all sorts of pissed off. I dont know about timber rattlers, I think they may be the same way in that respect.. I use the run like H*** method if escape to not get bite if possible.

This one here startled off one way and I RAN the other! Or should I say, ran and hopped to higher ground! Next day I found him dead in the pathway going the other way. Weird, but I think I also may have ran him over with the mower in the panic process of getting trying to get clear of him and he was trying to escape me as I was not about to get bite by him in my sandle feet if it was venomous. It happened so fast.

Ok, going to google Prairie King snake..

I stay away from all snakes if I can help it. I treat them if they were all poisonous.. keep my distance and dont chance it since I am not that knowledgeable of them. Dont pick them up bare handed or any other way since I also do not know how to handle them and really dont care to.

A few years back we came across a boa constrictor in our prairie. Some lunatic released him in the wild. Must have thought the bog was a good place for him. Unfortuneately he met his maker with an 8 foot mower deck and what we found of him was that long and then some and as big around as my hubs arm. It was a yellow spotted thing. Dumb idiot who did let him go, well that particulare snake if the mower did not get him the harsh winter would have as it was a tropical dweller.

I swear while I admittedly do not like snakes, I dislike the idiot who released him to the wild even more in the stupidity of putting a tropical snake to a habitat not to its nature. No less in a protected habitat where rare species can be affected by the disturbance of nature even if it was only gonna be temporary. Takes all kinds and people do stupid.

Unfortuneately for the snake population here, more snakes go through the mower than I probably am aware of. I usualy find them in peices after cutting grass for hay. I have had the unpleasant experiences of them to fall out of a tree when mowing too...had one bounce right on my hand.

Snakes love hiding under rocks and creavasses and in pots and planters. They go where the rodents and frogs go. The other day I was weeding by hand and came to a part in my daylily bed where I pulled a weed and right by the weed was a hole in the ground to which out hopped a frog and a snake of some description was in hot persuit of that poor frog. I think it was a lil brown snake. and that frog surely was too big for its eyes for a meal, but he was hell bent on eating it.

Williford, AR

This looks like a Northern Water Snake to me. I can tell you it is definitely NOT a copperhead nor a rattlesnake.
Northern Water Snakes are not poisonous, but are aggressive & will bite viciously if picked up.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

No problem on picking one up! NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Not even if he was a garter snake!! He was a tad far from water, but where he was there was a small pond that had dried up.

I did not have a chance to look that other suggestion up.. prairie snake...

Well heres the vote tally....
Copperhead 3 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Other - 0

The voting is rather interesting.. seems we all need boning up on our snakes!

Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

I have a new one! Dh looked at it and is pretty certain that it is an Eastern Hognose snake. :-) It is probably a juvenile.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2009 9:39 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well heres the vote tally...

Copperhead 3 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Eastern Hognose - 1
Other - 0

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

One of the first things I noticed was the sudden change from fat body to slip tail. that certainly matches the Hognose better than any of the other suggestions. The head end matches well also!
I therefore change my vote from the rattler to the Hognose!

edited for spellling

This message was edited Sep 10, 2009 9:23 AM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Copperhead 2 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Eastern Hognose - 2
Other - 0

Um which rattler was that not? .... I decreased the copperhead!

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

I vote hognose also

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Copperhead 2 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 4
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Eastern Hognose - 3
Other - 0

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Timber rattler - 3 (remember, I changed my vote) ^_^

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Copperhead 3 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 3
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Eastern Hognose - 3

Cornsnake - from other thread...had 2 votes, lost one...= 1

Other - 0

I think I stand corrected! LOL!

I dont think its a corn snake either. But whaaat do I know other than the derned thin in my humble opinion is ugly!! LOL!

Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hognose snakes are pretty cool. :-) They will play dead, even with their mouth hanging open and all. You can pick them up and they still play dead. If you turn them over, they will flip themselves back to upside down. lol

Too bad yours got run over. :-(

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hognose snakes like to play possum !!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, jeez, then maybe I did not run him over! He was playing possum. Now why would a snake wanna do that for? Thats a good way to get doubly killed around here...the mower will get him again!

Copperhead 3 (I think we can eliminate copperhead...)
Timber rattler 3(I think we can eliminate timber rattler...)
watersnake - 1
Northern Water snake - 1
Masogua - 0
Prairie King Snake - 1
Eastern Hognose - 4

Cornsnake - from other thread...had 2 votes, lost one...= 1(I think we can eliminate cornsnake too!..)

Other - 0

I think I stand corrected! LOL!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Do you live near water? I vote for the water snake.
I got bit by one back in April (for trying to pick it up)...
This is the one I "bonded" with...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

The northern water snake ID I found...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

We live on a bog. Part of the bog is dry now. Where the snake was found it was in a dry area.. prairie!

OMG! I cannot see picking up or bonding with any, not gonna happen! Im just not snake ventured! I like tham at a distance! Like reallly far away!

Just dont need one chomping me on the ankle or leg or hand when gardening. Totally despise them falling our of trees on me!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ha! Ha! The word "bonding" was meant quite sarcastically! He "bonded" with my finger when he turned around and bit me!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well dont do thaaat! LOL!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL right dont put fingers near snake pr possom's "pointy" ends!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!.. and what did you just tell me?????

DANG these two pythons! There goes my lucky pank drawers brown.

I was putting the wood chips on my fluer bed and right in the chips as I am hand placing the chips were these two monstors! EEEEKS!

I call them worm snakes... they are no bigger round than a pencil and no longer than a pencil too and scare the cr-ppers our of me every time.

Now these fellas are the size that will slither up yer pot holes.. watch yer containers going IN the house!

Mercy snakes alive already, will someone call the piper and get these slithering sneaks banished from me garden! Gads I cant afford the laundry soap anymore! EEKS EEEKS EEEEEEKS!

Enlarge pic, other wise you might not see them!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

okie, gggot bbbbrave......heres another pic!

dont know if that is the right name of them, but thats what I call them after I call then a few other things....

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

where are the heads? I am getting the imression that you just kill every snake that you see and are able to get to. Is that correct?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Enlarge the pic.. they are definetly alive!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Are they gaping at you?? what hutzpa for their size!
And I appologize for my comment. ther are so many who do, I just thought "here's another. Please forgive me if i misjudged yu.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Beleive me, I do not go out of my way to hunt or handle any snake. I prefer not to see them, or handle them. They always got a way to scare the bejees out of me! I prefer they not be in places they are not welcome.

These two lil snips were playing in my wood chip pile and were in a shovel of the chips in the wheelbarrow unbeknownst to me until I was unloading a HAND full of chips to my garden. . And as I was scooping the chips, they came out of the pile in the wheelbarrow.... very camouflaged in the chips. It certainly would not be very pleasant to find them in a pot in the house if bringing pots in! They are a good size to sneak in a pothole. Hate to find one in my couch yano!
And would have hated it more if they were baby poisonous snakes and I grabbed the in the handfull of chips...or even a non venomous one that was a biter.

These two are free and roaming about my garden unharmed and harmless. They are the size where the frogs get their revenge!

They are very tiny and if you look (like I said... ENLARGE the pic, they are fully intact. heads and all!...)

This year, the snake population is very dense here... we live on a bog and quite a few large ones will have a run in with the mower. Now, I cant help it if we dont see them and they get chopped as we put up hay. Our ground is perfect snake environment for some species.

I certainly would not want a rattler around. Cant say I would go after one with or without a mower! My 1st choice is we are parting company the sooner the better. I dont know much about snakes as most people and so therefore, I treat them all with caution. Its just best not to handle any wildlife and snakes included as far as I am concerned.

These worm snakes are common here and are non aggressive and will sooner go off their merry way than try to bite. they almost resemble a mini garter.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And yeah, they were sticking there tongues out at me! As they were backing up to get away from the finger! Oh, lil trick photog there! My finger is not at all close to them... its about 3 feet away!

If you enlarge the pic, these two snipes will be life size on your screen!

They are quite quick and will dart off than attack! However I have seen one try to eat a frog that was much larger than themselves... silly snake latched on to the hoppers leg and there was no way he was gonna eat that frog. In the end I think the frog would have downed him.

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