I looked for a thread I could post to...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

and none seem to fit the description of: I'm a moron and will I ever learn...

So, without further ado - I have learned that just 'cause a Jalapeno pepper is home grown...it's not any less fiery than the ones sold in the store and comes in a can!!! I have also learned that forgetting how strong said Jalapeno is - really back"fires" on you when you touch your face with the hand you held the Jalapeno in!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

True story: A friend and his friend were making chili one afternoon, had a few brews and a good time. Time came to spice the pot and this guy pulls a dried Habanero from the dried peppers hanging next to the kitchen window. He crushes it and crumbles it between his hands and adds it to the pot. Well as we all know you never own a beer you just rent it for awhile, so off he goes, about 2 minutes later they hear him cussin' an screamin'. Everyone goes tearing upstairs to see what has happened and find his clothes hastily discarded on the bathroom floor, and he is standing in a cold shower from the waist down.LOL You may add this to the list of why guys should sit when indoors.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't feel so bad now....^_^

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I just had to post this here as well - apparently there is no end to my day... after getting tired of work, typing and staring at the PC screen I decided to hunker down in the chair, grab my laptop and relax for the evening with a little DG and FB time - sitting here ever so peaceful, minding my own business and NOT minding the racket Thor was making - heck, I figured he was just playing with something - and something it was - all of a sudden I see him shoot up in the air - and landed next to A SNAKE! (a teeny snake mind you, but a snake nevertheless!) I screamed like a little girl, actually like 2 little girls - thinking, what the...do I do now? DH is sleeping, it's 12.30 at nite and I am SO not running screaming out in the street looking for help! I hysterically was looking around for something to grab the snake with, a towel, tongs?? Thor was going ballistic and chasing the snake around and I thought I lost it under the couch - I finally spotted it right next to the TV stand - nearly invisible cause of his color - I quickly threw the towel over him, managed to get a grip... praying I did - and opened the door and shook out the towel - shaking like a leaf - but was he outside? - oh noooooooooo, he had dropped on the floor, right next to my feet! I screamed again, decided I needed to pull up my big girl pants before I woke up DH and used a book to shove him out the door...took me 10 minutes before I was breathing normal again, Thor is still stalking around, looking for his "toy" - and I'm sure I look like a complete paranoid tweaker, still glancing around the livingroom and keeping a close eye on Thor :-)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh my gosh, I would have been screaming too. Also thinking about if there's a tiny snake where's the momma?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Uhu - so have I - and let me rephraze the teeny thing, while he was skinny he was at least a foot long ^_^ and HOW and WHERE did he get in the house? So far this year, the great white hunter, Thor, has "found" a baby field mouse (which I rescued), numerous enormous spiders (not rescued), 5 baby lizards (all at one time) and various beetles and crickets

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wall-e "found" a vole, thank God he didn't bring it in the house.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Oh the poor poor pepper man! I've done similar with ground black pepper after putting it ever so carefully on the kids mouth for mouthing back at his momma. After it went in my eyes, he never got the offer of pepper as punishment again. I can't imagine a jalapeno.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, what excitement. You do have to wonder where it came from. A couple of years ago I had a good size, 2ft or so, black snake in my laundry room.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Apparently "my leeeettle friend" was about as big as he's gonna get - http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/VHS/reptiles/snakes/northern-ring-necked-snake/northern_ring-necked_snake.htm - and they are known to be found in basements - so why not my living room at 12:30 at nite....

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm a moron and I'll never learn LOL We've had similar "episodes" here but to date we've been lucky, no snakes! We occasionally leave the bedroom window open at night so Lucky can come and go as he pleases without waking us up to get in or out! On more than occasion he's brought us presents, dead or alive! He's entertained his mice in the torture chamber (bathtub), chased baby rabbits and chipmunks to the delight of the dogs and this week's entertainment was a wood rat!!! I knew something was up bright and early Tuesday morning when the dogs were frantically running from the bedroom to the living room and back again while Lucky just sat back and enjoyed the show! I finally found the culprit hiding in the corner of the bathroom and quickly shut the door! We didn't want to take the chance of him getting away from us when we attemped to catch him and ending up behind a bureau/bookcase where we couldn't get him - been there, done that already once this summer with a rabbit :( We threw Lucky in the bathroom with him but he had no interest in him at this point. An hour later while standing in front of the sink the dogs started again, the rat had slipped under the door and was in the bedroom again - which obviously means he ran right by me in my bare feet!! Rick closed the bedroom door and set out a plate with cheese as bait and armed himself with a fishing net! The little devil escaped from him numerous times and it wasn't until mid afternoon that he finally trapped him and released him into the wild! Whew, there was no way I was sleeping in there that night with him still on the loose! So...have we learned our lesson? No! The window stayed closed for a few days but it's open as I speak :( I'm still a moron! LOL

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - too funny - yup, you belong to the same club as me now!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Bec, Why did you let hubby sleep? He could have caught your whole Snake Dance on video and we could all be enjoying it now!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh, I had a ring neck snake for a pet once when I as a little muddy-footed swamp rat of a kid. It even shed a perfect skin for me in captivity. But that's as big as I go in friendliness. Black , or garter snakes, must stay OUTSIDE. One time a bird was putting up a huge fuss and I discovered it was due to a Black snake in a bush ( like that one in the other thread) Another time I separated a small stack of clay pots in the garden and found three or four little garter snakes nestled in together. That was pretty creepy.

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