Peaches won't ripen

Hayward, CA

I have two peach trees (different varieties), a nectarine and a plum.
They are all planted in the same area of the garden and receive the same amount of water.
We have always gotten peaches and plums off the trees but no nectarines until this year.
My problem is one of the peaches, though suffering from peach-leaf curl, produced some (very few) nice peaches and as I said we got some nectarines and a huge crop of plums. The other peach tree however, has produced a nice number of peaches, but even today Aug. 19 they still look like little green walnuts! They dojn't seem to get any bigger and are not even turning color! This seems VERY strange to me.
Does anyone know what is happening? This tree looks quite healthy and put out several new long branches this year.
Can somebody help me?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I found the following quote in a British website. It's suggestion to remove the fruit, which should be done when the peach leaf curl is discovered, is sound. Leaving the fruit on the tree will only add more stress to an already stressed tree. It states the fruit will never fully develop.

What To Do If Peach leaf Curl Strikes?
Peach leaf curl is bad for for peach trees because it causes the leaves to become infected and fall off. This puts the tree under great stress and can sometimes kill the tree. Often though the tree partially recovers and leaves begin to grow again in a month or so, not as good as before but they can grow. These new leaves will NOT become infected this season, whatever state the peach tree is in, so do not remove them because they are providing energy to a stressed tree.
The first thing to do is to remove all fruit from the tree. They will never develop fully after an attack of peach leaf curl so don't let the tree put any energy into them. Don't over-water but do provide water if the conditions become dry. Apply a nitrogen rich fertiliser around the base of the tree and water in well.

Then cross your fingers, wait for next year and hope!

Napa, CA

I live about 1 hour north of you in the Napa Valley. We also battled peach tree curl for several years. At one point we werent sure that our Indian Red peach tree would survive. But it did, we spray copper solution on the tree each year. This year we have a beautiful crop, but I also remember years when we had peaches just like you are describing.

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