Lasagna gardening - opinion on using cardboard

Cleburne, TX(Zone 8a)

HoneybeeNC, in this lasagna bed that I'm having so much trouble with the bermuda grass, there was also St. Augustine. The cardboard has taken care of it. None of it has come through.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

In our 'lawn' we have every kind of grass imaginable...and we mow it all and pretend it is perfect. About 3 acres of 'lawn' just to keep the mud down is heaven, I don't care what's in it!!!! Besides, it is easier to run the mower over it than to weed it!!!!

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Black plastic (heavy weight), weighted down around the edges & in the middle, too - left on for over 1 year - is the ONLY thing I have found to kill Bermuda grass! Roundup just doesn't get the roots! If it's in the front yard, you could cover it with mulch, so it won't look bad. Samantha

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

To answer a question: Garlon is the ingredient in CROSSBOW and REMEDY... it is very potent..VERY! There are some very invasive weeds that are resistent to RoundUp (which was first formulated with monocots in mind) such as many of the Melastomes around here. We bring out the Crossbow (cheaper than Remedy) as the bigger guns...and use it very sparingly!!! It is also excellent for killing invasive trees (which we also have) by cutting into the bark below 14 inches off the ground and inserting pure Garlon. I use a paintbrush and make sure the product is only on the plant so that it will not risk "travelling" if there is any danger of that. We haven't found that "one product kills all"...I even use clorox to kill a very stubborn invasive creeper around small plants as it does not migrate.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

Dog_N-Petunias - I wonder which would win if left alone -- Burmuda or St. Augustine grass - my money is on Burmuda (giggle) I bet, over time, it would smother St. Augustine.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

I think they'd cross-pollinate and create a mutant grass that would devour everything in sight. Call it "Audrey II Grass."

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

LOL - with grand promises of future generations...

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