Making a bed for blackraspberries, Advice?

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)


I thought I'd actually have a place ready before buying for a change! What should I do this fall to have an area ready to plant? ie, raised, amended, ect. Thanks for any advice!

New Iberia, LA

I am also running late to prepare for blackberry planting. I plan to follow the instructions listed below from the LSU agcenter. I suspect that the same instructions would apply to your area. I plan to plant Kiowa, what variety are you planting?

Preparing the Soil,
Planting and Spacing
A well-prepared plant bed is essential for blackberries just as it is for any other crop. Deep plowing and the turning under of one or two cover crops before planting improve the physical condition of the soil by adding organic matter and a small amount of nitrogen. All annual and perennial weeds should be killed in the planting row before planting. This can be done with herbicides or repeated cultivation in dry soils. The middles between the rows can be kept clean or covered with mowed vegetation to prevent erosion and to make the middles firmer during rainy periods.
Home gardeners can plant blackberries in hedge fashion on rows spaced 6 feet apart.
Commercial growers should space rows 10 to 12 feet apart to make cultural practices more convenient. Space root cuttings 2 feet apart within the row and allow them to grow in hedge fashion. Plantings should be made in February. Thornless varieties should be plantedas plants and spaced 2 feet apart. Plants of more vigorous thorny varieties can be planted at 3-foot intervals.
Root cuttings should be planted at a depth of 3 inches. Cuttings are dropped flat in an opened furrow and covered with soil. Irrigate as needed; do not allow the soil to dry.
When plants are used, cut the canes back to 6 inches. This 6-inch top will make handling easier and also mark the location of the plants.
If planting stock cannot be transplanted immediately after receiving them, cover with sawdust to prevent drying.

Here’s a link to the article from the LSU agcenter:

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Fantastic info!! Thank you. I'm going to order from nourse farms. I'm thinking about Chester, Kiowa or Triple Crown. Guess I'd better make up my mind as they are already taking orders for next spring!

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