I,m soooooooo sexy

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I started the day off dressed in virtually old rags, as we,re going away for a couple of days and I needed to wash out my ggod stuff. I had on an old tracky bottom of my hubby,s ,bum hanging down to knees ! an old cast off t-shirt of my son,s, hole under left sleeve, and threads hanging down. old slippers (others needed washing as they hummed !!!!) and I hadn,t had time to even look at myself in the mirror.
Mid morning I took time out to have a drink ,was sat in my sun-lounge blowing chaff off some seeds, (as you do )when there was a knock at my window.I turned round to stare straight into the eyes of the most georgeous hunk,over 6ft, blonde hair, tanned face, beutiful smile. He was delivering my sisters beach-hut, which she,s storing at my house. Had to follow him out, shuffling along ,wishing the ground could swallow me up , and ,yes, you,ve guessed it, around the corner there were 3 more beach boys. Why oh why, when ever Im dressed presentable does nobody ever call ? As soon as I,m in rags, the world and his friend beats a track to my door !I,m stood there trying to look for all the world as if I always go around dressed like that ,and am quite comfortable with it, they in the meantime are unloading this thing as fast as they can, giving me wide birth.
Away they go, almost doing a wheelie in their haste to escape, me waving cheerily at their rapidly vanishing cloud of exhaust smoke.
But the worst was yet to come. I went inside glanced in the mirror, stopped in absolute horror.
Where I,d been doing the seeds, the chaff was all over my black top, hair, it looked as if I had the wost possible case of dandruff ever, my face had compost on it, smeared acrross, around my mouth was toothpast frothing nicely and droed,from both coprners. I looked as if I,d escaped from somewhere.
What on earth must those guys have thought ?No wonder they didn,t want to converse with me.
I think I must remember to make much more trouble with my appearence in the future.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!! Been there, done that!!!!!!! :)

Birmingham, United Kingdom

It was the 70's.....my kids were both babies, and interruptions were frequent.I used to wear very heavy eye make up, as was the fashion.One day, I went shopping, as usual, both kids in the pram.I parked the pram outside the butcher's (it was safe to leave kids outside in those days).Now working in the butchers there was a VERY fit young man...drop dead gorgeous......as I recall.I gave him my sexiest smile as I asked for a pound of his best sausages.Then I caught sight of myself in the mirror behind the counter.......only one eye made up!!!!!!!I couldn't get home fast enough.....so embarassed.
Any more stories?.....I loved Sueone's......and to be honest, I need a good laugh....the onset of Autumn is depressing me more than usual.

Marigold (Who has not smoked for nearly 9 weeks now )

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

laughing n laughing

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh marigold!!!!!!!!! we're so proud of you!!!! When I was delivering mail, got out at a house to have a letter signed for. Very nice looking man, and I wasn't flirting, but do have some self pride:)
Got back in the truck, pulled out and looked in the rear view mirror. I had somewhere dropped one lens out of my dark sunglasses. He later told someone I knew that he thought I had an eye disease, and just needed one covered up:)

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Sueone and tiG, that is really funny!I don't think anyone can top you two!

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