Refuge for the travelers, Jim Kassy Lynnie Metro Ican Rachel

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Any idea as to what these are Dave? They are very heavy for being so small.
Good think Lynn does not have big ones like this. They would never be able to be moved!

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Delhi, LA

Hi everyone. Really enjoying the pictures. I'm not very good at that.

Rachael, Moon was trying to remember where you posted your photo. Why not post it again and give Dave and I a treat. We promise not to make you blush by telling you what a knock out you are. Right Dave?

I posted what we had on another thread somewhere. Can't go through that again. Trying not to eat tonight.

Send some rain up here guys. It is dry. The corn and bean farmers about have there crops in so it won't hurt a thing. Cotton is still a few weeks off, but not much of that this year.

Finally got to use my Mantis Tillere for what is was designed to do. Tilled one of my raised beds. It is a dream and the soil is so pretty. Turnip and mustard planting time tomorrow, hopefully.

Heard from my cousin who had the 4-wheeler accident. Had a turn for the worst last night. Had to give him 6 units of blood and put him on the ventilator. He is hurt a lot worse than they originally thought.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

And I like these, and no Lynn, they are mine :)

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Keaau, HI

'Ohi'a, Metrosideros is the pioneer plant of Hawai'i.

It grows from sea level to mountain top.

It's wide adaptation made the foundation of Hawaiian Rainforests!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

Hi Jim. I missed reading about your cousin's accident! I am very sorry to read that. 4-wheeler's can become a deadly piece of equipment. I know of two "youngen's" that have died from those play toy's. Sending prayer's your way for the cousin Jim.

No wonder your user-name here on this site is "Metrosideros" , it fit's you perfectly!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Aww, Jim, I am so sorry to hear that...know we will keep him in our thoughts and prayers...sounds like internal bleeding, possibly liver or spleen damage. Hope all goes well for him.

I think I knew that Dave, sorry I got side tracked and didn't look is a fine tree with quite a history.

Kassym could those rocks have some granite or iron in them? Love the speckled ones...good thing Lynnie isn't closer...she might tussel ya for them.

Delhi, LA

Thanks Rachel for the concern. Ronnie is in his late fifties. He should know that those things are dangerous and not to be played with. I don't know any details of how it happened but was probably riding to fast. Those big 4-wheelers will go about 60.

Keaau, HI

What did you say Jim?

I suggest you give Rachel some respect! And an apology!

Rachel understands plants better than most folks on this web-site. Including you!

Delhi, LA

I tell you what Dave, Rachel knows I didn't mean anything demeaning. Rachael If you want an apology I'll be glad to give it. Every body on this thread or the others know plants better than me. I'm not real sure I like your attitude.

Hey all.



Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

OH boy,
Gentiana andrewsii
(Bottle gentian or Closed gentian) is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the Gentian family Gentianaceae.

Plants are native to North Eastern North America from the Dakotas to the East coast and bloom in late summer (August-October). The flowers are 2 to 4 cm long, typically a rich blue color and bottle shaped with closed mouths. The flowers are clustered at the top of the plant or in the axis of the top leaves. The stems are 30 to 60 cm long, lax in habit, producing sprawling plants with upturned ends ending with clusters of bee pollinated flowers. The foliage is hairless with a glossy sheen to it. Plants are fed upon by ground hogs and scale insects. This species can hybridize with Gentiana alba, producing upright growing plants with white flowers with blue edges. The Closed or Bottle gentian is considered a threatened species in the USA states of New England, New York and Maryland

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hey Dave, are you getting messages that I am not seeing? Or is this a blood sugar freak out? You are way too nice to react that way, and Jim is way too nice to ever insult someone he has respect and concern for. Might wanna have a bite to eat and upload a couple more pictures.....

Keaau, HI

Please excuse me folks. Seeing an older preacher start discoursing with a younger women about her looks does not sit well with me. I grew up with that!

What does your wife think , Jim?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Dave, I think you have read far more into Jim's comment about Rachel being a lovely woman than anyone intended. He made the exact same comment when she originally posted her photo and you agreed. How is it now offensive?

The unpleasantness you grew up with has no bearing on Jim, his relationship with his wife of 48 years, whom he adores and has said so many times over, or his telling Rachel that she is a knockout. It rarely ever causes a woman grief or embarrassment when a friend tells her she is pretty.

I am so very sorry you have pain and anger associated with your youth, but Jim is not the cause of that, and Rachel took no offense at his compliment. We are all friends here, and we are all your friends also. My wish for you is to find peace from the demons of your past, and joy in the beauty of your present life. We all care about you and each other....that is why we are the online family brought together by common interests and camaraderie.

I consider you my friend and am concerned that you are hurt and angry.



Thumbnail by
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Are those on the lake near your home?

Right down the road from me.

Good night all.

Keaau, HI

Please excuse me Jim, everybody, I have had a heavy heart toward clergymen since I have been a kid. My father was / is a respected clergyman who treated my mother (and family) like dirt.
When seeing that it might be happening somewhere else, I got very defensive.
There is no evidence that Reverend Jim is anything but good. I am sorry that I insinuated anything else.

(Zone 5b)

Sorry for your heavy heart, Dave. We're all still friends.
Very nice pics, I want those rocks AND the fluffy flowers!

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

peace to everyone.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Well, Kassy, are you going to tell us what those rocks are? Or are you going to keep us guessing?! I have never seen anthing like those round rocks. Are the first ones graphite?

Jim, so very sorry about your cousin. Hope he has a good recovery.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Dave, we are all friends ^_^, we understand.^_^

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

No Lynn, you can't have those rocks :p

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Morning everyone. It looks like the rain has cleared out...course the ground is soaked so guess the only thing I will get done out there is more weeding...Yuk. But, everything in the garden is perked up and has that clean fresh look only a good rain can give it.

Sweet day to you all....going to get dirty...yea!!! grin

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

venice, I have no idea what those rocks are. My Mom has a bunch of small rocks for her flower beds, and I picked out the ones I liked to take with me.
Like these round ones ^_^

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

But I can tell you these are Quartz

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I NEED A NEW CAMERA!! I have a cool rock to show. I love show & tell.

Hope all is well with everyone today.

I heard that rain water has more oxygen, that's why plants are all perky.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Kassy, where did your mom get all those pretty rocks?

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Not sure venice. My mom use to go on bus trips with the ladies she knew, all over, and she had this thing about collecting pretty rockes for her flower beds.

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

And one more.

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Delhi, LA

Everything is cool as far as I'm concerned, Dave.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Hugs Jim ^_^

Delhi, LA

Thanks Kassy. The chives are coming up. When they get big enough to see I'll post you a picture. Right now you have to catch the sun just right to see them.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Yeah Jim, glad to hear they are coming up......We will have a ton more by next year...........LOL
But by then, you probably will too ^_^

Delhi, LA

Hopefully, I might even have to start eating baked potatoes again. Love chives and sour cream on them.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

And this is a rock my BF found in the Woods and just had to pant some highlights on it.....LOL

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

As soon as they flower, and the flower dries, you will have more seed........they may even come up where you don't want them.
I end up weeding them out here when they are not where I want them.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

We found this pretty thing coming to the end in the rock along Lake Michigan.

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Cone flower, echinacea.....wonderful butterfly plant and a cousin to the rudbeckias.

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