Looking for Datura seeds from other countries

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm looking for Datura seeds from other countries, possibly to hybridize (if possible) with what I have. Could do some trading or buying. Thanks.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer

Buttoneer, I am not "a" person answering your question that you are looking for but I do have a question for you though;-) A friend asked me a week or so ago about some Datura's being hardy here in zone 7a/6b. I did check out Plantfile's here on D.G, but that's all the "digging" I have done concerning the Datura's.

In all reality, my question is.....are there Datura's that come back year after year in our Zone?



Tilaran, Costa Rica

In Va. ? I used to live near Smith Mountain,100 years ago, and recall seeing some. Dopers called it Jimson weed or some such thing.
They used to make tea out of it.VERY dangerous. It can blind you.

We have lots of them growing down here.
Look up Brugmansia too.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I can tell y ou that D. metelloides reseeds and so does D. stramonium as I have seen both growing in people's yards in zone 6. All Daturas are poisonous. We have no children and live out in the country. I grow mine in planters and keep them up on the picnic table to keep our rat terrier out of it. As stinky as the leaves are and as many thistles on the plant, there is no way for him to get to it. By the way, The only plants I grow that I eat are vegetables. Thanks.

Thank you both Buttoneer and ToucanOasis for answering my question. I will pass this information along to my friend.

ToucanOasis, You use to live in our part of the world? Smith Mountain Lake??? Beautiful place!

Thank's again


Tilaran, Costa Rica

I remember when Smith Mountain was just filling up. My friend owned Strawberry Banks, near Scruggs.
I talked to some folks a while back that said if Smith Mountain gets anymore crowded they'll need traffic lanes for the boats.
I live on a lake here too but the surrounding land is protected from developers.
Google my user name to see it.....and some cool plant photos.

Tilaran, Costa Rica

Buttoneer. I'd love to send you some seed but every time I do the goofs " protecting you" gas them or confiscate them.
They probably sold them or gave them to their mommy in Miami. LOL
I even sent some inside a book.Just a few. Box opened/seeds and growing info GONE.

ToucanOasis, thank you so much for the google search to your site and what a fantastic paradise to behold on a daily basis! The volcano picture's were extrodinary but all the picture's were breath taking to view. You have a big heart for all that you do with the Toucan's;-) I have been involved in rescue (horse) on and off for many year's and it is a very re-warding experience when we can pull one out of the "terror" zone after being in torturous hand's. Challenging sometime's for sure but very re-warding when they learn that not all human's are abusive!

Smith Mountain is a very crowded place to live now. I had a friend who lived right on the lake as well but due to the number of people/visitor's, they moved elsewhere as well.


northwest, IL(Zone 5a)

Not from another country but I have seeds of a variegated double purple datura.

I will tell you tho- that of the 30 seeds I trialed here, and I sent 30-50 to Ball Seed/Pan American seed to trial as well, that we didn't come up with variegated seedlings. However- maybe it's like the willy wonka chocolate bar and we just didn't plant THE one. Perhaps THE one is still in my fridge.

It would have to be a special trade to make it worth my while.
D mial if interested.

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