Star jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum) isn't flowering

Pilot Point, TX(Zone 7b)

I planted several star jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum) plants in a planter next to my house (north side) which are doing very well. The vines have grown in to cover the area in two years, but alas, no flowers yet. They do get direct late afternoon sun and bright indirect light. We get temperatures into the twenties to upper teens so I think the plants get an adequate chilling for flowering. Although the plants are very green and healthy looking, I haven't been over fertilizing. Is there something else I should be doing to induce flowering. I see from general information on this plant that it flowers from mid-summer to fall. Maybe I just need to be patient, but I would appreciate any info regarding encouraging flowering.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

How many hours of sun are they getting? I've grown the related T. jasminoides in a relatively shady spot, but it's possible that T. asiaticum may need more sun to flower well. It's also possible they just need some time--some plants follow the "first year they sleep, second year they creep, third year they leap" rule so it can take a couple years to get going, and some vines also like to reach a certain size before they flower. So as long as they look healthy I'd wait and see what happens next year.

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