Some very good news on Mom

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They had to do another MRI a few weeks after the stroke because the blood on her brain was keeping them from being able to see exactly what caused it. There were three possible causes of the stroke - very high blood pressure, a brain tumor or a weakened blood vessel that was continuing to leak blood. The last two would have required brain surgery.

The new MRI shows no tumor and no bad veins, so no surgery is required. I've been so worried about this and am so relieved she won't need surgery.

I've been up there all week. We've had some pretty bad agitation at night and she hasn't been sleeping at all. I mean at all. Finally got a medicine that works earlier this week and she's sleeping through the night but we're still having some pretty bad agitation in the evenings before bedtime. Once we get that under control, I think we can get as close as back to normal as is possible.

She is doing extremely well with her therapy. She's kind of amazed me how fast she's picking up on the need to look to the left to see anything that's missing because of her vision/perception problems on the left. She walks very well and has pretty much no mobility issues now. She's reading pretty well and remembers almost always to look to the left for the start of a line or word so she sees the entire line or word. She was even able to read a word running down the screen on the tv the other night, which pretty much amazed her therapist.

The latest is her insisting that we get all these strange people out of her house and that's she's going to live alone. That's not ever going to happen, unfortunately. When wheedling and promising she'll be very good and will lock the doors and not go outside doesn't work, she gets very angry.

Her good spells are much better than they were, though, with her being cheerful and with very good memory.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane, that is good news indeed. I'd been a bit concerned with no recent updates, but hoped that it meant things were relatively stable.

Sorry to hear about the sleep issues - that's really tough. I hope the new medication continues to help, and that the agitation settles down too.

It sounds like she's making wonderful progress with her therapy, which has to make HER feel good too.

It's still a long, hard road, but at least there are some glimmers of hope for you all.

Hope you are taking care of yourself too!!!! Hugs, Barb

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, Barb. If you all don't hear from me for days it's because I'm there and don't have access to a computer. I was there most of the week this week trying to get some of these problems solved and got home kind of late last night. Debra is coming back up tomorrow so hopefully I won't have to be there night and day for at least a few days.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, That is very good news. So much love in the parent / child relationship, they worry over us when we are young and we worry over them when they are older. Hope you will be able to get a little peace of mind with the results of these tests. Take care. Holly

Shenandoah Valley, VA

More good news tonight. No evening meltdown tonight, which is wonderful. Ellen said she had a great day, was cheerful and cracking jokes. I set them up a nice seating area under the oak tree in the back yard with a table in between. They took a nice walk and sat outside for a bit. She actually asked for some ice cream - she's had no appetite at all and although she's been eating better the past week, she still says she is only eating for us and doesn't want any food at all. It's terrific to hear she asked for something. These may not seem like a big deal but they really are huge steps from what we've seen in the past weeks.

I have suspected the seizure meds were causing some of these problems. The doctor cut the dose in half yesterday. Hmmmmm. I hope on Monday the other doctor will eliminate it altogether.

Holly, I've been worried sick about what the MRI might show. I didn't really think she had a tumor but I was very worried she might have a bad vein up there. Getting the news about her having a good day and evening and asking for food is the icing on the cake.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

i'm so glad your mom is doing better, I'm down in Fla. with my dad and I'm sorry to say I want to go home. We went out to Bob Evans for a real sit down meal. I did'nt know how much comfort you can get from pot roast. LOL My Dad's doing OK inspite of being in a motel since Mothers day. Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hart, it's wonderful to read such encouraging updates! What a relief to have the MRI come back clear. I'm glad they've been able to cut back some of her meds -- and happier yet that may have improved some of her symptoms.

I'll continue to keep her (and you) in my thoughts & prayers!

Ric, I'm glad your dad is OK, but I think I missed something with re. to the motel. Hope all is well.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

There was a fire at Ric's fathers house several months ago. The damage really isn't as bad as it could have been (seems like that is a theme at our house lately) as it was confined to an old add on to the original house and that area was used as storage and not much of value either $$ value or sentimental value was lost. But my FIL along with his GS that lives with him, his dog & cat have been living in a hotel since the fire. Ric went down this weekend to meet the contractor and go over some things and check everything out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thank you Holly, that does ring a bell now. Hopefully they'll be able to get things squared away so they can move back home soon!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow - I had missed the info on the fire too - as Holly said, it could have been worse, but still! That's a traumatic event, no matter what your age, and to have to live in a hotel for that long is tough.

Glad Ric is able to help out, and I'm sure his Dad loved having him there for his birthday. Hope they're able to get back home soon. Is there a time line yet?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane, that is REALLY good news both about your mom actually being interested in food and also no evening meltdown. I can feel your tension easing a bit from here! ;-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry Hart trying not to hijack your good news thread. Both of us are dealing with parent issues but yours is so much more serious.
The fire was right about the time we were hosting the swap. Ric didn't have to go right down because the insurance co was taking care of everything. They had everything moved out of the house cleaned and put into storage and lined up a contractor. Poppy got them moved into a hotel and things looked like they were all being handled. Then there were issues but it was all a wait and see Poppy asked Ric to come down and try to get things moving again but with his hand injury he really couldn't have gone unless it was a real emergency. Ric's hand is now good enough for him to leave for a few days and wanted to talk to the contractor and go over the plans and he has some questions for the insurance co. Poppy was getting more agitated and I think it has really helped to have Ric down there for a few days. He talked to the new contractor about getting the house cleaned, painted and the power back on so Poppy could move back in while they work on replacing the add on. Looks like they will start that process next week and hopefully things will settle down.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

My gosh, I missed the fire info too. I'm so glad no one was hurt! No wonder he's agitated, having to live in a motel for months. It's so hard too when they live so far away.

Ric, it's good to hear your hand is better.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Hart, So good to hear your mother's MRI results and that she's improving. It's such a scary thing to go through, for both Mom and you. I hope you will remember to take care of yourself as well.

Ric, I didn't realize the other reason (besides your birthday) that you were at your Dad's. I hope he'll soon be back in his own home.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Great news!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just saw the new thread know how i glad to hear that

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yup, great news!

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