I've got clem blooms (beginner's glee!!!)

Appleton, WI

Not a clematis. It's a passiflora.

This message was edited Aug 19, 2009 12:12 PM

Appleton, WI

Is this your flower?

Delaware, OH

Passiflora maypops is hardy in your area and might self seed.

(Zone 5b)

BG, they're all beautiful!
Crystal Fountain is my favorite of all. I just recently purchased it from Garden Crossings so looking forward to it.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks, Bonnie. =)

I've been so please with the clems. They've actually proven to be much easier than I imagined! I allowed the thought of them to intimidate me for way too long. But, compared to my roses, they are practically maintenance free. Have you been growing clems for long?

Delaware, OH

re roses v clems. i have to agree. clems were tolerant of my early mistakes, (and still are) and i have found roses to be not so tolerant of the obvious errors, (location, shade, winter protection) as the clems are.

Baton Rouge, LA

One of the things I have really loved about the clems is the duration of the blooms. I started this thread by posting a photo of Prince Charles on August 5... and some of the blooms are STILL going on that young plant, 3 weeks later. How many perennials do you see with that duration for the flower flush?! Acanthus is about the only one I can think of... though I am sure there must be others, perhaps in the more northerly regions?

Here are the last of the Prince Charles blooms, fading away but still hanging on! I plan to change out this wire for the cattle fence at the end of the season. Even though I have it planted out predominantly with Group 2, I am going to follow the advice I've seen in several books about a hard prune to first leaf set for all clems except Montanas (even Group 2) after their first short season.

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

Here are a few blooms still hanging on Madame Julia Correvon in the glaring heat by the pool:

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

One last bloom on Crystal Fountain remaining among the seed pods:

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

And a few blooms remaining on sweet Betty Corning, intertwined with the crassifolia on the back wrought iron. Those lights twinkle their reflection in the pool every night. I am so looking forward to that corner eventually being covered in jasmine, crassifolia and large-flowered clems! =)

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 12:37 PM

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

Hmm, guess I'm really excited that Betty's still blooming, as she posted twice for some reason! =P

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 12:38 PM

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Ernest Markham has been blooming for seven weeks now.

Jackmanii is still in full bloom and has been since the end of May - three months.

Baton Rouge, LA

See, you just don't get that from any other perennial. Such a fantastic plant, these clems!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Huldine is another long bloomer. Mine has one bloom left now after a season of blooming that began in June. This guy has only been here for 2 or 3 years to boot.

Now that I think about it, owning a Clem is similar to owning a Lab. If you can make it through the first 2 years, you'll have a wonderful buddy for life ;)

Baton Rouge, LA

Exactly!!! We're making it through the first two years with a pair of Aussie pups at the moment (one almost a year old and one is 9 months old)... I think it's the same philosophy! ;-)

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I love that Crystal Fountain, Blissful. Very pretty! Your blues are all lovely as well. Congrats. ^_^

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks, Don. I'm having such fun with these! I am so glad I didn't allow clems to intimidate me any longer. Edith Malek (founder of ACS) was correct that they are a worthy plant that can be included in just about every North American garden... from novice to expert, north to south!

Do you have many clems in your garden?

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Sadly, I have only two. The President, and Star of India. But they were beautiful this year. I was so impressed I ordered another one just today to even off my front flowerbed. (Growing up each side). I should have it in a week, so I am hoping it'll catch quickly this fall, and be ready to take off with blooms next Spring. ^_^


Thumbnail by DonM47
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sounds like an addiction in the making ;)

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

LOL...if only I had the space...

Thumbnail by DonM47
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's a beauty.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Two Aussies! What a great breed. I've been to agility trials run by ASCA. Still not hard core enough to run with my Sheltie though.
My 2 "Purples" looks like two different clems
This one is more shade and is about 6.

Thumbnail by bananna18
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

This Jack has more sun and is maybe 3 years. Also an older bloom.

Thumbnail by bananna18
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Lots of variation in septals (sp?)

Thumbnail by bananna18
Baton Rouge, LA

Don, just beautiful! How old is the one by your window? You definitely do sound like an addict in the making. Space issues can always be overcome with clems... as there is always room upward! ;-)

Banana, love your photos! As for running with your Sheltie, you should give it a try! How old is he/she? Shelties are our first love. We still have one, and she is definitely the grand dame of the household. At well over 100 in dog years, Bonnie's frisbee days are behind her... but it was such a joy to see her and her son, Nick, playing with such abandon and joy. We lost Nick a few years back and miss him so.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Your are right, Blissful, but my first love, roses, get first dibs on ground cover. And a lot of pruniing takes place to let my clems grow. The Star of India pictured is three years old, and easily reached eight feet this summer. We have a Deer issue where I live and my Roses and Clems live behind cover. I have another flowerbed in the back for hardier perennials that is not fenced in. I would never chance a Clem (or Rose) planted there.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

His name is Vonny (always say Bonnie with a V!) He is 2 1/2. He shows alot more interest in squirrels and cats than agility. He does well on most of the equipment but always stands 1 step away from the tipping point of the teeter. We would probably be disqualified while he was contemplating life there. He would love to have an energetic playmate. It is great to see them run.

Meant to say before that Jackmani has bloomed 3 times this summer as some of yours.
Don, I was thinking about Star of India. Both look great.

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