"Sugar Baby" watermelons + "Big Max" pumpkins: What do I do?

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

I planted "Sugar Baby" watermelon seeds and "Big Max" pumpkin seeds this year; both from Victory Seed Company. Both are growing great with lots of blooms on both. My question is.... Do I need to only leave a certain number of blooms on each plant or runner, or do I just leave them alone and they just have however many fruit they're going to have? I don't need a 300 pound pumpkin and I'm hoping that if I leave it alone, it will give me normal - but good size pumpkins. If someone has experience with these two varieties, or just watermelons and pumpkins in general, I'd appreciate it if you could can coach me on growing these. Big Max's vines are HUGE....very impressive. My garden in doing great - growing like weeds in fact, but I'm learning as I go......and having a blast! :)

Can't wait to hear from you all!
Thanks a bunch!

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

Glenda, glad you're garden is so successful! I grew both, and frankly didn't bother to thin anything. My logic was that a lot can happen to those little fruits, so I decided I wanted SOMETHING middle-sized rather than risk having nothing if the fruits failed to reach maturity for some reason. If you have fields of things than I guess you can take the risk! My fruits were quite satisfactory, the pumpkins were nicely middle-sized, the watermellon were pretty tiny when they matured but delicious. I know, the vines take up a LOT of space, which is why I didn't try them again. I personally think you'll be absolutley fine if you just let them be, or maybe take off the really puny not-so-well-shaped fruits only. Good luck!

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