Miss Bruggie and her Companions

(Zone 6a)

Mis Bruggie is back and she's bigger and better then ever!!! Getting ready for her biggest flush of blooms yet she has 35 buds and counting! Now that she's grown she'll be able to do more work and mix better drinks at The Flowerpot Cafe

drumroll please................................................

Introducing Miss Bruggie, who was recently repotted into her new and attractive container!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Here is one of her friends (he was "discount"....but the other brugs don't need to know that) who likes to play with the Bishop's Children. He's a very shy bloomer but the size and beauty of the foliage makes up for it.

I counted 2 buds yesterday.

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

The Bishop's Children are a friendly bunch :)

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(Zone 6a)

Here's one of her hybrid cousins who is getting ready to bloom for the first time. So far she's made about a dozen buds and I can't wait to see what see looks like! Once she blooms maybe we can all figure out a name for her!?! She's very tall and thin........a little crooked though at the bottom........

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Along with the previous this is another hybrid cousin to Miss Bruggie. I *think* these two crosses are Brugmansia 'Rubirosa' X 'Peanut'. I got them mixed up as seedlings though so I'm not 100% on who they are....

She's very tall and skinny like her sister but no buds...

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

And heres 2 more cousins to Miss Bruggie, these two hybird brothers who I *think* are 'Perfect Harmony' X 'Peanut' are much stockier and bushier then their sisters. So far I like them better :) At least until their sister blooms.....

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Last but not least is the final brother. These 2 brothers are not only big and strong but so far have shown great resistence to spider mites and aphids. yay!!

I hope they all bloom this year but somehow I doubt it.......

Anyways, hope you enjoy Miss Bruggies Companions as much as I have!


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven, Miss Bruggie looks fabulous in her new pot, what a great family collection!
Looking forward to seeing them all flowering soon.

(Zone 6a)

Hello Terri! And thank-you! Pretty soon they can all come to work at the Flowerpot Cafe! We can employ them as a full kitchen staff!

(Zone 6a)

Stay tuned to this thread! Lots of B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L blooms coming soon!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Tuning in!!! Can you give this brug newb some tips on how to? TOO?!

(Zone 6a)

How-to's? Of course!

#1 is to make sure you regularly pot them up when they become root bound. I have found that no pot is to big once they mature. When they become root bound their growth slows and they become stressed which seems to make them more appealing to pests. I've found that if I regularly spray my brugs with the hose(new growth, tops and bottoms of leaves) it helps to deter bugs and such. They also like it too!

#2 is to make sure you use a good lightweight potting soil like Miracle Grow soil. I try to feed mine full strength miracle grom every two weeks which seems to be enough. With other fertilizers you might need to be more frequent. Brugs are really heavy feeders and also GUZZLE water.

For me up here in Canada I put them in full sun, but depending on where you live they might like some shade during the hottest parts of the day.

As for bringing them in.....cuttings are really easy or you can apparently overwinter them in a cool dark garage or cellar where it doesn't freeze. You can also cut woody branches with flowering growth and strip them of their leaves and put them in a bucket of wather with some peroxide in a cool dark place.

thats all I could think of for now....so I hope that helps!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Cool! I dont know if I will be getting any yet or not. I kinda like their hugeness! I am thinking for next year on our viranda...But whats a mother to do for pots.. OY That is my problem!

I perhaps can grow them out in large nursery cans . That might work. Only problem then might be winnd... mmmm...thinking ahead...

(Zone 6a)

If you start with a cutting you can grow it out in a smaller pot untill its root bound but after that it has to be moved up. I haven't been able to pot all mine up this year like I should and some of them look like thay have mites or something...*sigh*
And wind can be a problem....some of mine are in about 5 gallon pots and they blow over when it gets windy. One blew over yesterday and I didn't stand it up till today and it already started to grow sideways!

(Zone 6a)

Finally she is going to bloom tonight!!!!! I thought it would be last night but nope, Miss Bruggie is determined to hold out on us!

Here she is from yesterday afternoon

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(Zone 6a)

one from last night

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(Zone 6a)

a visitor

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(Zone 6a)

a close up :)

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(Zone 6a)

and lastly Miss Bruggie's cousin who is going to have double blooms! WOOOOO!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Verrrrrrrry nice! Well I have been giving thought to the brugs.. I have been planning next years veggie garden and our varanda and well, might just have a spot for one or two.. dont know yet. But can always find a spot if not there. I have some large nursery cans. Dont know if they woould be large enough. I think they are #1500's and wil have to look on that.

Well, Miss Bruggie and friens, show us more!

(Zone 6a)

Do you have a picture of your nursery cans? The best size for a pot is something like a half whisky barrel. But it doesn't have to be that big to get good healthy plant. And it also depends on what variety you get. For example the cousins are making blooms at just 3 feet so they'd make a nice size for a patio, but Miss Bruggie didn't bllom till I think about 6 feet and she's gotten pretty huge. Next year I want to make her a focal point in the yard.

Heres a pic from this afternoon!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Here's another from last night with the blooms opened. Its a little over exposed.

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

here's a bloom from the varigated one in post #6886284. He should be open tonight too! Check out those tendrils!

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(Zone 6a)

another :) This one should be open tonight!

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(Zone 6a)

and here's a shot of Miss Bruggies Cousin. I HOPE this opens tonight but we might have to wait till tomorrow.........its going to be double or triple! Check out how fat those blooms are! There's something inside!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Here's some tendrils! I'm wondering what her fragrance will be like? Different ones have different scents. If she turns out nice I think I might call her 'Madame Sophia'.

They say you won't know the true colour or form of the flower untill the third bloom cycle......which will be next year.

This message was edited Aug 22, 2009 3:19 PM

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Stunning! Hmmm I will have to take a photo of the nursery cans.. One is called a #1600 and it is the largest one I haaaaaaaaave... will be back in a while with that.

Do brugs come in minature? LOL! I am thinking I am not going to be able to do this because I lack for large containers...

(Zone 6a)

The smallest one I have is about 3 feet tall. In the spring you can often find those large fake terracotta pots at garden centres for just over 5$ and they're a good size.

Here's some pics from last night :)

from below

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(Zone 6a)

from the side

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(Zone 6a)

a group shot :)

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(Zone 6a)

and a few from this morning

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(Zone 6a)


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(Zone 6a)

this one was just taken at sunrise

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(Zone 6a)

here's one of Miss Bruggie

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(Zone 6a)

and a full shot of Miss Bruggie

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh how lovely there SW! Heris that #1600 nursery can I was talking about.. I dont think its gonna be big eeeenough to carry a finished bruggie!

You can see by the size of the hanging basket and the gallon pots on the yellow shelves that is what it is.


(Zone 6a)

hey, I have a few "cans" like that too! except I didn't know they were called cans! hahahaha. Something that size can hold a seedling or a cutting for a couple months but after that it would need to be moved up. I have one still growing in a pot like that that should have been moved up months ago and the growth is very slow and not very lush.

Thank you for the compliment! Here's a pic of most of the backyard. It all looks like a huge garden but aside from the bed in the front of the pic its just a bunch of pots and tubs in the back. You can see Miss Bruggie in the back right by the sliding door :)

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

And a little to the left

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steven your Miss Bruggie sure made a spectacular presentation this year. Something I will likely never try due to lack of space but sure will admire yours for many seasons to come.

(Zone 6a)

Thank you Candee! I have to sadly annouce though that some of the 'cousins' have been lost over the winter. It's dissapointing but also a bit of a relief because I didn't know what to do with them all! But on the bright side, Miss Bruggie and the Pink one as well the varigated one are doing well!

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