Our Sally strikes again....

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

...obviously a timeless article....I know I enjoyed it!!! http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/1566/

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Love it! I've taken to wearing an apron in the garden but alas it has no pockets, so my jean pockets always wind up with the sharpie, the pieces of venetian blind, the cordless phone, the cell phone, the hand pruners, the... well the list goes on. I now know why Mr. Green Jeans wore bibs! LOL.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh (blush)
Hey Roni--me too...I can never keep supplied! My pockets are stuffed too. I still have to carry those electronic things that can't stay out in the garden. The canvas apron from Pinetree is a help but the pockets shapes aren't ideal.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Maybe we'll have to design one and mfg it ourselves and sell it to all our friends at DG. LOL.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Go to the hardware store and get you a cheap cotton carpenter's apron. They tie around your waist, they have lots of pockets and loops to hang things. They don't cost much either. They're made of canvas or cotton duck.

Here's some although you can find them locally, you don't have to mail order. If they don't understand carpenter's waist apron ask for a nail apron.




I also have one of these because it's hand to have a bucket I can carry plants, cuttings, etc. in s well as tools and other things. You can get them at Lowes and I'm sure Home Depot too in the tool department.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whew....good ideas, Diane!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, Something I got rid of years ago, and now regret. are the milk boxes I had saved from the old place I grew up. Those would be great for a small storage. They were probably 8X12" and 14-16"s tall.
Yes I grew up very rural. We had a milkman, a bread man, an ice cream/ice man, and a Fuller brush man. We had party line phones, and walked a half mile to catch the school bus. Uphill both ways.We raised rabbits, chickens, ducks, and pigeons to supplement our diet, and 1/4 of our lot was veggie garden. I thought weeding onions and having fresh tomato sandwiches was a treat, not abuse, as our oldest son remembers. We had a creek within casting distance of the back porch, so fishin' and a waterman's ways came natural. Our first day of trout (in April) was the first day of swimming. We all told our Mom's we accidentally fell in. LOL Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Roni- not a bad idea!! do you sew? there's the DG marketplace...Let's include a camera pocket......

hart--excellent- esp at less than 3 dollars for the five pocket-er

Ric- we were totally Baltimore suburbs but had a dairy nearby, Wilkens Farms- That milk box made a great sitting spot for a little girl. That one went by the way. (of all the things my mom has saved, where did that go?)I was tickled a few years ago to get one from a friend, and it's on my deck for more storage.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ohhhh a camera pocket!!!! YES - with a snap so it doesn't fall out when bending over

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