Thursday - that virus yesterday was annoying

.........I couldn't access Dave's at all ! Most irritating.
Nice to see Sheila here again, hi there ! I don't like Malta, been there but when I read about how many birds of all species are slaughtered there each year I went right off the place. I often wondered about the noise in the background, thought ti must be a target shoot, never realised that evrybody shoots everything that flies, from larks to gyrfalcons. Yuk !

Was walking the dog early this morning and the swallows are still here, feeding on the excess of craneflies we've got. Am continually being surprised that we still have house martins too, I can't ever recall them being here this late. Hope they get to Africa safely, personally I feel they're leaving it a little late and may struggle over the Sahara.

I have a number of things to do today so I'll shoot off soon, just wanted to say hi to everyone - I did use to like it when so many of us used this forum to swap news and views and I'm hoping it'll move towards that again....

Don't know about you guys but over the summer a whole bunch of stuff happened that is going to take absolutely ages to recount - just wondering what I missed whilst I was away.

Quick summaries anyone ?

Talk later


Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Jo
I noticed too the house martins opposite me are still here, I think they must have had a 3rd brood as the little ones were all huddled on the window ledge looking petrefied!
I,ve spent the day gathering seeds in, I was cleaning the aster seed of chaff by blowing (supposedly gently )into the tray when I sneezed, and got covered in the 'fluff' and seeds. Boy does that stuff itch.I,ve had to take off all my clothes ( not in the garden I hasten to add "! wouldn,t want to scare the birds away LOL ) and have a shower .
I made the mistake the other day too I,d been sorting and cleaning my seeds, rubbed my eyes, oooooowww, boy did they burn, I was running around the kitchen splashinh them with water, rubbing them in a towel, had visions ofhaving to try and stumble my way to the a.& e to have them washed out..
I,m tempted to put my shorts on again today, it,s brill out there, thought we,d seen the last of the nice I was satting in the garden the clothing was coming off in layers, think the builders next door thought I was giving them the comeon LOL.
Speak to you soon.

Hoo boy have I got stories about builders !!!

Sadly, I have to go very soon so I have no time to relate them !Anyway, thanks for the mental imagery, made me laugh a little. A bit jealous of your good weather tho' it's rather grim here at the moment - not exactly bad weather just mildly depressing and cooooool.



Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i dont like Malta either, went 2 years ago to great but what a boring place, will not go again if al they do is kill, kill kill.Well my garden is in full flower because before i go on holiday i disbud everything, its my garden i want to see the flowers, so by the time i came back the flowers were there, my roses will take another couple of weeks to flower. My clematis montana is flowering again. not a lovely as the spring show, but i am grateful for late flowers. My purple rudbeckias are only just coming into flower, but i dont know what has happened to my sea holly they have not turned their lovely blue as they usually do and i think it might be too late to give them another feed.

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