insect on mandevilla

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi - hoping you can help. My mom has a large mandevilla that overwintered in her house. Along the way it developed an infestation of some sort of bug - it looks like little cotton balls on the backs of leaves and on the branches.
Any idea what it is and how to get rid of it?
Many thanks!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

What you probably have are mealybugs. If you are not adverse to chemicals, any insecticidal spray will kill them, like malathion which is rather innocuous .. stinks, but breaks down to harmless contituents in a week .. make sure you spray under the leaves as well and also spray the ground around the plant as well and any nooks and crannies around the bush.

Others have had success using neem oil which smothers them. The problem with oil sprays is that if the temperature gets over 90 degrees it can damage the plant .. but I don't think that's a problem where you live.

You should first knock as many off the bush as possible with the water hose then spray with whatever you decide to use. Keep an eagle eye on the plant. After the initial treatment, you can kill them off as you see them by dabbing them with a q-tip dipped in alcohol.


This message was edited Jul 19, 2009 9:42 AM

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