Trumpet vine that won't trumpet

Niagara Falls, NY(Zone 6a)

There is a trumpet vine in my yard that was probably put in the wrong spot (northeast corner of a building and sandwiched close to another building on the north side) but it is probably 4-10 years old now and can't be transplanted. I've been here two summers and never seen it bloom. Is this a lost cause because it doesn't get enough sun or is there something I can do to help it bloom?


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Patience and lots of time will bring blooms - just have to wait, I'm afraid. Mine is winding through a huge tree and blooms fine, so shade isn't the issue.

Stockton, CA

I have a trumpet vine in a large walnut tree and it blooms in the top of the tree, which is also where it apparently gets adequate sunlight. I think they need a good amount of light to bloom and in tree tops it may get enough. I have another one on a pole and it also gets nearly full sun and blooms quite well.

Thumbnail by leemiller38
Lake Butler, FL

Are you sure it's a trumpet and if so did the previous owners or anyone else see it bloom? I like the 2 responders before me live in areas with lots of sun and mine does bloom and is in the shade but does get lots of light even if it doesn't get direct sun. If it is that old it should be putting out runners all over the place and if you cant move that one you could move a runner, maybe put it in a pot to get it going. Hope that helps

New York, NY

Someone just gave me this link about my trumpet. Might help.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5b)

My Trumpet finally bloomed this month!!! It is at least 6 years old, so give it time!! Now if my 9 year old Wisteria would only bloom!!!

Stockton, CA

This is in regard to the Wisteria bloom problem. If your Wisteria has not bloomed after 9 years, I suggest it has the same problem of not enough sunlight. The Chinese Wisteria are more prone to not blooming because of too much shade. I have one that blooms only at one end of the trellis where it gets the most light. The rest is in too much shade to apparently ever bloom.

South Boardman, MI

I have a Wisteria that is 5-6 years old. In summer it gets sun from 1000am til dark. It has never bloomed either. My Trumpet vines on the south deck go crazy and bloom like mad. I recently transplanted some on the North facing deck. They are growing great, but it is the 3rd year and has not bloomed yet, but I would think it needs more time. It does get late afternoon sun. This pic is in mid June-Northern Michigan

Thumbnail by yvmamoran
Stockton, CA

Some Wisterias for whatever reason don't bloom well. I have read that recommended fall pruning of the roots with a spade will encourage blooms. Sometimes that works, but shade is still likely the biggest problem for Wisteria not blooming. Also pruning and leaving flower buds is critical if they formed due to adequate sunshine.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

mine didnt bloom till I trimmed it last year in june by the end of july it was blooming

Lake, MI

I had a trumpet vine that took a long while before it bloomed. Now it is very woody and blooms like crazy and I just love it. I have it on my wood fence wish I had put it somewhere else:)

Now for the wisteria plant oh my goodness. I bought a stick from Gurneys seed years ago. It ended up being a nice looking tree( how I trained it). I had it for 20 years and I tired prunning it hard cutting the roots just about anything you could think of and it never never bloomed. I fianlly cut it down.

I moved to a new house and found this one at a local nursery. It was loaded with blooms and I bought it for 30.00 just to have some blooms. I felt as though I deserved it LOL This spring I noticed it didn't come back. I went to the nursery and the woman said to try watering it good. By the end of summer no luck still dead as a door nail. So this spring I will get a new one for free. I am determined to have one!!!!!

Good luck


Thumbnail by Amos55
New York, NY

I pruned the trumpet back and one shoot did not survive winter so we will see. With wisteria, it takes quite a few years for it to mature. Trumpet should not be as picky and mine could not get better sun. It has to be age and pruning although it's not a typical trumpet in that it only grows 12-15". So we'll see.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

wisteria mysteria: i bought a Wisteria floribunda in 2003 and planted it in a very large pot. it sat next to my house in a partly shaded spot for 3 years. in winter i wrapped the pot with bubble wrap and dry leaves. it didn't bloom, although it always leafed out, until i planted it in the ground in a southwest plot in a new garden in 2006. i never fertilized it, my pruning was haphazard and experimental, i didn't water it. it started blooming in 2007 and blooms every spring with abandon. only mother nature knows why it decided to bloom, but i would guess that more sun was the deciding factor.

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have an interesting experience with this vine. I had bought it in a 5gal container and it had never bloomed for me. A friend of mine had admired it and so I gave it to them(letting them know that it had never bloomed for me). One of the roots from the container had escaped and I have a new vine in the same location. It had bloomed the first year and has been blooming every year since then. I am not sure how to explain :)

New York, NY

Part of my vine was broken in a storm. I pruned it back again after that. Voila. Blooms only on the stems that were broken! Next year, I will prune back hard and see what happens.

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