Fall RU 09- Food

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am getting nervous after reading all this LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

AuntB you are way too organized!......I just hope I get everything there....LOL I will try to remember to bring some invitation envelopes (have a ton) and if someone just wants a few seeds or wants to split seeds we will have something to put them in.

When the Master Gardeners do our plant sale, we set up tables with signs that say shade, part-shade, sun. Course we kind of assume we are selling to general people, not DG plant crazed people....LOL Have to admit there are lots of plants I don't know even tho I am a full fledged crazed all consuming plant person...LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Debra, don't worry. It's never as organized as we make it sound like on here. LOL

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