Flower ID needed

Kolkata, India

I live in Kolkata, India. This flowering plant starts flowering only with the onset of monsoon rains. I will be very happy if anyone can provide me with its name. Thanks

Thumbnail by amitray

Very nice - but I do not know its name. I will follow this thread hoping someone knows.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

That is Globba schomburgkii, the Dancing Girl ginger. I have the pink/purple one, and there are hybrids out there as well.

Here's a link:



Interesting - the first thing I thought was 'some kind of ginger' but I had never seen that color.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Welcome amitray! I hope you join us often with pictures such as this. I agree with LariAnn...Dancing Girl. I often get my gingers mixed up...but this one is a stand-out. Do you find that the other gingers only flower at the onset of the rains? Mine do. I can barely keep them alive during the windy season, but the rains begin and my garden is filled with wonderful scents.


Thumbnail by Islandshari
Atenas, Costa Rica

I ordered from a garden nearby Globba winterii. Maybe next week I will have good news, so I can go to get it.

Islandshari The first place where I saw a Globba was in Kwajalein. My neighboord Vicky Santucci had a specimen in her garden (yellow flowers). As I told you we were 472B. I guess some people in Kwajalein still have parts of the original plant that Vicky had in her place.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Actually, I think mine came from her original plant! What a small, wonderful world we live in. I remember discussions when I picked it up, and the folks were talking about a "Vicky"...That's one of the nice things about Kwaj...the plants manage to get passed around to someone who will love them, even when the original owner leaves the island. My friend Bruce Sherrill had a huge orchid growing in a garbage can and I see bits and pieces of orchids just like it everywhere...but the big one is no where to be found. It makes me feel good that his orchid is still here - giving joy to many other people through babies and cuttings.


Kolkata, India

Thank you, LariAnn and others for the ID and valuable comments. Regards

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