Hummingbird Decline?

Monrovia, MD

In one of the threads we started talking about what appears to be a decline in the number of hummingbirds this year - at least for some of us. I live in Frederick County Maryland and have a feeder that has traditionally attracted 2-3 birds. I have a freind who has had multiple feeders and had lots of regulars - almost seemd like a beehive! This year we each saw one bird a month or so ago - and none since. I know it's been cooler and wetter...but I wanted to query the MA members and see if there really appears to be a decline - and if there's someone who can shed some insight.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No one is reporting any decline here and as you can see from the animated map, there are sightings far north of us.

and here

I've been seeing them for many weeks and haven't noticed any decline in numbers. I have about six feeders and always have lots of hummers.

We only have ruby throats here and a stray rufous every now and then. The Audubon Society is reporting declines in rufous but over several years not one, so if that's your species, maybe that's why you're seeing fewer.

Monrovia, MD

Thanks for the great links - and I am glad to hear this isn't a region wide thing...but the more I talk to my friends and neighbors the more I find that in our area - there are very few this spring/summer.


In Northcentral Pennsylvania the population is down about fifty percent or more based on my backyard count. I have one pair working where we normally expect to see three or four pairs working by this date. Hopefully this pair will nest, hatch and fledge two or three build the population up for the trip back to their winter homes. Our flower offerings are as good or better than previous years. We have two instead of one feeder up. All my savy neighbors are seeing the same aproximate decreases.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We don't have near as many this year as last. We have some but I would say about 1/2 as many as before. The most activity we have seen at the feeder was after the hatchings got big enough to come on their own. The big trumpet vine out front is a huge draw and I have seen a couple there as well. Last year there weren't just a couple they just covered it and chased each other around like crazy all over the yard. Also noticed a huge difference this July4th at my friends house. We usually sit on her porch and watch them come and go to her beebalm and there is usually a steady stream of them all day long. This year I didn't see any at all.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

They might not be liking the cooler weather and all the rain we've had ?????

Monrovia, MD

That's what I am wondering flowerjen - has it been too cold and rainy. Maybe they came back up for the spring and tried nesting with little success. But I have had zero since I spottted one in May.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

This is my thoughts on the subject. It may have been when the scouts arrived, there was not enough food source around due to the weather. I have noticed over the years that my first one spotted is at my flowering quince, not for the nectar, but there are tiny gnats around the blossoms, then I make sure the feeders are out. They are looking for protein after their long flight.
I have noticed that around here when it is chilly and rainy the hummers are more active, doesn't seem to bother them a bit.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, Although we don't have near as may as usual. Right now they are popping out all over. The few we did have nested and I have baby hummers comming to the feeder and flowers. Still not near as many as last year, but I am enjoying the show and now must fill the feeders much more often and Ric saw 6 at once on the trumpet vine.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

sigh... I have not seen any this season ...

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