I see Dill,I see Dahl

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I see purple all around!!!
Nice dark purple in with my pastel sweet peas!!!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh my! that is one sweet combination! Well done!


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Very nice eye candy!!!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

How invasive is dill?


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I can't remember,been a long time since I've planted it,but will see !!!LOL

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Lol indeed! This year I've been getting rid of all my invasives like sweet autumn clematis and making sure what I trade for is not invasive.


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I have sweet autumn Clematis,comes back in the same spot,but has not spread as of yet.
Does it spread by seed or runners?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Both where I live.. but you are in an area where it probably comes back by seeds ... all I know is after reading all the negatives about it in Plant Files, I promptly dug mine up and got rid of it.


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Funny thing for yrs I just have the one in the same place,and now I'm a zone 7B I think !!!
When a big cold snow storm comes along I'll be back to a 6!LOL

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Sweet peas still flowering in 100*+ temperatures,these hybrids today far exceed the sweet peas I've grown in the past,80* would have done them in!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

That's amazing! Mine surrender if it gets above 85 for a few days.


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

107* now!!!!!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)


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