Test Question - yes this will be difficult.

(Zone 4a)

They often sell galore around here.....I just find a lot of the good clematis all seem to be purpule so I don't want to find "just" purples....I mean I love purple but i do enjoy pinks too!

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, you people have certainly caused me to put a few more on my wish list. CG, you must have known that we would all want negritianka (sp?) after raving about it like this! This is not helping my addiction. I checked SSV site and it says "out of stock" but others say "available in fall." I wonder when she will have more.

I had not even considered MJC yet, but that combo sounds absolutely gorgeous. I have one spot left on the south end of the house where I intend to add a trellis this fall. I'm trying to decide which ones on my wish list will show up the best, get the tallest, and survive in this terrible heat and sun during most of the day. The others on that end of the house haven't been there long enough yet to know. But, I noticed that EV must be getting use to the sun, as her blooms don't seem to wilt during the day as badly as before. I just hope she gets as large as the one in your photos. I showed your photo to my DH and he said we were going to have to get a larger trellis. That's thinking positive!!

Appleton, WI

I got so many pinks this year that now I have to get more purples. It's a vicious circle ;-)

(Zone 4a)

Funny - I am the opposite - too much purples...need more pinks :)

Appleton, WI

I made an effort today to even things up a bit. I bought General Sikorski to plant alongside with the one I already have. Ok, so it's only 3 that I've purchased since I said I wasn't going to buy any more clematis this year.

(Zone 4a)

Hehehe I just bought three that I have no room for at all...what am I going to do??

Delaware, OH

both of my general sik's are MIA this year. one appeared for a week or so then died back (this is always a VERY BAD sign, worse than not appearing) the other one has not shown. they are in different locations, and have always been part times, but nice blooms when they appear. will keep the real estate till next spring only i think. the winter must have done them in.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


That is why they makes pots...... and very large pots at that.......LOL

Sorry couldn't reside saying that....


(Zone 4a)

I know I know but I am just not into that over wintering stuff....too much work. I got 2 plants planted....the third is waiting but I am still not sure where to squeeze that one in......

Delaware, OH

i'm with you dawn i don't do it. but i will bring vienetta into the garage this year......i need my dormant season as much as the clems do. year round clemming not my cup of tea.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I hear ya CG on not wanting to take on year round cleming....LOL

Well my Proteus is hanging in there even with his head chopped off....


(Zone 4a)

Well I managed to move a daylily and planted 2 clematises.....The onther one is still waiting......

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, dawn what us clem lovers won't do to fit in just a few more.....


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