An introduction and a few pics

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Yeah Pirl, but the 'of the Garden' part is just understood. I may just make a crown of of honeysuckle and my wrought iron tiki torch would make a great scepter.

I just got off night shift and am bushed, I would love to be puttering outside, but the wind is just howling. All the honeysuckle blooms will be on the ground soon!

Etoile Rose is really beginning to bloomm and the obelisk it is on is way too small. Petit Faucon is blooming its head off. Jackmanii is putting out some HUGE blooms. The Niobe is loaded and looks so glorious. I wish it were a taller plant.

Delaware, OH

jennie. how old and how tall is it? mine is about 5 ft, about 6 years old. i treat it as a p 3, due to the fact the winters always seem to damage the vines....i am intolerant of old damaged unslightly vines even if they will produce earlier blooms or allow the plant to go taller....
so i kind of keep them shorter with this method as it is up near the front door of the display on each side of the walkway, 3 niobes in each..........sounds like your clems are in full glory!

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

This is only the second summer for the Et. Rose (2) - planted in Aug 2007. I have them on a small obelisk, much like your tomato cages. They are growing off the top of the obelisk and flopping over. I would try to do something else, but will have to wait until after the bloom and cut them back?

Delaware, OH

yes you can wait, but you can do it now if you don't mind sacrficing blooms. if you cut and feed they will be back.
reblooming is better if you do cut before the first bloom period ends, as you start to notice it waning. biologically a plant wants to go to seed as it's only priority, and when you thwart the process to seed, it will come back with a fierce vigor vs if you wait till seeds have set. the plant is smart and wants only to go to seed. that is it's mission, after that happens it is biologically finished and second bloom period will not be as good.

all do not have the heart for this, some can not cut any blooms away. just depends on how you want to handle the plant and what your later summer goals are for the garden.

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