My Mother-in-Law's Tongue is smelling very sweet!

Grows all over the place here, on the sides of roads. Seem to be mostly just a green with a slight pattern to the leaves. One other type has yellow borders on the leaves. A scrap of a leaf will grow roots, a root nearly cannot be killed.

The fragrance is sweet, but a little sickly sweet to me. Amazing plant!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. Both Nautilus and I have them in or not many blooms. Illinois is cold, but I certainly can't say that about Kwaj! Rarely (VERY rarely) gets below 80. Perhaps the root systems need more area to help produce the blooms? I asked this before, but my post got lost in all the pretty pictures.


My mother kept some in a tiny pot. about four by ten inches, in her dining room window in Virginia. It just kind of sat there for years, never growing. Then outa nowhere it bloomed. Maybe thy have a mind of their own.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha Ha! Yep, that sounds about right MM...I will not worry about it.


noonamah, Australia

Shari, mine flower in the coldest part of the year. This year it happened when we had our most extreme cold and the minimum got down to 10C. Days were still in the mid to low 30C's, Being on an island you probably wouldn't get nights that cold and that might be the trigger you need.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info. I've been looking since you started this thread, and I haven't seen any blooming on island. The temp is probably the key. Oh well, they are still a stately plant.


Daytona Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Shari, mine blossomed even when root bound in pots, as long as I had them with a good amount of sun.

They will freeze to the ground here some years, but come back, but of course the stolons haven't frozen.

If you root from a leaf, a yellow edged kind will come revert to the plain green. I don't know about the birdsnest varieties.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i have a birdsnest variety, and some of the other varieties grow wild over here. i had no idea that they flowered, i'l have to keep an eye out!

Keaau, HI

Any photos Westraad?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

we got a rainy storm at the moment, when its over, probably in a couple of days, i'l take a picture and post it.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

sorry its taken me so long to post the photo, here it is. i have them growing in two pots, one in shade one in semishade with morning sun. What are the ideal growing conditions?

Thumbnail by westraad

The birdsnest sansevieria which you have there likes the semishade best. Well draining soil too. Oh, slugs and snails like them so keep an eye out for those.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

My grandmother had a MILT growing in a large terracota pot in the living room's bay window when I was a kid. Although it was kept inside year-round, it grew and grew. She propagated it by chopping one of the long leaves into 3-inch bits in the spring and putting them into small pots she kept along the North wall outside. They rooted and a new plant would show up. She gave those to friends, neighbors and anyone who wanted them. She would give away the rooted cutting but she would keep the small 3-inch terracota pots for the following year. We was poor!

I remember that she used leftover cold strong tea once in a while to water her MILT.

Take care, all.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i haven't had any problems with slugs or snails, but i will be sure to keep an eye out. i am one of those people who avoid to spray insecticides. i had to the other day, for my hibiscuses. they were covered in bugs, but are doing better now.

Huntsville, Canada

do you mind if I show someone this post they were asking questions on there house plants trying to give them names she has diffrent varietys most are the tall varieties one or two smaller varieties.

noonamah, Australia

You're welcome to show this post. Funnily enough, my Mother-in-Law's Tongues are flowering again right now. For the past week they've been flooding my place with their fragrance.

Huntsville, Canada

Thats wounderful I never new they bloomed too but many house plants wont bloom in a pot inside not enough of their natural habbitat indoors to bloom if we stick them outdoors for the warm time they may get infested with bugs and bring the bugs back indoors thats what im afraid of I try not to use sprays so I keep the house plants inside to claen the air inside. Very nice to see them grow naturally

Xai Xai, Mozambique

wow, can u believe its a year since you started this thread, Tbreeze!! glad to hear they are flowering, mine aren't yet. but i just recently moved them to an ideal location, so hopefully next year!!

Huntsville, Canada

It's nice the threads have been around for along time so newbies like me can see these wounderful pictures diffrent than any book and real information from poeple that are growing them. My plant I have Im thinking about putting it out in the garden its realy tall weather here is 30+ sunny

Xai Xai, Mozambique

we are very glad to have you here, nicholtammy!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Are you saying it's only 30F this am?


noonamah, Australia

In Canada, I'd say that was 30C or 86F.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Hap, surely, that was centigrade!
Hope youall back there on the east coast survive the predicted heat wave!
Here in so. cal, we are still waiting for summer to happen. A balmy 72F. with drizzle until 15 minutes ago. Now the sun is out at 5:45.

noonamah, Australia

Isaac, I took a lot of plants from the main patch last year and planted them around other areas. They're all flowering now and have spread that knockout fragrance further around. This is one of the newer planted ones flowering, won't be long and yours will be like that.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
Huntsville, Canada

Yes Centigrade all these planted in the shade?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

can't wait, Tbreeze! don't they grow in shade as well as sun? mine do...

noonamah, Australia

Mine are all over the place, some with a fair bit of sun, some in nearly complete shade. Doesn't seem to make much difference.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks....just wondering. Coming from Rochester, NY I thought is was possible. LOL


Huntsville, Canada

Thank you it really likes the heat anyway along with my unbrella tree I usually keep them in my front protch it gets really hot in there but it is too big to stay inside in the summer its time to seperate my big pot so i will try these outside and wash them off really good when I bring them back in for the winter so no bugs get the free ride inside

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