VFT Bloom

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

This is the first time a VFT has bloomed for me. Several folks suggested leaving it out this winter and although I didn't reply....I'll give it a try.

Thumbnail by Sunshines2day
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

GREAT photo! Nice job!

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Thank You.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Those are really nice pictures of very pretty flowers. Mine don't compare.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks Starslippter7,

They are all done flowering and I was hoping to collect some seeds. I've left them alone and was wondering if I should just wait until they dry out and begin to break open on their own. The other option would be to leave them there and hope they might re-seed on their own....planning on leaving the whole plant outside this winter since my refrigerated VFT turned to mush. Eventually I'd like Tommy and yourself to advise on the wintering. You both really have a lot of knowledge and are so helpful.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I wait until the seeds develop and then I plant them in the same soil as the parent plant. I bring the baby plants in for their first winter or two, sr I keep them in separate pot from the parents. Sometimes I have babies growing under the adults, and I leave them. I figure they are protected.

How many plants do you have and are they in the same pot or different pots? I think you would be best off just leaving them outside, away from any wind, especially freezing wind. I put three or four plants in a big pot to help protect them. I buy them half price from Wal-mart after Halloween. I think the part of NC that has VFT is 8. Here's a care sheet from cobraplants.com. Note that when you scroll down the pictures show the VFT dormant in a pot in snow with the saucer frozen.

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