Cassabanana - Has anyone ever eaten this fruit?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

If so, can you describe the flavor of it? Does it taste like other melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc.)?

I have one of these vines growing on the side of my house. It's getting huge - taking over like crazy - and DH has been pulling it off the vinyl siding (it has already grown about 15 feet up the wall, he's pulled it down several times, and it's still growing). He's getting tired of messing with it and I'm thinking that I'll just pull the whole thing down if it tastes like melon because I can't tolerate the taste and smell of any melons (and that includes cucumbers - unless they've been turned into pickles).

Can anyone enlighten me as to what this tastes like?


San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

I have one growing up the side of my house too. The tendrials are like superglue. I put mine on a trellis so they wouldnt destroy anything. From what I understand, they use them in South America as room deodorizers. Apparently they can fill the room with a pleasing fragrance for up to three months.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

"The tendrials are like superglue."

You're not kidding! This is why DH wants the vines off the house. He's going to have to get up on a ladder and scrub anyway, because powerwashing just doesn't get the stuff off the siding.

"From what I understand, they use them in South America as room deodorizers."

I hadn't heard this about the cassabanana. I've heard this about the Buddha's Hand Citron, though (one of which I have).

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

"Fruit: People like to keep the fruit around the house, and especially in linen- and clothes-closets, because of its long-lasting fragrance, and they believe that it repels moths. It is also placed on church altars during Holy Week."

I still cant find a good description of the taste.

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