Beautiful Iris

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have no idea what the name of this iris is but I saw it in a friends garden yesterday and it is so gorgeous I asked for a tuber when the time comes to split it!I expect somebody here can put a name to it!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Winnsboro, TX

I have no ideal what it is but I'd love to have a start of it to. So if anyone knows what it is I'd like to know too.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Blue Batik

I Googled it for pictures

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thank you - I thought it looked rather like a batik fabric!

Marian I think you are a bit too far away! She just planted it last year anyway so it ill be a bit before she needs to split it.
Here is a pic showing more of the plant.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
South Hamilton, MA

To say nothing of a $30 phytosanitary certificate.

Lebanon, OR

How tall is this plant? As if it TB height then it is not Batik, but could be Out of Control.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Is Blue Batik a completely different iris than Batik? I've seen Batik offered at several places but not Blue Batik. Just wondering:)

It is beautiful!

I just ordered this Iris (about a month ago) on Co-op page.

Then, I heard about how a virus makes plants like plumeria and lily look different.

Please tell me this is not a virus mutation. If it is, should I plant it way away from my other Iris?

I love it; the colors make me happy. Anything that makes me happy gets top rating, even if it is a virus.



Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Could find no listing for "Blue Batik" in the on-line AIS registry, but did find "Blutique" Virginia Messick, R. 1998). Sdlg. M 89-52. TB, 36" (91 cm), M.
Bright medium blue on white, broken color pattern; style arms blue; beards blue. (Purple Pepper x Breakers) X Batik. Messick 1998.

May be it.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Photos on Dave's Garden, Schreiner's

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Irisloverdee I think it is about my waist height so maybe 4 feet.
Gabrial it looks rather a deeper blue to me than the photo of Blutique in PlantFiles.

This message was edited Jun 24, 2009 8:51 PM

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Looked further, see some sites have photos of what they call "Royal Blue Batik", it is not listed on AIS registry either. Did find "Royal Blue" & "Blue Royal" they are both from the 30s or 40s, and there is no information on them. Maybe just unregistered? Beautiful, just the same.

Lebanon, OR

Then check out Plantfiles of Out of Control as it was about 38" here


Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Ah-ha, another Batik child!
"Out Of Control" William Maryott, R. 1994). Sdlg. S110C. TB, 34-35" (86-89 cm), ML.
Purple with maroon influence, splashed or flecked white; beards light blue; lightly ruffled; sweet fragrance. Colours X Batik. Maryott 1995.
Thanks Dee, as you can tell, I like looking up things {now that I can see, had cactaract surgery May 15 & May 29}, I learn a lot.
fancyvan, does yours have a scent? Didn't see that mentioned about Blutique.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Or how about Jumpin Jack Flash at 34 inches. Have we ruled out Batik at 26 inches? I would help to know how tall the photographed plant is. But as you can see, it is possible to get this plant's appearance in more than one way, which is great. I love Jumpin Jack Flash and Batik. I have never seen Out of Control.

South Hamilton, MA

If it is 'Out of Control' then the original gardener was given the wrong name when she bought it. Another instance of commercial source mixing things up for their benefit instead adhering to AIS IDs?

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

fancyvan stated in earlier post that it is about 40" tall. I have not seen Jumpin' Jack Flash, so will look that one up.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

My goodness ! I post a pic of a lovely NOID iris and look what happens!

I think the pic of Out of Control looks just right!
I rechecked my height and it seems I overestimated - my waist is about 36 inches.
No idea if there is a scent - and not about to check - across town from me and owner away for a week.
She has no idea what it was labelled when she bought it and does not care either. and neither do I!
And yes IrisMA things do get mislabelled and sometimes people really care ( like you folks here I suspect!)and sometimes they dont, probably most dont. ( I for instance never buy a clematis at local greenhuises unless it has a flower so I am sure it is what it says it is!)

It is what it is and that is beautiful!


Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

"Jumpin Jack Flash" John Painter, R. 2003). Sdlg. J98-111. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML.
S. dark pansy violet streaked white; style arms dark pansy violet; F. dark pansy violet heavily streaked white; beards violet, hairs tipped white. Gnus Flash X Keppel 88-40A, pollen parent of Inside Track. Napa Country 2004.
Another source say it has purple based foliage, and a light scent.

Here is a link to the company we ordered on DG co-op and there are 3 iris that look something like this:

Alpha Gnu




Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Blutique is 36 inches tall and has blue beards.

Alpha Gnu is 22 inches high and is violet with yellow beards. ( yours definitely has blue beards and is taller than Alpha Gnu)

Batik is Royal Purple, 26 inches tall and has a yellow beard tipped with white.

Out of Control is 34-35 inches high, is royal purple influenced by maroon, splashed or flecked with white. and a light blue beard.

Differentiating Blue and Purple from a photograph is difficult, but I would say the beard of yours looks very blue and the color more blue than violet so I would think that it would be Blutique. But then I looked at the beards in the second photo and they seem to have sort of orange and blue beards -- but perhaps that is the pollen. Would you say the flower was blue or purple in real life?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Royal blue.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Then I would say it is Blutique -- unless there is another blue one out there that we don't know about. There are 60,000 named iris, but not so many blue broken color ones. It is really a beauty!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Here is Blutique in Plant Files:

If you look carefully the blue beards are tipped in yellow, like in your second picture. I bet that is the pollen on the ends of the beard.

One way or the other, that's a beauty. The only way to be sure it is the same iris, is to buy another and plant it right next to the one you are trying to identify. If they are grown under the same conditions and are the same iris, they will be the same.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

It is truly beautiful. Love the deep blue next to the white. It just shows off it's color. How many Buds on it??

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

It is smashingly gorgeous!
I have to find one lol

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I think I will tell the owner to go hunt for a plant tag and see what comes up!

Thanks everyone!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

If she is able to take a bloom back to the place she bought it, they may be able to ID it. Especially since it hasn't been that long.
Does she still have a receipt or shipping paper?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

You know we just have to get an ID so we can all get one for our gardens, right?lol I'm a blue fiend so it definitely calls to me=)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It is EXTREMELY unlikely that anybody at a garden centre here could actually ID the flower! Not that we dont have good garden centres but that is a bit too much to expect .Receipts would be useless -( it would just say 4" perennial or 6" perennial) besides I think she bought it a year or two ago. And then there is the mislabelling issue.
I bought two irises this spring largely on the basis that they both had blooms on them- one apricot, one deep purple and they looked lovely together.Got home and found the Apricot one has a tag that said Appleblossom ( pale pink!) I actually would never have bought them if they had not had blooms!
My friend is away but when she returns I will see if she maybe has the tag - it is possible - somewhere! And then I will direct her to this thread ! I am pretty sure she is a DG member.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

We have a really nice local nursery that has some really great perennials, shrubs and hosta but like yours--plants are rung up as annuals or perennials and container size and their iris are somewhat suspect as far as tags go. All it takes is one or two non plant folks or kids to pull out a tag or two and all bets are off:lol:

I do get some awesome 1/2 price deals in late summer and early fall (which lasts a long time in this zone) on perennials and some of the iris--though they never have a lot of potten iris.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I only buy iris locally if they are tagged and in bloom. Our nurseries tend to buy the variety "Assorted" which means it could be anything. We have one or two nurseries that carry named varieties, but in one of them I found I couldn't trust the tags.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm like that with clematis- if it doesnt have a flower I dont buy it! And in that case it is not the staff who mix up the tags it is the grower ( Clearview)

Most of my iris are 'inherited' so no names - Ginny Prins - Inanda on DG- calls them heritage or something similar ( can anyone tell me the current year before which they are considered Heritage?) or given by somebody who does know the name. And I have to confess with the iris it is not so important to me as with the clematis and the peonies.Well we all have our favorites.

This message was edited Jun 26, 2009 7:47 AM

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I only buy iris locally if they are tagged and in bloom. Our nurseries tend to buy the variety "Assorted" which means it could be anything. We have one or two nurseries that carry named varieties, but in one of them I found I couldn't trust the tags.
As for Blutique, I emailed Superstition Gardens which lists it on line, and they said they had trouble growing it and had quit selling it. That doesn't sound so good because they grow over a thousand iris and get them to bloom -- iris that are very finicky. I also notice that Blue Jay is sold out of them. One has to wonder why they ran out. Maybe they didn't grow well for them either. You can buy Blutique at Schreiners for $20 or at Nola's for $8, though if you want to try. It does seem to grow well for your friend.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I like unnamed iris but I can't enter them in shows. Not that I am all that fond of entering things in shows, but our club likes us to so the public can see them.
Generally, unnamed iris don't do well in shows, though we do have an "unknown" category.

South Hamilton, MA

An iris introduced 30 yrs ago is considered 'historic'. There is no official 'heritage' catagory, Sounds like the source has its own names for catagories. Remember AIS is the official international registry. Historic Iris Presevation Society is one of the sections of the AIS & their terms should be used, like them or not. HIPS is working on categories as the members realize that 30 yrs is now getting pretty 'modern'.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Historic is the word I was looking for!

My senior brain often has holes in it!

South Hamilton, MA

Me too! But they still should have a better term for the new 30 yearser. My word.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Maybe "Modern Historic"? Sort of like me?! ;) Time sure does fly:lol:

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

How about "Less than brand new".

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