Those looking for another cold hardy Gardenia...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

'Shooting Star' - was my first - purchased from Flower Scent Gardens (sadly closed now) - just realized Nurseries Carolinia has them now under their "new plants"

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Where in the middle of VA??? The last one I bought didn't make it through the winter in Blacksburg!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

About an hour north of Richmond. Remember though I live in a middle brick front townhouse facing south - I can get away with some things.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Yeah but I could plant it at the house we built to retire to on the eastern Shore of VA!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

There you go!!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Chiming in here... because I'm originally from Newport, VA... just over the mountain from you estrail1rider...
The winters in the Appalachian mountains over there are MUCH harsher than our winters over here in central Virginia!
When I moved up (over) here ten years ago, I was fascinated by Crepe Myrtles 'cause I had never seen them before...
Why? 'Cause they don't survive the winters over there!


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Yes, we are currently in Blacksburg but the house we have built to retire have to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel and drive almost up to Chincoteague. That is where I was thinking. I plan on driving over this coming week to start planting. Hubby got my timer soaking hoses today. just have to make a list of the plants I need to take with me from the landscape plans.
Yep on the harher winters here! Even actually that Blacksburg. We live 10 miles out of town over a hill and it is even 5 degrees colder here than there.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I hear ya! Congrats on your retirement home! Sounds wonderful!
I am hoping to take my children to Chincoteague this summer...
I've always wanted to go there!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

"Shooting Star" gardenia is hardy in VA? How big does it get? Is the fragrance really like gardenia?

I have "Klein's Hard' which was accliamed to be the most hardy of all--and it is still a small bush (3 ft) and the flowers are not really like gardenia--they have rays and the scent is more like honeysuckle and subtle. They got wind-burned really bad the first year, but after cutting back to the ground, they have done rather well.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

FnF - Mine has done very well for me. Some die back this past winter but she's bounced back nicely. I would say her scent is similar to the 'Kleim's Hardy' but that's going on memory. My 'Kleims' seem to die on me after one season. I think I simply need a larger plant then the ones I'd be getting from Bluestone.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

OK, I think I may try 'Shooting Star.' Thanks, Chantell.

Another good one I have actually seen for myself is "August Beauty." My SIL has one in NC and it has withstood some freezes well for more than 5 years so far, I think. It's flowers are vanilla wite or creamy and its scent is very classic gardenia. I just love it and will also try to get one of those as well.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

FnF - Lowes and HD generally carry 'August Beauty' earlier in the season...sometimes they can even be found at Walmart. I didn't think they were hardy here....God knows I'd love for them to be!!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I think they are tough and can take it, probably more so if put in a sunny and protected site next to a wall. They grow up to 5-6 ft. You could also pot them up for indoor overwinering. But I would put them out in the yard and leave them to the wolves to see how they measure up.

If they are sold locally in the stores, then they must have some credentials for local landscapes. I will check them near me to see what I can find. My Klein's Hardy has re-bloomed this week, something it has never done before!!

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