What got my apple?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


I planted a slew of fruit trees earlier in the year, two of them being apple trees. I removed most of the little apples because I was told not to let the trees fruit the first couple of years so they could establish a good root system. However, I left three of them on the tree. One fell off a couple of weeks ago - found it on the ground. So I shared it with DH so we both could enjoy it. But I was watching the other two as they grew. Every morning I'd sit on the patio, look over and see the blush on the Anna apple and mentally salivate - awaiting the time I could pick it. Then one morning I looked over and it was gone! I looked high and low - nothing on the ground, not even in the vicinity (in case it had rolled somewhere). Nada, zip, zero.

My DH suggested that the birds got it (ummm.. I don't think they could fly off with an apple!). I'm thinking that maybe a squirrel? I've seen a possum around, and have heard that there are raccoons around (although I've never seen one here - we live in a subdivision).

Any ideas? Oh... and the tree is in the back yard, away from two-legged "predators", so I don't think it was one of them, either.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd suspect kids.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No kids in the cul de sac. Very few kids in the subdivision (they've mostly all grown up and moved away).

tulsa, HI(Zone 3a)

I confess. It was me, I did it.

Just joking of course, but if you have raccoons, regardless if you see them or not, they probably took your apple. They are like furry woodland and/or suburban ninjas.

I live in a pretty suburbanized area and I have seen coyotes, hawks, opossums, and raccoons. Heck, we've even had a bear siting once.

This message was edited Jun 25, 2009 2:29 PM

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