A few photo's and my first bloom!!!!

(Zone 4a)

The President slowly unfolding her first boom!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

I found this bloom hiding on a different plant - still The President.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

You can see in this photo at the bottom of the legs of the pergola - I had to cut these ones down. They were the most damaged from the hail...but they do seem really bushy and I see new growth already!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

this photo was taken Sunday.....these clematis only got pruned slightly.....see the skinny clematis - I believe second from the right? Well that is my Dr Ruppel which I have had now for 5 years....sure doesn't look like a 5 year old eh? I might replace that one in the fall....not impressed with it.

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

Congrats! What a beautiful color! Really pretty setting, too, I might add.

Mine looked OK, but I don't know if it's all the rain we've had or what, but they're all starting to shrivel up, with no bloom at all, only buds so far. Not sure I'll get anything this year.

Appleton, WI

Horray,.... Your first bloom. That is so exciting!

I like your pergola. Can't wait to see a clematis blooming on it.

(Zone 4a)

Sorry to hear about yours drumlin.....

Thanks girls.....Julia on the pergola I have 4.....I have Etoile Violette mixed with John Huxtable and Ville de Lyon and Polish Spirit on the other pole.....I was so looking forward to those 4 this year.

Things are certainly coming along......

Appleton, WI

Nice combos, Dawn.

Delaware, OH

glad you are alive and vigorous up there dawn the plants will be all the better for the trauma ....pruning signals the plant to get it together..even tho your was unplanned it will be a great season.
dr r is a magnet for everything...wilt, bugs, die back..blooms can be pretty but it is not a vigorous, consistently reliable clem for most of us, so don't take it personally!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..your pergola and clematis are fabulous...I LOVE your Pergola..girl..I am surprised you don't have HUGE pots with Clematis growing up each end of your Pergola...Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Jeanne I don't think I would be good at the clematis in a pot.....not sure but I feel better with them in the ground.....

Here is The President looking a bit more awake now.

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Here is the same plant but further back.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Nelly Moser is starting to wake up too....she has 2 blooms on her so far.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Here is my multi blue - I have never seen it double bloom - I guess due to the heavy pruning in spring. Tome it looks just like The President. Lots of blooms starting to wake up!!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Delaware, OH

dawn, so glad you are in the seasonal zone for vigor and blooms. they look great and i know you must be having a blast taking care of them, and seeing the changes every day. fantastic!

Taylorsville, KY

Gorgeous ! Thank you for sharing and giving us a peek of your beautiful yard. kim

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Feels relaxing and cool with all those lovely blues. Your pergola is going to be outstanding.love the combos.

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

Gosh, the more I look at The President, the more I want it! What a blue!

(Zone 4a)

Actually it isn't as blue as it looks in "my" photo's....it looks purple to me....she is a beauty though.....I don't deny that.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..I think you can do anything you set your heart to do..she is right..Clematis "The President" is more purple than her pic..some cameras don't present purple properly and tend to show purple looking more bluish...Jeanne
here is mine for comparison as my camera does produce true colour as in life

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

and here is a freshly opened "The President" on the right with "Mrs. Cholmondeley" on the right...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

pretty in purple too. And that is a lovely combo, Jeanne. Is that blooming now?

Delaware, OH

jeanne are those from the second flush of blooms? they do not seem that floriferous form your pics and both of those types are usually loaded with blooms. but i sometimes do not get the second flush that you seem to be getting there. just curious.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deborah..no those blooms are the first of the season..they were just babies (liner plants from Roseville that I got at Lowe's) that I planted in the Summer of '2007

Delaware, OH

jeanne, hmmm. do you think it is your climate and that makes them less floriferous? i am surprised with mrs chummie and the president that after 2 years you do not get a bigger flowering? it is always fun to start getting blooms however.....i guess if they were not well rooted and were liners that is just how long it takes.
i planted a lot of liners this year (had avoided that for a few years) and am just realizing how long it takes to get a good sized plant going.
takes folks a lot of motivation to hand with those years.......

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Just wait till those clems are climbing all over your pergola, that will be a sight to behold for sure. Don't forget to post a picture here toward the end of summer for us all to enjoy.

Jeanne: really like that comb.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deborah..considering those two clematis are in the Creep year 2..I didn't expect much anyway...they have had several blooms this year..that pic was from last year..I find liner+ sizes seem to adapt better and quicker than Huge rooted clematis..I think my climate is fabulous for growing clematis especially 'cause I get such a long bloom season..Jeanne
Thanks Janet

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I was finding in the last week the ones from SSV had a hard time being planted. Most leaves turned black and I had to cut them back, while the liners I have had about a month (and had repotted into quart sizewhen I got them) and also transplanted at the same time are doing much better...ofcourse they are more used to this heat...if that is possible!

(Zone 4a)

thanks meadow....the clematis sure are really bushy since I pruned them back with the hail damage.....I am sure they will be a sight to see when they decide to bloom....hopefully this year.

Delaware, OH

bananna, you may have been noticing the difference between spring and summer planting. altho texas is different...but clems i put in in may or early june do take off differently than even a few weeks later and entering summer.
but your larger root will always grow on faster and be a bigger plant than a tiny one, but with your longer growing season i can see how liners might establish faster not giving up months for dormancy as up here.

jeanne, guess it's all how you define sleep, creep and leap. what i call creep is sleep for some and what i call creep is leap for some.
in year two here we mostly have a small plant but very floriferous. my huvi pic was a great example that is the norm here. even with the lost months to dormancy. this huvi was planted in 08......and my mrs chummies i posted a lot of last month were 07.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I am sure the heat stress is a definite factor. I was just noticing how differently they reacted to being planted. It will be interesting to see differences next year. Too bad I don't have a "controlled" experiment like your pink fantasy.

Delaware, OH

dawn, we've hijacked your thread....but to finish up/this is one of the mrs chummies planted in 07, so it is leap year i guess.
the huvi above was creep year sine it went in in 08.
so we will leave it at sleep leap and creep are relative to the size root you plant and your care and climate. i do fertiilze and top dress more often than some folks unless the plant is in bud or bloom...i know that from reading various posts.......but neither of these were liners wither. the huvi was ssv, the mrs chummies, nicely rooted gallons bought locally or special ordered for me by a local nursery.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

banana, the set back of planting in hotter weather should be only temporary. keep nipping off wilty , brown on damaged looking growth so the plant does not have to focus on establishing root and healing the top......it's all about the root size and it will straighten out as it adjusts to the move and heat. esp if water and foood are correct for that to happen.
you are in tx where so many of those clems just seem to do so well, so with a ssv root you can have your own experiment, your creep year should e like a liner leap year!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

There are a lot of factors...most controllable and then there is hail! Dawn,glad to see your clems have recovered so well and so quickly.

Delaware, OH

yes dawn that is amazing recovery. i can't imagine the strain of having hail like that after growth started. hope the weather is glorious for you the rest of the summer.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes! It has helped me a lot to be reading about other clem problems. I gave me confidence to do just that!

(Zone 4a)

hey you can hijack my treat anytime....but only you clematis folks are allowed LOL....teehee.

Well here are photo's of the same - either Multiblue The President or Nelly Moser. I am taking advantage of all three while they are blooming since those ones are slowing coming on strong so please bear with me......A few more shots from today....I think I will be moving my Roosemoor beside The President and get rid of the Dr Ruppel...I just don't care for that one. Unless I just eh Dr R where it is and add my Roosemoor? What do you think? Maybe one day - the Dr Ru will come to life?

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 7:10 PM

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 7:25 PM

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Muliblue with more flowers opening.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Here is th back wall with Nelly and multi blue.....hopefully by next spring Blue Angel will join in.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Anther shot of Nelly close up..

I hope to have Comtess de bourchard blooming soon! Then I fill you in on tons of photo's of that one LOL.....

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 7:19 PM

Thumbnail by DawnLL

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