Swap results

Crozet, VA

First, let me admit that I haven't read any of the Swap follow up boards. What I am going to ask may have been addressed by some already. John asked me to check in with all you fellow swappers and see how the things that we brought to each of you, is doing? Has anyone lost anything? Is anything blooming? Please do tell.

While not outside looking at the plants now, I can't think of anything that we lost that we received that day. I believe that most everything is happy in their new homes.

I have to admit that I haven't done any gardening this year to the extent that I have in the past few years. We are running out of room for one thing and either the weather or being busy has me all tied up usually. I have planted a few seeds here and there and a few bulbs also. I am very proud to announce that past years labors are certainly beautiful with all of their blooms.

The goats that we purchased a month or so ago are hopefully going to be able to clean up our grown up property below our house and that will open new planting space. The little guys are doing a great job so far and I would want them to stay here if if they weren't earning their keep. So very cute, are they.

So, looking forward to seeing how everyone's former Virginia plants are doing.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Ruby, I did very well with my swap plants. I have a pretty good idea where most of them came from but not quite all of them and practically everything is growing so nicely. When I look around and think how much $$ I would have spent buying all these plants, not to mention that shared plants are always so much better. Every time I look at my Daylilies I think they came from John and Ruby. I haven't posted pic yet of them as they have just started to bloom. I will be going out today to get some pics. One of the day-lilies you gave me at Harts swap just started to bloom today also. Only one of the day lilies didn't come up I will let you know which one.

Edited to add:
I lied all of them are growing. I just went down to take pics and the one spot that hadn't any growth is pushing out a few small leaves. Must have just been slower than the others. That makes it 100% of the daylilies. Yea! Will post pics later have "a lot" of weeding to do.

This message was edited Jun 22, 2009 12:35 PM

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Ruby, I brought home a Marionette by mistake, John had some extra + Suzie Wong, meant to get Suzie, anyways the Marionette has sent up 2 flower stocks, so I am waiting in anticipation.
Happy Returns has not put on a growth spurt yet may need a year to settle in. I would say for now it is in guarded condition. The other one from John (can't remember name right now) is doing really well.

The Golden Boy I gave you should be strutting his stuff by now. Mine is getting ready to pop any day now, you wouldn't know it had been divided this spring.

I will take a picture of my lavender/pink one when it blooms to see if John would like it and maybe exchange by mail a Suzie if he has enough to spare this fall.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I thnk everything from this SWap is OK thanks to the generous (too generous?) rain this year. Daylily divisions have extended new growth. I took a Susie W and another, forget? I now have morning glories (Bec) to festoon my garden mailbox. Ladyg, my baby begonia with the fancy leaf, has added a new leaf and coleus are growing, though one got nipped and is now in rooting ICU. The trailing ones have really grown in my mixed pots.

Since Holly's friend had done so much work digging hosta and red sedum, I took several of each and figured I'd find a place. Yup, I did, and its so nice to have an ample amount, versus my usual "get some and let them grow if they like me" plan.

I knew there was more- Shastas are going to bloom, Aster and bellflower are growing, I made a new patch for spiderwort and they'll be surrounded next spring with forget me nots. Also got Siberian iris and they won't bloom till next year.

Thanks for sharing, everybody!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, your Siberian iris is in 2 pots one is in the watergarden and one of the frogs has taken up residency there, likes to hide under the leaves. The snake plants are doing very well too, everything that I received at the swap is doing good and I am still finding places to put them all.
Glad to hear the begonia is doing well. I am finding out that they take a long time to root and hormone powder really helps.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ladyg, Sorry to say that I lost that beautiful begonia leaf that you gave me. It was one of the few plants that didn't make it. I had put it in a pot in a large zip-lock bag, makes a mini greenhouse. I have had very good luck with that method and the baby begonias that Buttoneer gave me are doing very well in their little bags. It had been doing really great and then the bag lost some air and laid on the leaf. Not sure why maybe it got moved enough for the sun to get to it. Funny It was looking so good that I was sure it would root and the other begonia with the dark markings on it (not sure who I got that one from) looked pretty rough and I didn't expect it to live but it is growing well.
Here are a couple of my daylily from John and Ruby.
Bountiful Valley

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My coleus are all doing great and instead of a mass planting I have scattered them all around the beds. The pepper and tomato plants all are growing some in the garden and some in pots near the gazebo. The toad lilies I got from Miata are doing very well also.
Susie Wong

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly- the Bountiful Valley--is that a smaller flower? I have two plants from the first Swap of J and R's that have that color, on blooms that are a bit smaller than say Stella Doro blooms. I don'r remember if these in particular bloomed last year but they sure are this year.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

That's ok Holly, I lost a leaf and some of the babies I had thought had a good start, I'm still in the learning process with this one.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally I think I have the wrong tag on that Bountiful Valley will have to check it out and see. I will get back to you on that.
Yea Ladyg, I have lost a lot of plants over the years, wait a minute I lost a lot of plants this spring. LOL It sure was a beauty.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

So pretty!
Almost everything is doing well for me too...and I still haven't gotten them all planted in the ground...lol

The daylilies you gave me Ruby are sprouting still check everyday to see if they opened yet.
Gita the begonia cuttings you gave me have roots on them.(I did them in water)
Sally, Wall-e dug up your daisies but I replanted and they have new growth(yay!)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I forget who gave me Lantana Sparkler but as soon as I sunk that in the ground it started growing and I see buds already.

WalE is so cute I forgive him ~~

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Can I let him play in your yard for awhile??? ^_^

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Sally,

Your smaller purple blooms could possibly be 'Barbary Corsair" - mine is blooming now and it's a dark purple, small flower, but on a relatively tall scape (in proportion to the bloom size, at least). Does that sound like what you've got?

Here's the PF link: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/13719/


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, Is this the Lantana Sparkler? I thought maybe LadyG, but I have two lantana and not sure who gave me the other one. It's growing well but hasn't bloomed yet.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Crozet, VA

Thank you everyone. We are pleased to hear the results. Even though I couldn't name what all we came home with that day, it seems that every thing that we got are all doing well too. I will have to write Angela and see if her booty is doing well also.

What fun we all had. I hope that a fall swap will be planned too. I really haven't put in too many hours in the garden this year. Space is getting tight and I didn't over purchase this year as I have done in the past. This whole year has been extra busy for both of us in terms of projects and things. We still have years worth of projects that we would like to do, but will settle if some of the most important get done.

Anyway, thanks for all who responded. Take care everyone.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Barb--I'll have to get some pix of my purple DL and compare. Thanks for the suggestion!

Hi Jen--hey if I had a real fence I would LOVE to get him here for Addy to play. She is not really much of a digger or rock eater...maybe I got lucky. But she will walk all over anything and everything in her way, inside or out of the house.

Hi Holly- My Sparkler is not quite in bloom and I forget what colors are supposed to be LOL. Even when first starting to boom, you have to wait and see--thats the neat thing about Lantana.

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