Very blue bluebird

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sorry for the quality of the photos. I was shooting through the screen door. But at least you can see the color.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Zoomed out a bit more

Thumbnail by hart
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Nice! Looks like an Indigo Bunting. I only see them every once in a great while.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Maybe it is an indigo bunting. They're so shy around here, I've never seen one sitting still. But the ones I've seen flying looked like a much darker, iridescent blue.

The camera "sees" a lot farther than I do so could be.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Isn't that what I just said? It could be. I'd be very happy for it to be one, I've never seen one perched in a tree or doing anything other than flying.

Boy, I sure didn't mean to sound so snappy. Made the mistake of eating a cinnamon roll last night and cinnamon always brings on a migraine so I guess I was being snappy. So sorry. Anyway, I'd be very happy to know I actually saw an indigo bunting sitting still. They're by far the most shy birds out here. They never come to the feeders or sit in the trees like the other birds. Even the hummingbirds land on the electric wire or tree branches.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2009 11:20 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Saw one while on a bird walk near here. Otherwise I have never seen one, nor many other birds that good birders spot for you.
so pretty!
we'd be in trouble if cinnamon was toxic here. Seems like everything I buy is either chocolate or cinnamon.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have to be really careful with baked things. So many contain cinnamon that you wouldn't think would contain cinnamon. This was just me being dumb. I can eat a little cinnamon without a problem but not as much as I did last night.

Oh, well, it could be worse. I have a friend whose migraines are triggered by tomatoes and I'd rather do without cinnamon than tomatoes.

I have to be careful around flourescent lights too. I'm fine if they're working fine but if they're flickering, I have to get out of there ASAP.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, I have the same problem with fluorescent lights, if I try to read with them it can cause a dozie, I found keeping an incandescent or HI lamp on my desk was enough. Improperly working sodium lamps can have the same effect. Ric

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have indgo buntings here and see them from time to time at the feeders in early spring before they find good picken's in the fields. Many years ago we had a flock of them dining in the very overgrown garden. We had let the garden go to perinal weeds, didn't mow it just let them grow. There were indgo buntings all over that patch of weeds. One day I went out and came home to Ric, just pleased as punch with himself, he had taken the weedwacker down there and cut it all down. Thought I would be so happy to see that weedy mess go. :

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm okay with fluorescents as long as they don't flicker. In fact, I've swapped out nearly all our bulbs from incandescent to the fluorescent ones. I hate having a migraine. I'm so wonky for days after. Any flickering or pulsing light will do the same, I've even had them triggered by driving through the woods on a sunny day from the flickering sunlight.

Your poor buntings, Holly! Ric, you well meaning bad boy!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Kind of a coincidence - I saw my first indigo bunting a few days ago. Never have seen any at home, but I was up at a relative's house in Bluemont and spotted one at their feeder. They are big time bird watchers and keep a telescope focused on the feeder to see the birds up close. I had to laugh, I top out at 5' nothing, and they are both easily over 6' - we had to scramble for a step stool so that I could see it before it took off. Sure was pretty.

Sorry for you folks that get migraines, they are horrible to deal with. Years ago, I used to get them frequently - I never did figure out what triggered them, or what eventually made them stop. Rarely get them now, knock on wood... Terri

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

So cool.

I've had migraines since junior high. Now if I feel a twinge of one coming on I take 1/2 of an Excedrine and it takes care of it.
I've found too much sugar brings it on and for some reason REALLY strong bitter coffee(ie Starbucks).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Terri-- funny you saw them in BLUEmont !

Shenandoah Valley, VA

But it's pronounced bleh-mon. Just kidding. LOL

That's weird about the coffee. Most people find coffee helps because it dilates the veins involved. I know tea triggers a lot of people because of the tannins.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally, I think the height of the telescope would have been fine for you - no running for a stepstool LOL. They also adjusted the height of their kitchen counters - I can barely reach the sink - what an excuse when it comes time to do the dishes HAR HAR...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

tee hee, I'll remember that if I ever have a chance to have a custom kitchen!
I've heard of spicy things as a migraine remedy.
Reminds me how grateful I am not to be prone.

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