Zinna time!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Very pretty Jon!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

So many factors, and sooo very lovely!

Maybe in my zone they will do well then!

Well, I ahve been naughty.. ordered some seed catalogs.. waiting pateintly!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't seem to get as many seed catalogs as I used to. Prefer the catalogs over browsing websites. It's just easier and quicker to go through a catalog and you order extra things based on the pictures/descriptions. A catalog from Veseys came yesterday and I've already gone through it. I think I most like the catalog from Thompson & Morgan. They carry so many new/unusual flowers you don't see elsewhere.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I hear you there Jon, I do like the fact that webbrowsing is good for the environment and saves trees, however...occassinally I have to have something in paper. Need to get away from the LCD reads for the sake of my eyes! I spend a lot of time on the PC... too much in fact. Sit in a different chair relax, read and fall asleep!

T& M is super! Gotta get me one of them.. been years.

I like Bluestone as well, but they are mainly perennials and oh, for houseplants, the eye candy in Logees! There are a lot of great companies!

Still hunting for the Whirlygigs.. and crossing amaryllus off my list.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I get the Bluestone Perennias and Logees catalogs also. If I see something I like in the Logees catalog I tend to go looking for the plant locally. I know I'm going to get a bigger plant at a better price, since it is "the tropics" down here.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I hear ya there, but then getting a bigun takes all the fun out of raising the thing from a pup! LOL!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. I guess it's just a size thing. About a month ago I decided I wanted a "Desert Rose" plant and saw some very very nice ones on Logees. Luckily I found some locally for just a few dollars more and BIG. Those are one of the few tropicals that grow real real slooooow.

You definitely have a point when it comes to growing things from seed. That's something to be proud of!!!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Blossom and all those hurt by my unwanted words earlier, I apologize and retract my statement. I really should not have spoken ill of such generosity. I have removed them, so all others viewing this thread will not be harmed. Please forgive me.

amorecuore, your 2 hibs are marvelous!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

DM, no problem, all is forgiven, I may have also taken what you said wrong. Sometimes the written word is hard to interprte! No hard feelings. If I took it wrong, I also apologize. Patty and I go waaaaay back and well, it kinda went personal on my end. She thought too, maybe I took what you said wrong and so one that account too I am sorry.

But hey, in the spirit of things lets all have a good nite and well, lets all have a Merry Christmas!

Oh and Burpees carries the Tequila Lime, I just saw it on line there! RUN!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

The most important thing is that everything/everyone is fine now. That's all that matters. Yes indeed, Burpee is where I ordered the "Tequila Lime" seeds from last year. LOL I bet they won't last long now!!! Dang it. Hehe

Hi folks, I'm jumping in waving a friendly hello to all.
The last couple of years Zinnia has become one of my favorites. I was only growing Purple Prince and I had one Candy Cane this year but it spent most of the season hiding under the Coreopsis. What a nice surprise I had when I cut the Coreopsis back! I just got some seed for Zahara Rose Starlight, Whirligig and Wedding Bells White. I'm loving all your photos and the crosses are so neat. Just 3 1/2 months till planting time where I live - can't wait!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Purple Prince is a beauty, thats for sure. Hadn't heard of Wedding Bells so looked it up. That's a very very nice looking solid white one. Looks like you made some great selections.

I forgot I also had Scarlet Flame this year. Looking at all the beautiful crosses posted I am imagining Wedding Bells & Scarlet together. I can't imagine anything beautiful coming from Purple Prince and Scarlet Flame. I had them right next to each other so I guess there is a chance I might find out.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

HI agele, Merry Christmas to you and yours! Sounds like an awesome collection! Do show us pics later!

Guys this thread is getting rather long shall we make a new link?
Some of us on dial up are having techy issues with all the pics loading!

Tropicman, you started it.. care to drive us on and kick back the new link here?

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

I planted Purple Prince this year in a raised bed mixed with Purity. The combo would have been WOW! If I had taken the time to grow all the seeds the year before to remove pink princes and soiled purities(!!!). Wedding bells sound interesting. I will be googling it.

When I read the story of Candy and Coreopsis I just had to chuckle and give a example of what can happen beneath Zinnias.

* Peppermint Stick Z and Species Petunia: The species Petunia self-sows in my garden, and I chose to plant Peppermint stick Zinnias on the area where the Petunias had sown. Of course the Petunias had no way of telling me to cut back the Peppermint Sticks! When I finnaly got around to dead-heading them and cutting away the mildewed parts, what a show I found below! Pic attached of one especially interesting one.

Scarlet Flame looks a lot like Will Rogers, my favorite var of Zinnias. I grew in late summer of 2008, but since I planted it sooo late, the plant had no time to make seeds! Anybody who has any seeds for Will Rogers, shoot them to please!
•Blossom, since I don't remember what I ment when I wrote that, I think that you are very right, The Written Word is Very Hard To Intreprete.

Thumbnail by DMgardener
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Blossom Buddy
Here you go!


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

DMgardener -No worries mate! We're cool!
I Iove that pic BTW!

Hey everyone, the tropicman has the link up..YAY t-man!! Run!!!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

I am running!

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