Can I move an old grapevine? And where? Zone 5

Webberville, MI(Zone 5b)

My next door neighbor has an arbor with a wonderful established vine. Not sure how many years it's been there, but it produces fruit quite reliably. However she doesn't take care of it and it's devoured by the japanese beetles and is in dire need of pruning....on to my issue.

She asked me if I would like it...arbor and all and I wondered if it was possible to move it, how to move it, when to move it and where to move it. She said I could harvest her grapes when ready, but are there things I should be doing to the vines before I move? Is this task impossible?

Thank you for any info!!

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

I moved one last year but only in the dead of winter.
I dug deeply around the base in a three foot circle and found I could pull many of the roots up to five feet from the base if I did it carefully. Once you move it to the new location use a little seaweed emulsion to stimulate root growth.
I am sure there is more but that is what I did.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


In your plant hardiness zone, the ground freezes and there will be no new root growth until spring. In our part of Texas, the ground doesn't freeze so plants put in the ground in winter will form new roots throughout winter and will be ready to take off come spring. Contact your local Cooperative Extension Service agent for the best time to transplant in your area. One other thing you could consider: Take dormant cuttings (once the grapevine has gone dormant but before a hard freeze kills some of the year old wood) about 12" long and the width of a pencil or slightly larger. Cuttings should have at least 4 or 5 buds each. Bury 2 or 3 of the buds in potting soil. You can have community pots, but I prefer placing 1 cutting per pot. You can choose whether to dip the cutting end in rooting hormones or not. Moisten the soil and place the pots in a location that remains cold, but not freezing. By spring, most of the cuttings will have formed roots and be ready to pot up or place in the ground. Grapevines should be placed where they will get all day sun.

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