What a hail storm...I think I am going to cry

(Zone 4a)

We were just hit with 10 minutes of constant hail....I haven't been able to get outside yet and look at the damage but from what I can see from my windows it doesn't look good....my potted plants have been beaten.....my hosta's, jacob's ladder etc....I haven't had a good look at the clematis but from what I can tell I think they are ok.....however I think my annuals and stuff might be shot. Boohoo!

Sorry but the pics are blurry since I am indoors - this is looking from my kitchen window to my neighbours yard and van.....

This message was edited Jun 14, 2009 2:10 PM

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

This is looking down my driveway...I can't believe all that white is hail....looks so thick like snow!!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Under my pergola....got flooded due to heavy rains.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

This is along the back fence where I do have three clematis....look how high the water got....eeeks!!! What a mess!!!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Last photo....looking out onto the road not sure if you can see all the water and the hail on the street...all that white is hail being washed away by the rain....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Marilyn Glen st. Mar, FL(Zone 9a)

where are you located?!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Goodness! That's so heartbreaking. Where do you live?

(Zone 4a)

I am in Ontario Canada.....

I have never seen hail last that long...normally if it hits it is only a few minutes but this lasted at least 10 minutes...it was crazy.....I also hope the cars aren't too scratched up....gosh!!!!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

So sorry for the horrid weather. That is a freakish storm.. doesn't it sound awfulon the windows? What part of Ontario?
We get hail down here too and it is a booming business for roofers. There is the whole sizing nomenclature...pea, golfball, baseball, softball.....

Delaware, OH

ooohdawn, i am so sorry. clems aside, car and water damage. looks horrible , how cold was it?
i would cut the clems back immediately. sometimes damage doesn't show up for a week or so, cut them back a few inches or to below the damage you suspect, so they have time to re grow, and they will stronger than ever. i have never experienced hail except in colorado in the high mountains in the summer.hope property was not damaged or your foundation shrubs and trees.

cut the annuals back too ,they will regrow i bet. so sorry. glad you shared and would like to know more of how you triage the damage and how it works. fingers crossed for you, how hellish of a june sunday morning is that? lol

(Zone 4a)

Hahaha well I am thanful they weren't the size of golf balls - ours was more pea sized but wow it still causes a lot of damage.... Yes it did sound horrid on the roof and windows and doors....it just came down in a blanket....

I live in sudbury - about 4 hours away from Toronto....

The hosta's, jacob's ladder and annuals and such have been flatened....do you think they will be ok once the sun comes back? Gosh I hope my perennials made it..... Parts of all my clematises have been broken off or cut.....Not sure how much damage yet on those....but it sure looks like enough....I guess once it dries up I will have to go and do some pruning if needed.

(Zone 4a)

Oh Guru I was just so disappointed when I heard the hail.......I have waited this long.....and now this? It is unusual for us to get hail like this. I mean we do get it but normally only lasts for a minute or two....I have lived here all my life and have never seen it hail like this.......goodness me! I am scared to go and touch the clematises right now cause it is so hard to tell which stems got broke....

Delaware, OH

dawn, bite the bullet and clean up the damaged vines, the rest of your summer of blooms depends on that vs the plant struggling to recover and heal the vines. also damaged vines much more likely to let disease enter or attract insects. so sorry this happened to your garden and hope cars etc not damaged. are you at altitude?

(Zone 4a)

Thanks Guru.....I appreciate it....I will go and do what needs to be done after dinner....as long as some of the flooding has disappeared. I should be able to clean up a few tonight....nothing else was damaged....I mean if anything I guess the cars might be scratched up a bit...however believe it or not when I was out there I didn't even look....I went right to my gardens LOL.....I will leave the vehicles to dh.....LOL.

Appleton, WI

Oh, how terrible for you, Dawn. Hail can really tear up a garden, but it's early in the season and most of your plants will recover.

New Richmond, OH

Dawn, I hope things will be better for you today. I know how hard it is when freakish weather plays havoc on your plants! In my area, last summer we caught the tail end of the hurricane winds and had power outages for 10 days!! On top of that, we had a horrific ice storm this winter (worse I have ever seen) and I have lived in this area all my life. Bottom line, things were not harmed long term. Doesn't help all your pretty annuals now, but I agree with JuliaJane, most things will recover!! Hopes for a sunny day today :-)! Nancy

Delaware, OH

dawn, keep us posted...how freakish was that storm?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

OMG..and in June?????!?!?..Hope all will be ok..hugz...Jeanne

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

Dawn - So sorry about the hail. I know that stuff is scary. Hail can be very damaging.

I haven't' been on much lately but wanted to share my nightmare from Friday evening.
A tornado came down my street & the tail end right over my house. Thank God it was not completely 'on the ground'. Could have been devastating.
Our 34 year old maple tree fell on the house. There was some roof damage but they have already been out to fix it. No one was hurt but we were in the house in the tub. Kids are still shoot up about it.

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

fencing down all around the yard.

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

large limbs on the truck

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

part of another large tree ruined the fence

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

Dawn - as for your hostas & other perennials: they should be ok with some recoop time. You have to remember hostas are very tuff little guys & if they don't look great the rest of the year, rest assure they will be bigger & better next year.

I had to dig up all my hostas & heuchara from out front to move to the back. They will now fry out front with full sun. Supposed to be 95º here today. ugh!!


Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Dawn, so sorry to hear about the hail. You have to wait a bit longer to begin with, it's not fair of Mom Nature to throw hail at you too.

Racingboys, glad to hear you're okay. Tornadoes are too scary. I'd rather deal with a hurricane.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Totally bizarre weather all over the map!

So sorry Dawn to read about your hail storm. 2racingboys, glad you're fine. Thank goodness for homeowner's insurance!

(Zone 4a)

Kristy holy cow!!! I am glad you are safe and you got the damage to your home fixed already!! That is REALLY scary. I have to admit my little storm is nothing compared to what you guys have been through.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

That is just too close. Glad you are all safe. Here come the chain saws..........

Delaware, OH

scary weather out there. my parents are out in colorado in san juan mountains and there is stil snow at 7500 feet, very low for snow at this time of year.
dawn, how bad was your damage to clems?
it will harden up those vines nicely guess.

2racing boys, glad the tree didn't come thru house. shame to lose it, altho you will have more sun, that tree looked like a specimen.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

So sorry to hear what the two of you have had to deal with regarding the weather. We just are never sure what mother nature is going to send us these days.

Glad to hear that all humans are ok, hopefully your children will recover fast.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh Dawn I am sorry to hear this - Ive been thru it a few times myself as I live in 'Hail Alley" in Calgary - once I have been totally stripped - like you sat and watched and cried!

Trim off the worst of the damage leaves of the perennials but dont take too much off - they will look bad but come back .Hostas always seem to get the worst beating because of the broad leaves .

I suspect they will come back more quickly than you expect now that it is summer.

Delaware, OH

they will come back fast i am sure. a plant has one goal. to grow and bloom before summer daylight and warmth wane.
i heard they had this yesterday hail, like a foot of it in bergen nj.

(Zone 4a)

Thanks ladies your support is great and much needed.

I am hoping the clematis will be ok. I did go out that same night and prune off some stuff and tried to clean them up as best as I could. All the stems sort of show signs of being beaten though.....you can see the brown stems with white marks all the way down...sort of like skin having bruises. I guess the hail sort of stripped the stems in areas. I am hoping they will look much better in a week or two. The rest of the plants got pruned when they broke. Lost all my begonia's which wasn't a lot but I added them for bright colours in my shaded areas. I think most of my petunia's will make it too...they look much better now than they did so I am hoping they pull through too - especially since I self sowed those plants myself this winter.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

They'll do great Dawn. It is early in the season and the plants self survival techniques will pull through for you. Even the things that were beaten down in this storm will just be waiting and producing roots for a spectacular show next year. That's the great thing about gardening. We always have the opportunity to anticipate the next year!

Delaware, OH

dawn, i would check those vines daily and if there is really damage, cut it off. you will lose vigor, be open to more bugs and disease if they are damaged and you leave them on. the clem can make up the growth now and even if your plants are smaller you will have better blooms this summer for not leaving damaged vines on the plant.

(Zone 4a)

Guru I will watch - cause if I had to cut due to the different colouration in the stems I would have to cut all vines back to the ground.....they are battered right to the ground.....do you suggest this?

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Dawn, so sorry to hear about the hail storm - they're awful. Last summer my gardens were in the city garden walk and a week before the walk we had a hail storm. It wasn't as bad as yours but still did enough damage. Everyone understood but it was still a big disappointment! Hope your gardens recover quickly and do better than ever.

2racingboys, glad to hear your family stayed safe but sorry to hear about all the damage.

Delaware, OH

cut some of them off to the ground or one node up and leave some. this will stimulate some new shoots that will not be damaged. if you are tentative do this. but damaged vines are damaged vines and are not what you want.

(Zone 4a)

Ohhhh goodness!! Not sure if I can do that? Eeeeks!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Be brave Dawn!

This is why it is a good idea to plant your clematis several inches deeper than the pot level when you buy them.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Awwwww. I'm so sorry. What a bummer . . .

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