Scented Geraniums

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Is there anyone on this list who has Scented Geraniums? I have several plants and am not sure how I want to sell them, cuttings or plants. I was wondering if anyone on this list has any experience with moving these particular plants. They are great growers and have lots of different scents.
Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated. JB

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have some but got them from Critter.

If I was shopping for them I'd be more apt to buy a plant.
Can you offer both?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Yes I can, in fact I am about to take cuttings and start them but this rain has had me crazy. The greenhouse is all but empty now. I only have about 7 jasmine left, sold all of them but a few I gave away.
The Wondering Jew was full of mealy bug and I just could not get rid of them so I threw all of the Jew out. I hated to do it because it was beautiful but I will not sell a plant with bugs on it. No way.LOL.
I have some really great looking little Christmas Cactus Plants and some new CC plants of different colors that are beginning to take hold and growing nicely.
I am getting ready to put up for sale some little Gold Fish plants and some hibiscus babies, but I wanted to wait another week or so since the sun has been so scarce.
I also have some peace lilies coming along. But, I NEED SOME SUNSHINE.
I think I will do an ad on eBay and the MarketPlace for cuttings and see what happens.
Pricing will be tricky, but unrooted cuttings should go for about 6 for 99 cents. Problem is, I must somehow figure out how to show all the different varieties I have on the same ad. Nothing is easy. Thanks for your input.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I USED to have them but the rabbits found them last year and so I didn't bother to get them this year. In my case, they're better off grown in pots, not in the garden beds. That way, the bunnies will miss them and you can bring them indoors to overwinter if you want to keep them going. I cut and dried the leaves for teas and sauces. They're also good for potouri.

They're easy to move when they're small. But they do get big and clumpy. That's easy to fix with the pruning shears, though.

I got my scented geraniums from DeBaggio's--his nursery offered a lot of different scents to choose from in the past.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have been watching my scented geraniums grow and I am very disappointed in them. The foilage was beautiful and I did manage to take some cuttings, but they had two days of no rain this month and when I checked on the large plants yesterday, several of them were not happy and looked like they could die. There was mealy bug on some and others were really pretty but almost looked like they grew too fast, if that is possible. They were straggly. I guess I will just plant them and not worry about trying to sell cuttings.
At least the tropicals are happy and growing.
I did start some new peace lilies and some black eyed susan for the ebay store but I am afraid the geraniums are not going to be joining them. LOL. Hope you are all well and enjoying your summer. JB

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that's a bummer!

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