What prescription drugs do you take? What side effects?

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Carrie, may you go from being like everyone's big sister, to being like everyone's Momma, to being like everyone's Grandma at such affairs. (Kay)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

((((Kay)))) That is a sweet thing to say, Kay! Thanks!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I think the Prozac is beginning to help. Saw my Dr (Phd Psychologist/PAC). Compairing this past month on the Prozac to the previous month we decided that I am doing a lot better.
I know many of you have been concerned for me and wanted to update you.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wonderful news! Are you having the not-hungry part? A friend of mine who was on that (when it first came out) lost like 30 lbs! (Speaking of side effects...) But I'm really glad for you!

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Wow, why didn't I get THAT side effect??! What a rip off...LOL!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I have worked hard over the past 20 months and lost 43 lbs, so I am used to the "not hungry" mode. the biggest thing is that I am beginning to welcome the orning and find interest and joy in things again. Not sad either

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

sorry you all. Have been lurking. Not feeling good at all. Test came back negative. Glad to know I am not facing another back surgery and have no blockage in my legs. He said was just the RA and called me in script for a dose pack today. I had to go to Dr Tuesday. He was booked Monday. Seems I picked up a sever eye infection and sinus infection on my visit to the Hospital for the test. Woke up with my eye killing me Sunday Morning and was ready to die by Tuesday. He gave me Antiboitics and pain pills but messed up. Codine makes me sick and also can't take asprin with coumadin. Never accurd to me to take one of my back pain pills. I thought he was going to give me a ointment. I have not had a sinus infection in a few years because I stay away from everyone if they are sick. I won't even get my small grandsons if they have a cold. Tonight eye is finally feeling better but also has fluid and blood coming out a little when I dab it. Just glad all that pressure has subsided

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Goodness Donna, I think eye infections are so painful and theres not alot you can do for the pain. Hope you are better now and keep getting better. Donna you just lurk away but check in once in awhile to let us know about you.
I try to stay away from dr.s offices and hospitals and in flu season, stay away from stores if i can. Wish theyed bring back the days of house calls.
DD has been having sinus problems lately too.
Carrie, injoyed your article on containers. I really love mine. Saw you had more rain. You could turn that spigot off anytime.
Sherri, Go girl!!!! Thats great to lose that weight.!!!! (see i can rhyme sometime.) I'm also very proud you are feeling much better. I'm on Prozac now too. Think i feel better too. Prozac never gave me the not hungry side effect either. The only thing that causes me to lose my appitite is Kidney stones and those i'll do without. I lost 20 lbs in the hospital than promtly gained them back.
Do you guys cook much? I do as little as i can get away with. Cooked up a rice mix and added sausage, along with a salad. I take it by spells. Next week i may eat nothing but sandwiches. It is nice to only have me to cook for. But i miss the company of someone else.
Good night all and dream of beautiful angels and bright butterflys and lil bluebirds.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, Sheri, 43 pounds! That's quite an accomplishment!

Donna, I'm so sorry you're not feeling good. It's too bad we can't rely on the medical establishment to truly take care of us... but we can't. Like mixing aspirin and coumadin. a

Vickie, that is an old article - I didn't even know they were going to run it! Thank you for the kind words.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Zoloft made me lose weight many years ago but it also kills your other drives as well lol. It's like the thought never comes to mind.

I use my crock pot and toaster oven a lot to cook. I don't fry to often. When I really feel like cooking I make big 2 gal. pot full tomato meat sauce & meatballs, Gumbo/ Jambalaya starter, Lasagna, Red Beans & Ham, Chili etc and put up in 1 qt freezer bags which is enough for us a meal and left overs for DH lunch the next day. I used chopped frozen seasoning for cooking. Frozen Potatoes O'Brian makes great potatoe soup just add sausage or ham. I cook a big ham every few months. We eat dinner off it, then I cut slices for sandwiches, little chunks for soup or omlets and of course the bone with a little meat left on it for beans. Not only does it save you from standing over a stove you also don't have all the pots and pans to wash afterwards. we use Glad Hvy Dty styrofoam plates and bowls. I know it is bad for the environment but it is much better on my body. DH usually takes me out one night to eat and he grills on the weekends or will fry fish and shrimp out side in the cooker

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

other drives? ya mean like cooking? I don't do that much anyway. I "graze"...you know fresh fruits, fresh veggies, cereal. I just eat the veggies raw rather than cook them and rarely eat meat. Not that I'm a vegetarian, I just don't like the prices, + ya got to cook it, then there are dishes to wash. I hate washing dishes. maybe that's the drive of mine that got killed.
I guess living alone does have the advantage of being able to eat just what and when I want to. use lots of paper towels and plates. Think I'm gonna go wrap a sweet potato in a wet paper towel and steam "bake" it now for dinnner! MMMM!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I took zoloft a long time ago .... it made me stop crying. In fact I think this Wellbutrin also inhibits my ability to cry. Sometimes it would be appropriate to cry - a sad movie, a sad story, a tragedy, things alike that. But i can't cry! Even when it feels appropriate or okay to cry, I can't.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

yes it did do that to Carrie. Really strange feeling isn't it. Hmmm maybe I should go back on the Zoloft. I sure need to lose some weight

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm sure I could cry, but I just no longer have this feeling of overwhelming gloom and constant wish for God to please take me. I actually have awakened a few mornings lately to smile at the new day instead of thinking "oh darned, another day that I wish I didn't have to face".....is is almost as if a tiny switch for enjoying life and looking forward to what it brings has been flipped on again.
I am also walking Elvis nearly every day, sometimes more than once and have begun teaching a beginners obedience class at the dog training club + taking a Rally obedience class with Elvis (he gets so excited when I say 'want to go to school" you'd never know that it was a 13 (98 in dog years) old "silverback"(like the old male gorilla) Poodle jumping up and down with the excitement and glee of a puppy in response to that question.
It truly means a lot to find a medical caregiver that one can trust and feel safe to confide in and believe that they actually care about you as a person. Dealing with the VA for so long, I had nearly forgotten what good quality medical care was like.
As far as the weight loss, I just made a firm decision to eliminate most carbs, cheese, all fast foods, fried, etc. that change in my diet alone wa responsible for a slow steady 1-2 lb wt loss over a year and a half. Since that is the way it sowly cleers up on most of us, that is reported to be the best way to lose it with the most success. I have to remember my weak spots though and not bring home a freezer full of Breyers on sale 2/$5 (I can go thru 1 in 2 days) and chips , garlic bread, lots of the things I love. I just had to make a decision ----did I want to expand my wardrobe to size 20 (the 18's were getting awfully tight ), or did I want to excercise a bit of self discipline and get down to a size that woukld be better for my knees and back and self of well being, so now I'm in a 10 -12. Any of us can do it, but it isn't and event it is a PROcEss and a committment.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

crying.....All my life i cried at the drop of a hat. Cry for happy...cry for sad .....cry for mad.
DH never could understand cry for happy.
When my sis in law died i lost the ability for awhile but am slowly getting it back. Don't know how it helps. Seems to releive tension.
Sherri, love those paper towels! LOL Is your weakness buying because its on sale or just buying icecream. Mine is buying on sale. It is so hard to resist a really good sale. Which is why i have about
300 taper candles. I bought a large box full several years ago for 2 for a nickle.LOL
i can also relate to hating to get up in the morning when you know rotten you're going to feel.That feeling is part of the depression tho. It helps me to remember that that feeling is chemical imbalence and things might possible not be that bad.
YOU'RE IN A 10-12 SIZE!!!!! I'm 2x. I'm not even going there girl! LOL!!!!!

Donna, I do a ham the same way. Makes it go a long way. I even freeze cooked hamburger and add a little to salads. (love taco salad with beans and HB) Also like to add row chopped onions to salads
Keep sweet potatoes on hand and bake one in the Micro when i want something sweet.
Does everyone know about Cooks,com. If it's etable cooks has the receipe and you can just type in a food in the search engine. It's easy to navigate.and they always have a list of recent searches http://www.cooks.com

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

well...I was in a tight size 18 - 20 when I began my diet! and (lol) my weakness with the ice cream is the eating part, not the buying. I have no self control and can finish of a 1/2 gal in 24 -36 hrs. figure I might as well just rub it on my thighs . so I just have to not bring those types of things into the house. I feel so much better with that weight off, but it was not easy and it did not happen over night.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Well you did good!
Be proud.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Well this is one of those DUH moments. Forgot to get Ropenerole for restless leg syndrom. Just could not sleep. My legs are going nuts.And arms.
Ya Reckon i'll remember to go get some today?
Carrie just saw on Weather Channel. You wont even get out of the 60,s today. Does this mean we may be in for a hard winter?
Think i'll order my propane in Sept. Start buying more batteries, candles. lamp oil,first aide supplys,matches,bottled
water. Goodness the things i can think of at 6:00 AM With no sleep.
Good morning all, hope you slept good. May you each have a cheerful,loving day. And each one of you feel what a special person you ARE.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

good morning, potty, roll over, goodnight!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

My pharmacy was OUT of topamax, and so am I. DD is going to the 24 hour Walgreens to try to get them to loan me a few. I take so many pills, I never think that ONE pill will make a difference one time, but yup, it seems that I'm in more pain and can't even miss one lousy topamax!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Without going into any long drawn out complicated tale of my visit to the VA Dr today and the problems that ensued, I just ask please for those of you who are believers and prayer warriors to pray for me and my medical care/ pharmaceutical issues . I just about lost it at the VA today and was driven to a full blown panic attack where my entire body was trembling nearly as bad as someone in DT's + I was crying.
the disrespect that some of these Dr's give us is atrocious. And when I get told in a way akin to being ordered what to do and then threatened My PTSD kicks in which is what happened.
If I give up my VA care because I cannot "take it" anymore, my meds alone would probably cost me over $500/month.
So, I appreciate any prayers.
Thanks for being there for me to just vent this much to.


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Wow Sheri, that sounds horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. You'll be in my prayers for sure...

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Oh Sherri, Of course you'll have extra prayers.You get everyday ones anyway.
Sherri, I strongly suggest you get all INFO together, names and all and send them to www@whitehouse.gov. It may take awhile to get an answer. but i beleive you will. esp if you send reminders every few days.
Meantime take your tranqulizers as much as is ordered untill you feel better. and always remember you are a professional nurse and as such you are due the respect from any doctor. No matter who he is.You also have the right to ask for it in a nonagressive manner. GO GIRL. I have a nurse friend that comes up about once a month saying between gritted teeth I HATE DOCTORS!! Than calmly goes back to work. I keep suggesting "Pins in a Voodoo doll." But she always says if she did that, it'd be for real!LOL
Somehow i always laugh at a stuffy doctor running down the hall grabbing at stings in his behind, with a nurse running right behind him with big pins in her hand.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I wonder if anyone would mind if i started posting different medicines and their side effects and countermeds reactions here?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think it would be great. I want to mention that I just had a crown or cap or something dental done. I told him I would need extra novacaine b/c of all the pain meds I'm already on. Three times I had to ask him to stop and give me another shot of it. I ended up numb from nose to my chin.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Vickie, I think that is sort of why this thread began.
So many of us take many different meds and not many Drs discuss what to expect or beware of or watch out for.
Please share what you wish.
Hopefully some of what we share may help another to avoid a potentially dangerous mix.

^_^ Sheri

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Anyone with diabetis2 taking the new line of diabetic drug JANUVIA,JANUMET. FDA has put out an alert that 88 people have died from Pancreatitis while taking this drug recently.

Symptoms are nausia,vomiting, severe pain in abdomen sometimes radiating to the back.

If you take this drug. Notify your doctor for close monitering. If you have symptoms call you doctor immediately.

I get e-mail news from FDA. and this was in it this morning.

Kennett, MO

The only med that I take that has side effects for me is the Femara to keep the cancer in check. Joint pain, insomnia hot flashes, dry skin and thinning hair. It really does a number on me but the alternative sort of sucks.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Is it giving you chemical menopause? Or the equivalent? Sounds just like it, and I agree, the alternative is worse. Welcome!

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Welcome leibe42, Sorry about the cancer. Glad you're keeping it in check. Come join in our other threads.

New York, NY(Zone 6b)

Good evening all. I confess that I lurk, I hang out in the pets forum. I have been watching this thread since it started. I would like to join in after reading about some of the side effects of meds that are suppose to help us.
I am taking Oxsoralen-Ultra aka Methoxsalen (which is sometimes used for patients who suffer with psorasis) for 9 years for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have Mycosis Fungoides which is treatable but not curable. Interesting thing about this medicine is that I may get a treatable melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer after using it for a while since I take this medicine when I go in for my (ultraviolet) radiation. Other side effects of taking PUVA therapy is possible cataracts, itching and redness of the skin along with nausea, depression, leg cramps, must stay out of sunlight before and after treatment so that the skin will not burn or blister like a very bad suntan and contact poison control if I should overdose etc... I feel like I am in a fog all the time because my memory is shot. Whew. Is there anyone taking puva and have the same or different side effects?.

So along with the medicine and the side effects for blood pressure, arthritis and pulmonary problems, I feel like a walking medicine cabinet. All the physicians that treat me, say that none of the medicine that I am taking is clashing with anything else. I seriously do not believe that though. Is that fair to say?.
I will continue to watch this thread and learn about what others' have to go through to get or stay well.
Thanks for a good subject.
Torriesmom, Ivy

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Torriesmom, I was once put on an anti-depressant for S.A.D. the doctors swore had no side-effects. Two years later it was taken off the market because of the horrible side-effects. YES!!! You can say you don't think the doctors are right. *Kay*

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Hi Ivy, welcome aboard. You'll find all of us in pretty much the same boat. Think we've met before on Pets forum.
I went to RxList site My favorite drug site cause it gives info to doctors as well as patients. I also like webmd. the link to Oxsoralen-ultra on RxList is-
This got you to the site. But you will have to click on O, than scroll down to Oxsoralen Ultra. LMK if you have trouble.
How bad is your psorisis? I have it too for abt 20 yrs. I was using Ultravate cream but have changed to a cheaper version. Mine flares up when i'm ill,depressed or very upset. Right now it's only on my left leg. Recent research points to it being an auto immune disease.
WebMD SAID TO MAKE SURE YOU GOT THE SAME BRAND EVERYTIME. as DIFFERENT BRANDS VARY IN INGREDIENTS. I say always question your doctors attitudes about side effects. Ask your pharmacist too. Theres more and more info on line, you just have to make sure you get a reliable source. Webmd and RxList are good sites and FDA is even better but i could'nt find the capsules there, only the ointment.

New York, NY(Zone 6b)

I know that I am not alone thinking that. But there are so many people that do not question the ones who prescribe the medicine. If you do not do research, you are left in the dark. At least I have an idea of what to expect and if the side effects get to be too much, I can at least speak about it. Some people just think that it is a normal feeling to feel odd or out of sorts at times. I hear "I must be getting old" more times than you would believe. So it is expected to have blurry vision, dry mouth or skin rashes that never clear up because everything has "side effects". Oh dear, what can we do?. Sometimes it is a new drug and I ask for one of the older drugs because of the time that it has been on the market. I find that many drugs are not tested long enough. So when the MD says to let him know how it worked, I really believe that the results of each patient are sent to the phamaceutical company. So now I am a guinea pig?.


New York, NY(Zone 6b)

I do not have psoriasis. I have mycosis fungoides, (CTCL aka cutaneous t-cell lymphoma) a slow growing cancer in some of the white blood cells that become malignant. Diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma, there is different types or forms that are treated differently. I am prescribed the oxsoralen ultra because that inhibits the spotting and lesions on the skin, at least in my case. I was originally misdiagnosed with psoriasis and eczema for a long time until a couple of biopsies was done. If you google, you will see what it looks like.

Vickie, thanks for the RxList.com info, I looked up non-hodgkins lymphoma. Very interesting, I never visited there before.


This message was edited Sep 28, 2009 1:08 AM

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Welcome, Ivy! To the nut-house, where we're all trying to make sense of nonsensical, 'scientific' evidence.

I've been having a hard time organizing my meds recently; Medicare part D will only pay for a 30-day supply at once, but they don't all run out at the same time. (Why? I dunno.) So I'm constantly running out of things and making emergency trips to the pharmacy, I think I take about 12 different Rx.s at different times of day and usually my daughter organizes them for me. Recently about 10 1mg Klonazepams went missing. Should we be worried? That's enough to kill yourself with. And why do the MDs only give me 2 refills of stuff I take every day?

New York, NY(Zone 6b)

You are so right about it being nonsensical. Maybe the reason why you only get 2 refills at a time is to keep you at the MD's office so they can charge you a fee, co-payment or justify the unreasonable cost for medicare payments etc for every office visit. It is a huge money making business. For years, I used to visit the oncologist every 3 months for a follow up visit even though I was not having problems or changes with my skin or lymph nodes. My prescription Oxsoralen ultra has 50 pills in the bottle, I take 4 a month, (so that bottle will last me awhile). Last month I was told to come back in 6 months. I am thinking that my health insurance is either giving them problems or threatened to not pay for these visits as they were considered by me as excessive.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Torrys mom, I hate to say things that could frighten people. The alternative is for people to not know what they should. The instructions for the doctor on your Oxsoralen was to monitor you carefully. Every six months is hardly carefully. This is a dangerous drug. Bug the heck out of your doctors nurse and your pharmacist. Maybe you can get through to your doctor. You can also write an e-mail to the FDA website how often you get seen. They do invite comments. Lately they have been trying to stay on top of things.
Gee do i agree about health insurance. Even when this health care bill is passed it'll be 4 years before it takes affect.
My DD,s pain doctor told her that the FDA was monotoring some medications closely since so much private meds were being stolen by teens. DD is constantly pitching a fit also about the 30 day limit.
I can't help but wonder about that limit myself. Because neither of us have any young people at all.

New York, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I agree that the medicine is dangerous, will check to see often I should be seen by my doctor according to the FDA website and pharmaceutical company.

Talk to you tonight, going to work.
TM - Ivy

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