Rhubarb turning yellow and dying?

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

I planted 3 rhubarb roots earlier this spring in a raised bed composed of about half native soil (=clay) and half compost. In the past two weeks, the leaves have been turning blotchy yellow, then brown, and dying. The stalks have also been going limp and dying as well. They have had adequate water (it usually rains a lot in the spring here) and I have beans and peas planted right next to them that are thriving. Help!


Colton, CA(Zone 8b)

phuggins, check the roots to see if they are rotting. Maybe they have been getting too much water. I don't grow rubarb so I cannot offer any plant specific wisdom. Don

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I've had a very hard time getting new rhubarb plants to take. Only one of 6 has made it in the last two years and it arrived stronger than the other five. It seems to me that the rhubarb base can rot out easily when planted in the spring if it is give too much water or if it is planted where there is poor drainage. Mine actually seemed a bit spongy and rotting when they arrived and I think I made it worse by watering too much once they were planted. So it sounds like you may have encountered the same problem with the over watering. Once a rhubarb takes, it really takes off! So check back with your vendor and see what they say! I am going to try a more reliable vendor next time if I can find one!

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

OK thanks :)
I received my roots from Nourse, which is a highly rated source (and they've sent me fantastic berries and brambles in the past). I put the roots in a well drained bed, but it does tend to be cool and rainy here in the spring (which might explain why my peas have been going gangbusters right next door). I'll go check for signs of root rot, and maybe send Nourse an email.

Thanks :)

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

It's interesting that you mention Nourse since I was just on their site last night looking for black currants and checked on their rhubarb. I am sure they ship really healthy specimens from all the reviews I have read. I think I will get some from them next year. Meanwhile the rain continues to undermine a lot of planting. I, too, am waiting for peas and beans to come up and hope they don't rot before they germinate. This is a very wet spring for us! Good luck with the rhubarb. I would call Nourse and get their advice. And I will be interested in what they have to say for my future planting as well! Good luck!


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