What's Happening in Your neighborhood-visit with friends #19

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The BIG deal for me .. was how ASTILLBE like they are .. and I totally cannot grow Astillbe !!!!
They are a wonderful accent plant in a large bed ..

The furnace has come on twice in the last hour ..
Tomorrow IS July 1st .. right ??

ONE more pic .. a Tiger Lilly :-)

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Really pretty lily. Hope it doesn't rain where you are for Canada Day. They say it's likely to here. Will put a damper on the celebrations, but I think I'm just hoping to get in some gardening.


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Lovely Lily Ms M. Warm and sunny for us for the next days. The lawn is going brown, the lavender has gone to seed, the fox tail lilies are almost done flowering and we've had 2 cherry tomatoes off the plant. Drove to Nanaimo to meet the folks half way, had lunch then back home. Quiet evening tonight, will sort our camping gear tomorrow to see what's good to go and what needs work. Hope everyone is doing well.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy CANADA DAY everyone...we've rain in my neck of the woods, hope it's sunshine in yours...what do you all have planned..I celebrated last Sat. forgot to tell you all what I was up to..best I check the local newspaper this weekend, hoping NOT to be in it..lol

My hairdresser is off Friday and working today, so my day off will be making me pretty with a perm...if it ever stops raining, working in the garden, please please stop, it's that or clean my workshop and laundry room..lol

Enjoy your day!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)


Thunder Bay is going to be rainy and cool .. in fact .. the furnace ran most of the night !!

MAY go to one of the local nurseries that is open and having a HUGE sale on trees and shrubs (30-40% off) I usually plant a tree or a shrub every summer .. right now I am in the throes of 'WHICH ONE .. and .. WHERE will it go'?
Lotsa places to plant but .. I would like to be able to SEE what is planted from somewhere in the house.
Honeysuckle and Ivory Silk are on my 'short List' .. but .. once I get to the nursery that'll fly out the window I am sure !!!
REALLY like Forsythia too ...
Stay tuned for my 'vacillating purchase' LoL

BBQ tonight .. or .. will it be GEORGE FOREMAN to the rescue !!

Enjoy your day where ever you are ^_^


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by DonM47

HAPPY CANADA DAY - to you and yours :-)))


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy Canada Day!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HEYA :-)

Well .. I did go to the nursery .. and I purchased TOO much .. however .. WHATEVER ^_^

I got Forsithiya, a Honeysuckle, a split leaved Sumac and a Weigela .. all are planted but the Sumac ..
Have pics that I'll post later ..

Off and on day here .. waiting on the fireworks to start ... Lilly will be a titch nervous ..



This message was edited Jul 1, 2009 6:52 PM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Forgot this :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

Boy - did you EVER move us over lol Did you hiccup?
With all this guidance I "think" I can find us......... :-)


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