Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: Time To Haul The Plants, 3 by Gitagal

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Photo of Time To Haul The Plants
Gitagal wrote:
I did stick the short stem (petiole?) in the soil a bit.
Need to check and see if it is still in the soil. if not--I will have to put something
with a bit of weight on top of it to keep it in.

Even though all my little cuts may not be in direct contact with the soil, they are
close enough to start sending feeler-roots out. I checked--petiole is still buried...

The Produce Dept. in Grocery stores is a Mother Lode of containers for seeds
and cuttings. Winter-sowing too.
The 2lb or 3lb grape containers make awesome mini-greenhouses.

I have to ask you some other questions--but not here...don't want to hi-jack this thread too much.

Will post some pictures of my "Jungle" in the house when everything is properly
situated. Most of my stuff is in.
Today--figuring out where to keep my gorgeous Tropical Hibiscus for the winter.
So far I have decided to keep it in the corner of my DR, where I had the card table
full of AV's, under the same hanging, 100W light,
I am not sure what, or how, to go about cutting it back NOW and keeping it dormant
and semi-dry in my Shop. I don't want to lose it! This is my 1st Hibiscus i am growing.

What would you advise?
--keep it as it is now (in bud) and let grow and bloom all through winter in the house
--Cut back in early spring--do a good root-pruning and re-pot in good, amended soil.
--Keep it dormant, as is, in my shop--let all the leaves drop and water sparingly .
Then cut it back in spring, etc...etc....

Would you know the name of my Hibiscus? Here she be!!!!
It is so strong-stemmed and the leaves are shiny and firm and puckered.
Bought it at my HD--it was just this big, beautiful ALL GREEN plant. Not one bud on it.
But it said "pink" on the pot....I knew I had to get it....
Had a lot of issues in the beginning with White Fly...lots of spraying...Not surprised,
as my big, old, white Azalea bush has white fly on it every year. They just hopped on over.

Thanks, Pal. Gita