Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Need help...I would like to grow various oak/maple seedlings, 0 by shortleaf

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Photo of Need help...I would like to grow various oak/maple seedlings
shortleaf wrote:
Wow, look at you, geek! And the seeds are even supposed to be from a southern source?
I think that's a much better plan even if you can't be down there. I'd expect some not to make it due to dry spells or squirrels but you might at least get half to make it. I'd try to make sure the pots can't fall over and dump out.

I'm of the opinion that artificial lighting isn't nearly adequate for plants. I once saw somewhere that a plant 6 inches from a plant bulb is only getting roughly half of the light it would get from the sun. I have 3 shoplites and 4 electric lanterns with plant bulbs in them for houseplants and marginals that can't be left outside during the winter. I don't think deciduous trees can be grown successfully in fake lighting then put in a different climate in the sun. Here's my biggest setup and I'm out of room, those are houseplants, tropicals and marginals. -