Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Terrarium Growers... WHere are you?, 3 by anne32132

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Photo of Terrarium Growers... WHere are you?
anne32132 wrote:
I have a aquarium which I turned into a terrarium. I am starting over with cacti.....I like low maintenance for indoor as I have so much outside to take care of. any suggestions. The terrarium does not have a cover on it and is placed in the front window which receives filtered or full light just depending on the time of day. I would like to add some color. At the moment I have two cacti with a bright yellow top and another w/ a bright red top. Not sure of the names.there is a pitcher plant in a pot in there as well, which I have placed on a ceramic deco so the pitchers can hang. in a pot outside, I have two orchids, one is a Cattleya and the other is unknown given to me from a has much smallereaves. Neither has bloomed yet. They are planted in an orchid mix soil. would that be okay to transfer into terrarium if so what are the recommendations on doing that?I do have a jade plant in there at the current time just awaiting replacement with cactus. The Jade does love it though. another option would be adding flowers along with the cacti. I need plants that do not lean towards the light has terrarium is very heavy cannot be turned. thank you everybody and any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Happy gardening!