Photo by Melody

Mid-South Gardening: OCTOBER time for 'mums and pumpkins!, 0 by marsue

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Photo of OCTOBER     time for 'mums and pumpkins!
marsue wrote:
I hope all goes well with Jerry's mom and the home health nurse is able to help ya'll get get her meds straight.

I talked to Kathy Ann on Facebook earlier this morning when they were on their way over to Jim's. I told them I hoped they all had a great time, which was really not necessary for me to say. I KNOW they will have a great time! LOL

Jeri, you are brave to go to Wal-Mart on a Saturday. Al and I were at Wal-Mart in Mountain Home, AR yesterday (it's the closest one to us) and I had forgotten how busy they are on a Friday afternoon.

I have two new hydrangeas which I planted after our front porch was completed in early June. When we got home, they were both blooming. One of them has blooms of different colors on it. I suppose they start out blue and turn the dark pink when they mature but they sure are pretty.
1. The name of it is "Nantucket Blue" (Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Grenan').
2. The nandinas I planted in front of the porch are turning their winter color. :)
3. My Hot Lips Salvia finally decided to grow and bloom. It was really late coming back this past spring. It is the only one of three that I had that surviived last winter.
4. I think Sandra gave me this blue salvia but I can't remember the name of it right off-hand.
5. The zinnias are really showing off.